natural inclination to "simp"


Jul 5, 2013
I think its innate in me... When ever I come across a chick I'm digging and I feel is deserving... I just want to take care of them and make their life easier.

Has happened about 3xs in my life.

My theory: all men want to simp... Its just varying levels of worthiness from the women needed to bring it out.

Some simp when a chick says hi. Some simp after years if marriage. Some may never simp.


And I'm using simp as an umbrella term for generally taking care of your lady... Taking her places, buying her things, putting a roof over her head, protecting her.

I know it has negative connotations but I use "simp" to replace all those actions I listed.

Someone like mugen81 or ksteezy may "simp" for their wife, but they feel its deserving

Also... I think for reasonably smart men... When you simp for one woman and she violates that... It becomes harder for the next woman to activate your simp mode.

Inb4 first post derail. I think I'm on to something fellas.

How is any of that simping? I thought simping meant putting your jacket on a puddle so she can walk on it so her shoes don't get wet and other outlandish actions like that.
How is any of that simping? I thought simping meant putting your jacket on a puddle so she can walk on it so her shoes don't get wet and other outlandish actions like that.
maybe I just have the wrong def of it.

I just wanted to use that term to sum up generally taking care of your womans wants and needs.
Simping, to me, is being subservient to your woman, pining hard for her attention while she pushes you to the back burner and generally being a weak ***, spineless sucka overall.

A man's job is to provde and protect his WOMAN, so if you're doing that for your GIRL then you're not Simping. Just a man handling his business.

Now on the other hand if you're catering to some chick who's out here in these streets, and you're leaving sappy voice mails with Brian McKnight playing in the background asking her when she's finally going to bless you with the opportunity to be able to wine and dine her then......
Logically, your theory is wrong. Just looking at it from that point of view, it has alot of holes.

First, believe it or not, not all men simp. Some don't have to(ie: money, looks, etc), and others don't for their own personal reasons.

Saying Hi isn't being a simp, or judging that you will simp after that greeting, no a simp move would be: me making a reservation to a world class hotel, with champagne, wine glass to start and then give her a gold necklace, for the first date. That's simping. It's extreme, it's hard to confuse it with being 'nice'. Nice would be holding the door, or picking your girl up from work or dropping her off.

Ksteezy is not simping... it's his wife. i don't think you know how marriages work. Anything Ksteezy does to his wife, (even the infamous 'ksteezy'd') is not simping. Wife/Husband relationship is suppose to last a long time, and it is suppose to be to the death. it isn't a 1 year relationship, no you both decided you like each other to such an extent that you will be together, 'till death do us apart'.

Simping is an extreme, i dont think you know what that word means. It's not being overly friendly or nice but an extreme measure, so much that it will appear to anyone cringe-worthy.
Now on the other hand if you're catering to some chick who's out here in these streets, and you're leaving sappy voice mails with Brian McKnight playing in the background asking her when she's finally going to bless you with the opportunity to be able to wine and dine her then......
Now that's simping

Mad beta.
And I'm using simp as an umbrella term for generally taking care of your lady... Taking her places, buying her things, putting a roof over her head, protecting her.
That's not the definition of a simp champ.  Being a simp or simping more or less is when a man does any and everything to gain "favor" with a chick when she is not deserving of that or doesn't reciprocate. 
I thought a simp was someone that does too much too soon. I guess "too soon" maybe relative, but I would say only knowing a girl for a week and all ready trying to take care of her and being all emotional is too soon. There is nothing wrong with doing all that later on, but if it is rushed it may get you taken advantage of and the girl might not even be into you like that.
And I'm using simp as an umbrella term for generally taking care of your lady... Taking her places, buying her things, putting a roof over her head, protecting her.

That's not the definition of a simp champ.  Being a simp or simping more or less is when a man does any and everything to gain "favor" with a chick when she is not deserving of that or doesn't reciprocate. 

Or grovels at their feet, or act like the world is ending when they're mad at each other after an argument. Always allows their position to be undermined, let's the other person wear the pants with no effort.

That as well as what's above is what I consider a simp.. My brother man. Smh
Yambgawd simping???
View media item 882762
say it aint so

*edit* reads thread: yeah there's a distinction, most men simp for box they'll never get. if the girl is your wifey, loyal, and goes out of her way to do things for you also then I wouldn't really call that simping, just reciprocity
We're natural providers, so you wanna provide for the right one, don't just be giving it up all around town. That's like our version of the p. I want her to look to me for comfort and support knowng I got her back in every arena. Even better if she's self sufficient when you meet and never asks for **** and picks up the bill every now and then, makes you wanna fill any holes for her even more. That **** melts my heart but I gotta be careful around those, especially in a city filled with them, they're not all worthy.
Simping, to me, is being subservient to your woman, pining hard for her attention while she pushes you to the back burner and generally being a weak ***, spineless sucka overall.

A man's job is to provde and protect his WOMAN, so if you're doing that for your GIRL then you're not Simping. Just a man handling his business.

Now on the other hand if you're catering to some chick who's out here in these streets, and you're leaving sappy voice mails with Brian McKnight playing in the background asking her when she's finally going to bless you with the opportunity to be able to wine and dine her then......
How is any of that simping? I thought simping meant putting your jacket on a puddle so she can walk on it so her shoes don't get wet and other outlandish actions like that.
How many people actually do that. I remember my friend was telling me that she was looking for a dude to would do that type of stuff for her. I said wait on it because if ita me we both are walking thru the puddle. I'm not putting my jacket down for you to walk over it.
And I'm using simp as an umbrella term for generally taking care of your lady... Taking her places, buying her things, putting a roof over her head, protecting her.
That's not the definition of a simp champ.  Being a simp or simping more or less is when a man does any and everything to gain "favor" with a chick when she is not deserving of that or doesn't reciprocate. 
Or grovels at their feet, or act like the world is ending when they're mad at each other after an argument. Always allows their position to be undermined, let's the other person wear the pants with no effort.

That as well as what's above is what I consider a simp.. My brother man. Smh
Agreed.  Also, someone earlier in this thread said or kinda alluded that a man CAN'T simp for his wife, since it's his wife and they are in a marriage..........which is false IMO.  If a man/husband is allowing his position to be undermined by his wife, then that means that the husband is a simp.  Not saying @ksteezy is a simp because I'm not exactly sure what he is or not doing, but it is very possible for a husband to be a simp. 

For example, I would describe the ex-basketball player Doug Christie as a simp.  Reason being is it appears as though his wife (Jackie Christie) runs the marriage and "tells" Doug what to do and not do.  That right there messes up the hierarchy of the marriage, and that's not natural.  Of course when you are in a marriage it's a team effort and both people are equal, but as a man when you are with a woman you always have to be or at least give the appearance that you are in charge and leading.  Woman wants to be with leaders, not followers.  You can't lead if you are constantly chasing behind your lady and doing whatever she does or wants you to do.
I guess the way curren$y and his crew throw around "simp" is wrong too then. 
Many of these young dudes or younger dudes depending on their background don't really have game or weren't really taught the rules and terminology of the game from the past out here.  That's why they just toss around words but don't really understand the actual meaning behind them and more importantly haven't actually witnessed the game for themselves on a first hand basis.  They also haven't had the older dudes with game teaching them what they need to know.

They haven't really been in these type of scenarios or haven't really dealt with enough woman to make the proper assessments on woman out here.  Dealing with the same type of raggedy women on your 2 block radius is not going to give you the proper guide on how to deal with woman out here and how to improve/perfect your game.
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To me, simping is when you generally do anything out of character for a female. I mean id gladly put my coat over a puddle for a girl, that's in my character; however I would never give a girl access to my bank account, I'd be simping in that instance because it would be so out of character for me. A dude fighting solely to impress a girl is a simp to me, a dude buying a new car so this one girl will notice him as opposed to buying the whip cuz he wants it, that's a simp; it's not the act but the motivation underlying the action that defines a simp IMO.

It all depends on the dude, you should never be afraid to take care of your lady but you should never change who you are for a women.
I think its innate in me... When ever I come across a chick I'm digging and I feel is deserving... I just want to take care of them and make their life easier.

Has happened about 3xs in my life.

 "You don't have to do this"


But yeah, I feel like you're completely right about what you said. The way you put simp into your own connotation gives it an acceptable meaning. That's sort of how I feel 
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