N-word substitutions... reminder on the rules...

Originally Posted by Method Man

Are we allowed to use that word that describes an Asian martial artist?
No. This has BEEN the case. No variants, period. They're not cute. They're not clever. They're certainly not respectful - and they're not allowed.

If you can't post on NikeTalk without attempting to use or create childish substitutes for racial slurs, then you just can't post here. That's not open to debate, either.

This is nothing new, either, people are just ignoring the posted warnings and they're getting banned for it.

Understood. No substitutes at all.
Originally Posted by DA MATRIX 1

Originally Posted by MrBoss2You

everyone replace "ninja" with "chuck" (as in chuck norris) and we should all be fine.

so chuck is the new edited version of the martial artist now i think im gonna start saying Sen say

"chill with that sen say "

"chill chuck "

Yoink! I'm usin it.
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

I'm guessing GTFOHWTBS and the like are still acceptable.


No substitutes, that includes the first letter of a word that would be filtered otherwise.
Partially edited profanity such as "@+#", "%%#!*"
how the hell is that partially edited anything? that is just gibberish.... when you type a censored word that automatically comes up. so we wouldget banned for that?
can we please get the censored icon back instead of the "%#^$%^@" that comes up its much easier on the eyes
Originally Posted by SchruteFarms

Partially edited profanity such as "@+#", "%%#!*"
how the hell is that partially edited anything? that is just gibberish.... when you type a censored word that automatically comes up. so we would get banned for that?

I think the word that was typed is censored so it came up like that. I'm not sure what exactly was being written but I imagine its something "ish" which is filtered.
can we please get the censored icon back instead of the "%#^$%^@" that comes up its much easier on the eyes
People OD'd on that, and they RELIED on it way too much to activate automatically and save them from themselves.

The point is for people to show each other respect. Nobody NEEDS to curse in order to communicate and, if you think you do, perhaps you just need to step yourvocabulary up.

If you think the #(%&( looks silly - GOOD. Stop cursing then.
In all seriousness, sometime it amazes me how people can't type in a discussion board without saying the "N" word or using lots of profanity.

The sad thing is that I know thats how some people communicate in real life.

I guess the older you get the more you look at things differently.

I used to curse a lot because that's just how I grew up, now I rarely use any of those words.

Go figure....
Originally Posted by buggz05

Can I say "negro"? I believe that is not a derogatory term(?)

Is that so? Why don't you hear people use it anymore? Just out of fashion, perhaps?
No, that's not acceptable. It's not 1963. That termis offensive to a great many people.

If you're straining to find a substitute, that should be a signal that you're going against the spirit of the rule. The goal here is to expressourselves RESPECTFULLY - and the use of racial slurs or crude substitutes is anything but respectful.
Originally Posted by Method Man

Originally Posted by buggz05

Can I say "negro"? I believe that is not a derogatory term(?)

Is that so? Why don't you hear people use it anymore? Just out of fashion, perhaps?
No, that's not acceptable. It's not 1963. That term is offensive to a great many people.

If you're straining to find a substitute, that should be a signal that you're going against the spirit of the rule. The goal here is to express ourselves RESPECTFULLY - and the use of racial slurs or crude substitutes is anything but respectful.

Not necessarily a substitute of a racial slur, but a word that is still used today and is not seen as offensive. I honestly can say that I don't knowany black people that take offense to the word "negro". But out of respect for the rules I will not use it. Out of respect for black people as awhole...if someone post here that it IS offensive I would not use it in real life.

I will now say "home skillet" ftw.
I honestly can say that I don't know any black people that take offense to the word "negro".
Really? You must not know that many people.

Then, too, you have to consider the issue of context. If you're speaking with someone face to face, it's easier to gauge how they mean something. Youmay know white people who don't mind the term "honky," but would they consider it respectful for a bunch of anonymous strangers to try and throwthat term around constantly?

The point is that you're talking about a term with historical connotations that has often been used disparagingly and is frequently interpreted asoffensive. So, out of respect for your fellow members I'd certainly appreciate it if you would refrain from using it and similar terms.
Originally Posted by Method Man

I honestly can say that I don't know any black people that take offense to the word "negro".
Really? You must not know that many people.

Then, too, you have to consider the issue of context. If you're speaking with someone face to face, it's easier to gauge how they mean something. You may know white people who don't mind the term "honky," but would they consider it respectful for a bunch of anonymous strangers to try and throw that term around constantly?

The point is that you're talking about a term with historical connotations that has often been used disparagingly and is frequently interpreted as offensive. So, out of respect for your fellow members I'd certainly appreciate it if you would refrain from using it and similar terms.

On the contrary I know many black people

But I fail to see the relation of the words, "honky" and "Negro". I would agree that the term "honky" is derogative, but theterm "Negro" is more of a, term, for a racial category in the same proportion as "Caucasian". In history classes today they refer to theblack race as "Negro", as in "Negroid", just as "Caucasian" is to "Caucasoid". And this may be because of oureducation's shortcomings, but I've always heard this term used in a respectful manner. Take The United Negro College Fund for instance, they use theterm "Negro" in the name of their foundation, as means to portray black persons further educating their lives and "moving on up". But ofcourse the NAACP would be a mirror example that would further prove what you are saying.

But still, I believe if anybody used the term "Negro" in an offensive, derogative and disrespectful way to down talk a person of black origins...I am sure that person would be laughed at hysterically by black, mulatto and white people alike; and would be served an "Uber Fail" for trying to be disrespectful.

I can see if someone used the term "Negro" in the same context of "you people" and how that is offensive, but only in that context. Theterm in general should not be offensive, but proper to an extent (as far as I know).

But I take it that you, Method Man, are black and can declare that "Negro" is in fact offensive to you? And that same question goes to any otherblack member on this board. Please fill me in.

It's not that I'm trying to find a substitute for the specific word under discussion, because there are many substitutes for that word that aresuitable, such as friend, homey etc..I was just throwing "Negro" out there because I thought of it as a better term for black people(and others who prefer to act black) to use when addressing others in their brotherhood, casually.

But I fail to see the relation of the words, "honky" and "Negro". I would agree that the term "honky" is derogative, but the term "Negro" is more of a, term, for a racial category in the same proportion as "Caucasian". In history classes today they refer to the black race as "Negro", as in "Negroid", just as "Caucasian" is to "Caucasoid".
Did your teacher tell you where that actually COMES from?

In 1776, German anthropologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach's On the Natural Varieties of Mankind introduced the world to five races:Caucasian, Mongolian, Ethiopian, American, and Malay. Today, they're perhaps better known as white, yellow, black, red, and brown, respectively. Blumenbach's methodology relied on phrenology, the long discredited practice of using skull shape as an indicator for intelligence, personality traits,etc.

Blumenbach believed the Caucasus was the origin of the white race due to the ludicrous and incredibly subjective belief that the most beautiful skulls hestudied came from that region.They were "the most handsome and becoming," having "the most beautiful form of the skull."It followed, atleast to Blumenbach, that the most beautiful people were self-evidently the purest - and thus the Caucasus must be the origin of humanity. All other races, heclaimed, diverged from this white prototype.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, those five races were simplified to three: Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid. So, to say it's the"technical" term is sort of like saying that earth, wind, fire, water, and phlogiston are technical terms describing the natural elements. It'sa false typology, and just as "mongoloid" is considered offensive, so, too, is "negroid" and its derivatives. In understanding how thistypology was created and deployed, I'm sure you can appreciate why people reject it.

I can see if someone used the term "Negro" in the same context of "you people" and how that is offensive, but only in that context. The term in general should not be offensive, but proper to an extent (as far as I know).

Just look at how people were using "n_." "This n_....
" etc. Replace that with "negro." Is that much of an improvement? We said no substitutes. We don't want people using"ninja" in its place. Why would we allow this?

Describe to me a situation where you think it SHOULD be used.

Look at how Eddie Murphy uses the word in this classic skit, for example:

Take The United Negro College Fund for instance, they use the term "Negro" in the name of their foundation, as means to portray black persons further educating their lives and "moving on up".
I'm gonna ignore the "moving on up" reference for the moment...

The UNCF was founded in 1944. At that time, that was the prevailing terminology. It's a testament to that era,not ours. There's a reason why recent organizations do NOT incorporate that term.

You look at who, traditionally, has held the power to name, to define, to categorize via typology. The term"negroid" had no currency in African societies, just like "Indian" meant nothing to indigenous North American populations. Thesearen't self-identified categories we're talking about. They're imposed categories.
^ I mean true all that. But today in society I hear the word "negro" on the radio, television etc. all the time. In professional environmentsregarding black people spoken to black people, I hear statements such as "...and then he used a derogatory term for negro

I could care less about the term "negro" on this board really, I don't use it anyway. But the fact that we could be running into trouble for*censoring* ourselves seems so off balance.

What I really want to say is if we are going to be so peculiar on certain "substitutes" of words...like "negro" and "ninja" forinstance (which I believe is more of an NT term, that is somewhat creative and pretty much harmless); you might as well just eliminate negativity as a whole.

We are not allowed to say "This ninja SMH" or "this ninja
" but we can say things such as "this fool" "thisidiot" "this dude" "this guy", they all have the same connotations as what we are discussing now.

I understand you guys may be trying to push us to further our way of communicating in the most respectful manner, but how is censoring yourself a bad thing?Sure, you can read through censorship, but even in real conversation you can read through censorship or substitution of "offensive terms and slang"for more "proper" words that have the same direction. Especially considering censoring yourself in a real conversation is the respectful thing to do.

Honestly I don't wanna see a fellow beloved poster get banned for posting something like "&#@!@". I mean "$@$#" could beinterpreted as "AAHHHH" or "GRRRR" in context of frustration.

Idk, I'm not here to protest or rebel, it just feels like you guys are reaching and I would like to add perspective.

IMO negativity is NT's biggest downfall...theres just too much of it and it takes away from the fun of being here. And if we are going to be so strict, youshould just ban anything that has to do with "downtalk".

"...and then he used a derogatory term for negro ".
It's widely considered less offensive than the alternative "n-word." That doesn't meanyou should go around using it at whim, for the reasons stated in my previous post. However, we're going to enforce this largely on the basis of context. My point is that you can't use that word as yet another "n-word substitute." That should make sense. We don't want people using racialslurs on NT, period. When people try to get cute and get around it, we need to close those perceived loopholes.

Kids used to try the same nonsense when I was in elementary school. They'd say "Shut the..... front door." etc. It's just that childishand, as a community, I'd like to think we're better than that.
Honestly I don't wanna see a fellow beloved poster get banned for posting something like "&#@!@". I mean "$@$#" could be interpreted as "AAHHHH" or "GRRRR" in context of frustration.
The part of the original post that includes $*&# etc. is quoting words on our rules page that have been added to the profanity filter and soappear as #*(&#. We're not going to ban you if the profanity filter kicks in or if you type #*(%& in exasperation, etc. HOWEVER, we have to makedeterminations based on context to prevent abuse. If someone replies to your post with "#(%& you!" we're going to interpret that as apersonal attack. The individual who created the post may very well counter with a childish defense like "well I didn't mean that, I meant FORGET you." Right, and that's why it had to be censored...

You're not going to get banned unless you're being disrespectful. Just banning people for typing #(%&* doesn't serve any constructive purpose. Eliminating the loopholes people utilize in order to disrespect their fellow members, however, is important in maintaining the type of positive atmosphere wecan all enjoy.
We are not allowed to say "This ninja SMH" or "this ninja
" but we can say things such as "this fool" "this idiot" "this dude" "this guy", they all have the same connotations as what we are discussing now.
First of all, we don't want people using racial slurs or variants to try to sneak in a racial slur substitute. That's disrespectfulREGARDLESS of context.

Second, users are NOT allowed to disrespect one another. Personal attacks have always been against the rules. You can't say "Dirtylicious is anidiot." We have allowed users to say "Mike D'Antoni is an idiot," "George Bush is an idiot," etc.
However, as stated in our rules, Derogatory comments regarding race, ethnic background, language, gender, sexual orientation orreligion are strictly prohibited.

This isn't about changing the rules, it's about making sure people don't break the existing rules. We don't allow peopleto buy or sell outside the buy/sell forums. If somebody starts a post and says "Man, those Flightposites are so hot... I wish there were some way I couldget them.... in a size 10... wink." That's an attempt to get around the rule. The same is true for attempts to insult other members using indirectreferences or using abbreviations to disparage homosexuality. We don't allow that.

This is NOT a new policy - it's just a policy that, for whatever reason, people don't seem to understand. So, we're trying to give people fairwarning, AGAIN, to prevent people from getting banned.
at the end of the day , its not that serious . this board will be fine without the abbreviations
"mongoloid" is considered offensive
Is it really ? I see it as more of a misnomer hinting towards a ******ed person than an actual offensive term used towards mongoloids [in theracial/gene sense of the term]. Of course most people think the term refers specifically to a mentally handicapped person, hell even in spanish"Mongolico" is used in the same way, few people know what ""Mongoloide" is used for. But is it really considered offensive if used torefer to a person of the Mongoloid group ?
I see it as more of a misnomer hinting towards a ******ed person than an actual offensive term used towards mongoloids
You don't see how that connection would be offensive? If Caucasian simultaneously meant White and "mentally handicapped," I doubtpeople would use it as readily to describe themselves.

The term "mongoloid" is pejorative, all the more so when we acknowledge its history.
this thread is deep. SMH, black people why yall gotta be so cursed with negativity? What's really good?
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