NBA 2K11 Official Thread (Patch Put for PS3 & XBOX 360)

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Amazon FTW

NBA 2K11 (360) - $59.99
Promo credit from preordering Halo Reach- $20.00
Release Date Shipping $0.99
No Tax

Grand Total: 40.89

And who's starting the 2K11 league for 360 this year, I usually am the one or Crag to get it started (think he disappeared after that whole house compound fiasco) but I'll be willing to do it sometime next week.

assuming the online play is good this year, i am down
( i stayed away from 2k10 and their online play)

im hoping we can do some test runs first to weed out cheesers, such as play each other and not invite those guys who like to run around in circles until they dunk it
Yea sounds good. I don't even think I played 10 games online in 2K10
Hopefully 2K got that fixed

you are always helpful, thanks.

you said practice on hall of fame!?!? man i may end up throwing my controller AND my system against the wall ... but okay.

as for using the shot stick, what do you recommend? i am not sure of the timing of individual players. usually when i am shooting a jumper, i just release at the peak of the jump, like i do when i hoop myself ...
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Amazon FTW

NBA 2K11 (360) - $59.99
Promo credit from preordering Halo Reach- $20.00
Release Date Shipping $0.99
No Tax

Grand Total: 40.89

And who's starting the 2K11 league for 360 this year, I usually am the one or Crag to get it started (think he disappeared after that whole house compound fiasco) but I'll be willing to do it sometime next week.

I'll play if it's a SIM draft league......makes things interesting. But it has to be sim....
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

you are always helpful, thanks.

you said practice on hall of fame!?!? man i may end up throwing my controller AND my system against the wall ... but okay.

as for using the shot stick, what do you recommend? i am not sure of the timing of individual players. usually when i am shooting a jumper, i just release at the peak of the jump, like i do when i hoop myself ...

haha, i mean practice in shootaround, shootaround is the practice mode where you choose 1 player only (obviously pick the team you plan on using the most)
so when you go to practice mode, change the settings to Hall of Fame, then start practicing jumpshots, the game will say release too early or too late, and just start getting a feel for it

then when you master someone like stephen currys jumpshot, then move onto monta ellis, then etc
One-on-one with Lead Gameplay Director on NBA2K11 Rob Jones

My interview from the NBA2K11 Launch Party in New York City's Hudson Terrace venue.


Steve Bartlett: Okay. So you were talking about how both you and developer Mike Wang bounce back and forth with ideas– can you elaborate for me?

Rob Jones: The nice thing about me and Mike has always been…the fact that, you know, on any type of control thing- any type of thing that we wanted to try- we’ve always have a really open conversation. “I want to try this, but okay what if it does this? Or what if it does [that]?
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

you are always helpful, thanks.

you said practice on hall of fame!?!? man i may end up throwing my controller AND my system against the wall ... but okay.

as for using the shot stick, what do you recommend? i am not sure of the timing of individual players. usually when i am shooting a jumper, i just release at the peak of the jump, like i do when i hoop myself ...

haha, i mean practice in shootaround, shootaround is the practice mode where you choose 1 player only (obviously pick the team you plan on using the most)
so when you go to practice mode, change the settings to Hall of Fame, then start practicing jumpshots, the game will say release too early or too late, and just start getting a feel for it

then when you master someone like stephen currys jumpshot, then move onto monta ellis, then etc

exactly what i did on 2k10 & now ppl hate playing me when i pick denver because i can hit 70-80% of all my shots no matter if im using melo or balkman
Originally Posted by jretro23

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

most of you guys shouldnt even be worried about overall ratings, when you guys play, most of you only care about the 3pt rating and the dunk rating

 ... i played a NTer a while back and got my assed kicked... i have about 4 NTers GT... i want a rematch with lifelessons... who in the hell playes with the wizards? i think thats who i lost to... bastard
*ahem* that was me

hit me with a message saying "damn i thought you were someone i easily beat, i was wrong" or something, lulz

is your GT syknin (sp?)?
at dogging me with the Kings
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Amazon FTW

NBA 2K11 (360) - $59.99
Promo credit from preordering Halo Reach- $20.00
Release Date Shipping $0.99
No Tax

Grand Total: 40.89

And who's starting the 2K11 league for 360 this year, I usually am the one or Crag to get it started (think he disappeared after that whole house compound fiasco) but I'll be willing to do it sometime next week.

assuming the online play is good this year, i am down
( i stayed away from 2k10 and their online play)

im hoping we can do some test runs first to weed out cheesers, such as play each other and not invite those guys who like to run around in circles until they dunk it
Yea sounds good. I don't even think I played 10 games online in 2K10
Hopefully 2K got that fixed
You guys know I'm always down to play!!!
$@+% it might be...he told me got both of em. I just thought I knew him well enough to know he wouldnt be playing that trash
So where's everyone buying the game at? I'm definitely not trying to drop $60+tax

Oh yeah, XBL: Sick Ik 23

I've been running a couple 2k10 games online lately until school starts...
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