N-word substitutions... reminder on the rules...

just bring back the censore icon...

theres no way to keep up with subs or deteemine what is and isn't a sub
Originally Posted by seaner23

i'm just curious, and looking for a serious answer...why MUST you use words like that, or try desperately to find acceptable substitutions? i mean can't you just be civil and say "this guy", or "dude", or "man", etc? and i'm not just talking about while on NT, but how about in real life with your boys? lets start a revolution right here on good old NT and start ridding the world of nonsense.

Originally Posted by breakinyourankles

This was asked, but I'm not sure of the answer. So i'm gonna get this cleared. We can or cannot use

Not as a substitute for racial slurs.
Similarly, if you were to direct it AT someone (e.g.
you, Dirtylicious!) that would also be against the rules.

Another clarification on "partially edited profanity," since people are having trouble with the concept, that INCLUDES abbreviations/acronyms. Saying "ST_U" to somebody will get you banned.
Just for clarification, *****rd is completely legit, and hasno racial connotations whatsoever. Fanatic said so.
Originally Posted by Method Man

Originally Posted by breakinyourankles

This was asked, but I'm not sure of the answer. So i'm gonna get this cleared. We can or cannot use

Not as a substitute for racial slurs.
Similarly, if you were to direct it AT someone (e.g.
you, Dirtylicious!) that would also be against the rules.

Another clarification on "partially edited profanity," since people are having trouble with the concept, that INCLUDES abbreviations/acronyms. Saying "ST_U" to somebody will get you banned.

does that mean i cant say "IFTSOOH"?
Just for clarification, *****rd is completely legit, and has no racial connotations whatsoever. Fanatic said so.
So we can't say naggers? Cuz I hate naggers. They're so annoying!
Again, and I think we've made this quite clear by now, we're not going to tolerate substitutes and that's going to be determined viacontext. We don't currently ban people for saying "ninja gaiden for the NES was the hardest game ever." People using "ninja" as asubstitute for a racial slur, however, will be suspended or banned.

If you're intentionally using a word like that to irritate people, you're trolling. If you use it as a substitute for a racial slur, you'reviolating the rules. If you're using it innocuously and in the proper context, though both of those examples are so spurious that's difficult toenvision, then you have nothing to worry about.

Make sense?

does that mean i cant say "IFTSOOH"?
Originally Posted by Method Man

Make sense?


Basically I can't use anything as a substitute for a racial slur. But if used in natural context or substitute for something other than aracial slur, like for instance substituting "ninja" for "homeboy", then I'm good.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by Method Man

Make sense?


Basically I can't use anything as a substitute for a racial slur. But if used in natural context or substitute for something other than a racial slur, like for instance substituting "ninja" for "homeboy", then I'm good.


Ouch. He kinda got you there, Meth.

But it doesn't really matter...

I don't understand why people don't get it. If someone calls another person the "N-word" it's offensive because of what it means, nothow it sounds or is read. Substituting another word for the slur doesn't change its connotation, only its presentation. Same thing with the abbreviationslike "@*$", it doesn't exactly say the "F-word" but come on... we know what it means. It still adds negativity to the board that somepeople don't want here.

EDIT: Nevermind. Why would you substitute "ninja" or "homeboy"? Homeboy isn't an offensive word, you wouldn't need a replacement."Ninja" is already well-known as a substitute for the "N-word" on NT, so why would you want to confuse your meaning by substituting it for"homeboy"?
But if used in natural context or substitute for something other than a racial slur, like for instance substituting "ninja" for "homeboy", then I'm good.
How is using "ninja" to mean "homeboy" in context? The only reason people even started using it here was as a substitute fora racial slur.
What's wrong with _ ?
The same thing that's wrong with saying "your mom's a ____."

Putting a ___ under IMPLIED disrespect is still disrespectful. We tolerate fully edited profanity, but only cases where it isn't disrespectful to someone. Slurs are, by nature, disrespectful.
Originally Posted by Method Man

What's wrong with _ ?
The same thing that's wrong with saying "your mom's a ____."

Putting a ___ under IMPLIED disrespect is still disrespectful. We tolerate fully edited profanity, but only cases where it isn't disrespectful to someone. Slurs are, by nature, disrespectful.

What if we don't imply disrespect?

like somebody says something absurd ...can i just type "______________ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " as a response ?
Are you guys seriously fighting this hard to be able to say negro, ninja, or whatever?

Just don't say it, it's not hard.
like somebody says something absurd ...can i just type "______________ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " as a response ?
Yeah, I don't care about that. If people find a way to abuse it, then perhaps we'll have to reconsider.. but if your whole post is just"_______ !!!!!!" then I don't have a problem with it.

We're talking about substitutes for slurs, abbreviated profanity, and implied personal attacks. If you type #&#%(&% in frustration because yourteam lost a playoff series or something, it's whatever. We're just trying to maintain a positive, respectful environment for our fellow members.

This is really common sense. If you know you're trying to get around the rule, then expect to be called on it.
Originally Posted by Method Man

Just for clarification, *****rd is completely legit, and has no racial connotations whatsoever. Fanatic said so.
So we can't say naggers? Cuz I hate naggers. They're so annoying!
Again, and I think we've made this quite clear by now, we're not going to tolerate substitutes and that's going to be determined via context. We don't currently ban people for saying "ninja gaiden for the NES was the hardest game ever." People using "ninja" as a substitute for a racial slur, however, will be suspended or banned.

Cool, so I can still say teenage mutant ninja turtles
Originally Posted by Method Man

But if used in natural context or substitute for something other than a racial slur, like for instance substituting "ninja" for "homeboy", then I'm good.
How is using "ninja" to mean "homeboy" in context? The only reason people even started using it here was as a substitute for a racial slur.

I'm sorry what I really meant to say was "asian", in substitute for "asian".
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by Method Man

But if used in natural context or substitute for something other than a racial slur, like for instance substituting "ninja" for "homeboy", then I'm good.
How is using "ninja" to mean "homeboy" in context? The only reason people even started using it here was as a substitute for a racial slur.

I'm sorry what I really meant to say was "asian", in substitute for "asian".

that still doesn't make sense
While we are talking about this Meth/Dirty can we make it clear that substitutions for body parts/genitals aren't allowed either.
Honestly, after reading through half of the second page, I don't see how anyone can be confused about the rules. Meth laid everything out so clearly...andfairly.
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