N.E.R.D. is this generation's Beatles.

i can't understand how...
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by HangTight

Not even close, they will never have that all around buzz that The Beatles had.

Plus The Beatles >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>N.E.R.D.
Came in to post that

Still, not even wu-tang is comparable to how huge the beatles were. Closest thing though.


Refer to my original post:

Obviously, not nearly as popular, though.

I'm not arguing that their popularity is comparable to that of The Beatles... that would be a stupid, losing argument. They are the most popular band in the history of the world; I get that.

I'm not arguing that they are better than The Beatles (although, I haven't heard all of The Beatles' albums to be able to make a judgment... and don't start with that, "It's blasphemous to say any other artist or band even nears their talent", etc.) because it's all relative.

I'm saying that I think the bands share similar sounds. In other words, I was reminded of N.E.R.D. when I heard the SPLHCB album. I could see N.E.R.D. covering a Beatles' song. Maybe I need to listen to more Beatles albums to get a more informed opinion, though I wouldn't imagine that the sound would change dramatically between albums.

Is that a reach? Maybe. But don't think that I'm arguing something as idiotic to argue as N.E.R.D. is as popular as the Beatles (definite "no") or that N.E.R.D. is better/as good as The Beatles (you can't quantify and compare each band's talent or change anyone's opinion).

You need to listen to more Beatles albums. SPLHCD is probably the Beatles most "out there" and different album. Their music grew with them and hasa different sound on almost every album they've made.
LMAO ... hellllllllllllll no ... if there is any GROUP that is close to the Beatles type of fam during our generation ... as of the moment it would have to beThe Jonas Brothers ... just look @ how their fans react to them ... it is on a smaller scale than that of beatlemania, and their music doesn't compare @ALL on the Beatles level ... but fan-wise ... i would say they are very very close
LMAO pharrell doesn't even know how to play a guitar. You're saying a singer who doens't know how to play any live instruments, his hype man (Shae)who yells, and their technical musician geek (Chad) are relatively comparable to THE beatles? LOL.

The Beatles redefined popular music. Recording. They were doing crazy innovative things in their times. .........N.E.R.D? LOL.

This is like saying Chris Brown is this generation's Marvin Gaye.
I don't even listen to The Beatles like that but:

The Beatles>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>every single recording artist or band ever
EPIC FAIL, Not even in the same league.

KOBE >>>>>>> your local high school star

someone (probably OP) already posted this nonsense a while ago.. why bring it back up?

NERD might be the greatest band to you.. but even you cant believe they're anywhere near the beatles much less the sgt peppers album ...

i cant make the stoneface big enough to match the ******ness of that statement so here's a regular one:
Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

ThunderChunk69 wrote:

Wu Tang maybe
Came in to post that

Still, not even wu-tang is comparable to how huge the beatles were. Closest thing though.

I still can't forget that thread were n_'s had the audacity to say the Roc>the Wu in their respective primes

Word, there has been many absurd statements about groups being better than Wu
This is coming from someone who loves N.E.R.D. and actually worked "In Search Of..."......

You're bugging. HARD.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Aww I feel bad for OP he's like the kid who gets picked on for peeing in his pants even though he just spilt water on his pants. I understand you OP but no one else is so pack it up. Ya done
Yeah, it's hard explaining things to 6-year-olds. They don't know how to read very well at that age. Thanks, though.

I always felt the same way... so WE'RE on the same page my dude...

Thank you too.

LMAO ... hellllllllllllll no ... if there is any GROUP that is close to the Beatles type of fam during our generation ... as of the moment it would have to be The Jonas Brothers ... just look @ how their fans react to them ... it is on a smaller scale than that of beatlemania, and their music doesn't compare @ ALL on the Beatles level ... but fan-wise ... i would say they are very very close

Didn't even read.

You need to listen to more Beatles albums. SPLHCD is probably the Beatles most "out there" and different album. Their music grew with them and has a different sound on almost every album they've made.

Fair enough. Like I said, I've only listened to SPLHCB out of all of The Beatles' albums. Maybe if I listen to more of their material, I will get amore well-informed opinion on the overall sound of The Beatles. As of now, though, with my extensive knowledge of N.E.R.D. material and The Beatles'SPLHCB, I believe that the two bands share a similar sound.

Most of you are too hung-up on the title of the thread, and can't derive a deeper meaning from my subsequent explanations.

N.E.R.D. is nowhere near as popular as The Beatles (that means fan base, influence, impact on the world, etc.). That's a fact. (By the way, I wonder ifmost of you have listened to all/most of The Beatles' material, or if you are just regurgitating what you've heard in Rolling Stone magazine, or seen on VH1's 100 Greatest Rock Bands or some %%+%.)

Apparently, N.E.R.D. was influenced by The Beatles. Yes, "go figure", because I'm not going to assume that EVERY band that has emerged since TheBeatles was influenced by them.

Me, to N.E.R.D.: "So you were influenced by The Beatles? Yes? Oh, okay. Because you do sound a lot likethem."

That's what I'm saying.

And like I've said before, tell me of a band of OUR generation (I'd say late 80's? to now) that sounds MORE like The Beatles than N.E.R.D. Manybands might have been influenced by The Beatles, but not all of them make it as apparent in their music as N.E.R.D., in my opinion. That's where I got thethread title from. Maybe the wording was a mistake on my part, although I didn't think that so many people would take the thread title at my entire,unabridged argument.

Read, people.
LMAO ... hellllllllllllll no ... if there is any GROUP that is close to the Beatles type of fam during our generation ... as of the moment it would have to be The Jonas Brothers ... just look @ how their fans react to them ... it is on a smaller scale than that of beatlemania, and their music doesn't compare @ ALL on the Beatles level ... but fan-wise ... i would say they are very very close

Didn't even read.

if you read it you'd see the point ... i 2nd ur stoneface
The only issue is, why would you make a comparison if, by your own admission, you aren't educated enough on the reference material to make such acomparison?
People concurring with the OP doesn't know jack about the Beatles. Only group that might be comparable to the Beatles is Radiohead.
^ thats still an outlandish comparison..

no active band is like the beatles...possibly floyd or zeppelin...but no one really active.
Originally Posted by Feasting Horns

People concurring with the OP doesn't know jack about the Beatles. Only group that might be comparable to the Beatles is Radiohead.

Just as outlandish
To the OP,

and this is coming from a huge N.E.R.D. fan.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Originally Posted by Feasting Horns

People concurring with the OP doesn't know jack about the Beatles. Only group that might be comparable to the Beatles is Radiohead.

Just as outlandish
To the OP,

and this is coming from a huge N.E.R.D. fan.
I never said I believe it, but people saying so make a pretty good argument.
I've never seen you in the Music Forum and you're not welcome back after that one.
Originally Posted by The Encore

LMAO ... hellllllllllllll no ... if there is any GROUP that is close to the Beatles type of fam during our generation ... as of the moment it would have to be The Jonas Brothers ... just look @ how their fans react to them ... it is on a smaller scale than that of beatlemania, and their music doesn't compare @ ALL on the Beatles level ... but fan-wise ... i would say they are very very close

Didn't even read.

if you read it you'd see the point ... i 2nd ur stoneface

I meant that YOU didn't read what I said. I've already said multiple times that I'm not comparing the popularity of the two bands.

The only issue is, why would you make a comparison if, by your own admission, you aren't educated enough on the reference material to make such a comparison?

At what point will my comparison be valid? If I listen to 1 more album, 2, 3, all of them? I know SP very well, and a lot of it sounds like stuff that N.E.R.D.would make.

Like I said before, I ONLY know about SPLHCB (other than Beatles songs that you hear all the time on commercials, i.e. Let it be, Yellow submarine, etc.)

SPLHCB sounds like N.E.R.D. material. I'm sticking by that. I just wanted to know if anyone else agreed with me, but people are reading my thread title andother people's responses and trying to flame me now. That's why I'm getting sick of NT. There's no dialogue, only a submission of anidea/opinion, and acceptance or denial (with ridicule sprinkled throughout).

Am I mad? Yes.

But not because my "feelings got hurt" (which they didn't...
). It's that I'm trying to get a point across and very few people arelistening, and/or allowing me to try and explain myself.

Go ahead, cue the "U mad?" pictures and .gifs.
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