N-word substitutions... reminder on the rules...

Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

"Dry snitchin", huh? I guess you're one of those types who tries to emulate the code of the streets into every aspect of your life, right?

First of all, grow up. Second of all, realize that expressing oneself in such a manner is only indicative of the things you lack (education, sense of worth, respect for others) rather than things you think you possess (street cred, e-cred and respect from others).

I don't find people's reasons for wanting to express themselves in such a way valid at all. It's disrespectful to have to be subject to that. I'd be embarrassed and ashamed to carry myself in such a way.

This rule should apply to other favorite keywords of certain NT'ers who feel it's perfectly ok to refer to others as "********", "snowflake" or "*********" and the whole lot.

being a little hypocritical are we?

im just sayin being a snitch is not me, i mind my own business. if it pisses you off that much, hit the report button like meth said
If it's readily apparent someone lacks education based on how they comport and express themselves, how is that an attack? That's being honest. Brutallyhonest, but there's no skirting the issue, masking or making up for another's lack of coherence and grip on something. When most of the kids here haveyet to graduate High School or College are speaking on subjects they have yet to fully experience or encounter in life, then I find that to be a very aptdescription moreso than a personal attack.

being a little hypocritical are we?
If it's readily apparent someone lacks education based on how they comport and express themselves, how is that an attack? That's being honest.
If I had a quarter for every time I've heard that line... I'd hoped you were above that level ofreasoning.

According to that argument, none of the personal attacks in PYP threads are against the rules, because if someone's ugly, they're ugly y'know? It's not a personal attack if it's the truth, right? Come on now. Most of us are grown here, that argumentdoesn't suit us.

There are racists out there who think slurs are an "apt description." Do our rules cater to their skewed conceptions of reality?

To announce to the board that someone is, in your opinion, uneducated is disrespectful and easily qualifies as a personal attack. It's disappointing that,rather than admit that you were frustrated and made a mistake, you instead introduced the very same line of argument that people are using to justify the useof racial slurs, homophobia, and other means of disrespecting and insulting other members of this community.
I don't know how making a leap from judging one's level of intellect based on the things they type and how they're able to express themselves tomaking derogatory comments about one's personal appearance or dropping a blatantly racist or homophobic comment is even close to what my reasoning is. Bythose standards I suppose saying someone is ignorant or hypocritical is just as bad as saying someone is uneducated?

You're diverging from the debate and injecting a third and fourth element/idea that doesn't even apply to this discourse to bolster your own argument.In the end you'll think that connection is absolutely valid because you are who you are and could never admit to making an error in judgment. I'mfallible and have admitted to that. I've yet to see an example where you can do the same.

With regard to our "debate", I completely disagree with you on the connection you're attempting to make by comparing intelligence to appearanceand/or sexual nature, but if that's how you see it I can only oblige since you're the administrator of this forum. Whatever you says goes even if itlacks proper logic.
Calling someone stupid is an insult.

That really ought to go without saying. We treat it as a personal attack and, now that you're aware of this, there's no excuse for it. It's arule violation and we treat it accordingly. Whatever semantic contortions you feel you need to undergo in order to save face are irrelevant to our forumpolicy as it's been interpreted for the 8+ years this site has been in operation.

If someone called you or someone you cared about "uneducated," I doubt you'd accept the rationalization that we should allow it because it's"the truth." It's an opinion - and an insulting one at that.

All else aside, I don't even think YOU agree with the argument you're mounting at this point. Unless, that is, you have absolutely no qualms withsomeone calling you uneducated. If you're forced to take that position just to be consistently contrary, recognize that there are also people whodon't think it's an insult to be referred to by a racial slur. That may be their preference, but our policy can't support thousands of individualvariations depending on each individual user's standards of what is and what is not disrespectful. Most people I've encountered would tend to agreethat calling someone "uneducated" is disrespectful. Yesterday, you might've thought so, too.

I've erred on plenty of occasions, learned from it, apologized when appropriate, and moved on. Whether you've witnessed it or not doesn't changethat and, really, whether you like me or not has nothing to do with our forum policy. Talk about "injecting something that doesn't apply to thisdiscourse"... I won't stoop to making this personal, as you've attempted.

All of this is completely extraneous to the topic at hand, of course. I was simply reminding you that, in your zeal, you'd crossed over the line ratherthan issue a warning outright. If you choose to ignore that courtesy, that's on you.

I would like to focus this thread on the rule at hand and I don't think that's asking too much. Again, if you come across any violations please reportthem to the staff and they'll be addressed.
They know well enough to avoid breaking the rules right in front of staff members.

If you intend to continue posting, I think the very least you can do is be respectful to your fellow members. Accounts shouldn't be taken for granted.
I don't appreciate attempts to derail this thread with insults.

The long statement of my constitution speech concerning this thread and everything to it (people here noted) accidently erased!


........Eyes are windows to the soul,I WILL OPEN THEM
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