NBA 2K11 Official Thread (Patch Put for PS3 & XBOX 360)

I'm coppin for PS3. I'm not trying to renew my Live subscription... Rell is right anyways, more people are shifting over to PS3
my only complaint, and its very small when u think about how people who do rosters, is that they only did the starting 5s for the non bulls classic teams
still, its rather amazing to see oakley, mason and starks in polygonal form, also craig ehlo LMAO
To all who have the game what are all the classic teams? O mainly want to know if there are old teams that are not related to Jordan in some type of way cause I want the 94-95 rockets
Here are the classic teams






96-97, 97-98
so when you go to practice mode, change the settings to Hall of Fame

one last question ... if i am just shooting around in practice mode with an individual player, trying to get timing down for jump shots, why does it matter if the difficulty is on hall of fame?

thanks for the info btw
Originally Posted by Tommy Wong

my only complaint, and its very small when u think about how people who do rosters, is that they only did the starting 5s for the non bulls classic teams
still, its rather amazing to see oakley, mason and starks in polygonal form, also craig ehlo LMAO

what do u mean? the bench players aren't named? are they random players created by 2k? i wanna launch hella 3's with sam perkins 
.  96 sonics 
So online they are going to have a Real % option and a Shot Timing Option. So pretty much cheesers who do not know how to shoot will be hitting 50% of there shots if they are using a good shooter.... Nice one 2K i swear these dudes have no idea what they are doing

Hopefully this clears everything up:

Shot Stick Timing
With this option turned ON, as the name implies, your timing release will be factored in to your shot %. It's layered on top of the player's Shot Rating, type of shot taken (jumper, drifter, leaner, etc), defense impact, etc. Being really late or really early on your release will have negative impact, and being perfect on your release will give you an added boost in making the shot.

Real Player %
When you turn this ON, it's basically ignoring your release on the Shotstick completely. You won't get penalized for early or late releases. The same factors come into play as mentioned above, sans the stick release bonus/penalty. Pretty much how Real FT % works. We simply migrated the feature over to all the shots as well.
Originally Posted by bredin808

Originally Posted by Tommy Wong

my only complaint, and its very small when u think about how people who do rosters, is that they only did the starting 5s for the non bulls classic teams

still, its rather amazing to see oakley, mason and starks in polygonal form, also craig ehlo LMAO

what do u mean? the bench players aren't named? are they random players created by 2k? i wanna launch hella 3's with sam perkins 
.  96 sonics 

you also cant edit the players on the classic teams
wow you cant edit them? thats stupid, but a good first year effort if they wanna keep implementing classic teams
Game is crazy

Been playing the jordan challege mode all day lol

Am tight that all the good jordans are locked and they don't tell you how to unlock them

I unlocked two crappy team jordans so far lol
Man I probably won't get my copy of the game until at least a week after it officially releases.

All these gameplay videos coming out has me feenin' to play this game.
wow you cant edit them? thats stupid, but a good first year effort if they wanna keep implementing classic teams
This game is 

Lost to the Heat by 3... In single game.. The computer defense is a lot better. Now you cant just throw a pass just to throw a pass like in 2k10...Its definitely going to get intercepted in 2k11..Gameplay is real smooth..Graphics looks better (360). I just need to learn how to do the dribble moves.
game is fun. definitely feels different. sometimes players seem to go on auto-pilot and i cant really control em as well as i'd like. i always hated the dribble course, now it's gonna be even more tough

but yeah, no kobe's... good news though: they got the jordan 6-17-23's, lol
i unlocked the aj2009's, give +2 durability. im torn as to whether i should tarnish my player's feet with em or not
Originally Posted by imINchucks5

The computer defense is a lot better. Now you cant just throw a pass just to throw a pass like in 2k10...Its definitely going to get intercepted in 2k11.
I knew that from playing the demo, you can't do cross court passes or even a long pass ahead for a fast break. It always gets stolen, which is annoying at times.
for anyone who got the game already do they got lebrons or kd shoes in the game? what about melo's shoe? any low tops?
they've got lebrons, not sure about the others though. defense is way tougher this year. just finished going through myplayer
Originally Posted by jookz

game is fun. definitely feels different. sometimes players seem to go on auto-pilot and i cant really control em as well as i'd like. i always hated the dribble course, now it's gonna be even more tough

but yeah, no kobe's... good news though: they got the jordan 6-17-23's, lol
i unlocked the aj2009's, give +2 durability. im torn as to whether i should tarnish my player's feet with em or not

how did you unlock the aj 2009
Also a lot of those arenas aren't realistic and don't look like the real ones. Looking at that Houston video above reminded me of that, I think Portland a a few others were off too.
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