NBA 2K11 Official Thread (Patch Put for PS3 & XBOX 360)

hmmm looks decent. One bad sign though was seeing Melo get stuck in that stupid lay-up animation..... other than that though I am pretty excited for this game. Can't wait to get my hands on it.
hmmm looks decent. One bad sign though was seeing Melo get stuck in that stupid lay-up animation..... other than that though I am pretty excited for this game. Can't wait to get my hands on it.
Good looks on that video Metrokid.

A developer insight on passing is coming out tommorrow.
The Art of Passing
By: 2K Admin Ron | Tuesday August 24 2010
Howdy 2K fans!

Zach Timmerman here, Gameplay Producer on NBA 2K11. You may have read my previous insight on The Jordan Challenge . This time around I’m going to get into the nitty-gritty details of one of the less talked about but more important aspects of basketball: The Art of Passing.

When I took over passing this year, I immediately gathered community feedback and combined your issues with ours. Fortunately, your concerns and ideas very closely matched our plans and this resulted in a colossal amount of positive changes and features to help take our game to a new level. While I’d like to tell you everything we did, I’ll save you from the mind-numbing jargon and highlight some of the more enjoyable and most notable changes instead.


I’ll start with the features and then segue into some of the improvements.


1.Right Stick Passing – The beauty of this mechanic is that you don’t have to use your left stick to aim the pass, which then opens up more opportunities for quick release passes and occasional no looks. While holding the right shoulder button, the user can make use of the right stick as a passing mechanic such that whichever direction the right stick gets moved, the ball will be thrown to the receiver along that line.

2.Total Control Passing – Adding versatility to our game, especially for advanced users, is always a must and passing presents great opportunities for that. In 2K11 we’re adding a passing feature called Total Control Passing, which gives users the ability to take control of a teammate off the ball while also determining when and where he will be thrown the ball. While holding the right button (on the 360; R1 on the PS3), the user will be presented with the passing icon buttons, at which point holding one of those buttons allows for the user to manually control the movement of the corresponding player with the left stick. Releasing that button while keeping the right button held (on the 360; or R1 on the PS3) results in a pass to the user. If the user releases the right button (on the 360; or R1 on the PS3) while keeping the receiver’s button held, the user will temporarily take control of the player until he calls for a pass.

3.Fake Passing – While either standing or on the move, a fake pass can be pulled off by pressing the (B) button on the 360 (circle on PS3). It’s a useful mechanic that we wanted to bring back as it can be very beneficial when trying to keep your defender on his toes. While not engaged in the post, you can aim your fake pass using the left stick. The type of fake pass chosen is based on the logic of regular passing. For example, a situation that would have yielded an overhead pass will also yield an overhead fake. Same goes for bounce, lob and chest passes. Defenders also react appropriately to each type of fake pass. Something new that we’ve never done before is allow the ability to fake a pass while in the post, ala Pau Gasol. This will keep the players engaged and will add another element of versatility to the moves in the post game.

4.Post Passing – While not a new “feature
Glad they re-did passing, doing lobs was frustrating

Lebron highlighted in the starting five

Who was playing this game?!?!
shooting a 3 with Brendan Haywood

Any word on keeping my player?
The passing improvements sound good, hopefully these improvements translate into better gameplay.
Idk if this has been asked/answered or not, but does anyone know if you can port your My Player from 2k10 over to 2k11?
It irks me that the sock is still missing on the leg you wear a sleeve on. And they need to fix the ankle braces. They look like fat $$@ wristbands on the ankle. Just a pet peeve
Originally Posted by Warren D

Any word on keeping my player?
Yes they will have it a and the Jordan mode. But no new news on My Player other than it will be in 2k11.
Originally Posted by Warren D

Any word on keeping my player?
Yes they will have it a and the Jordan mode. But no new news on My Player other than it will be in 2k11.
Originally Posted by JusTooMuch

Idk if this has been asked/answered or not, but does anyone know if you can port your My Player from 2k10 over to 2k11?

This i would like to know as well
Originally Posted by JusTooMuch

Idk if this has been asked/answered or not, but does anyone know if you can port your My Player from 2k10 over to 2k11?

This i would like to know as well
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

It irks me that the sock is still missing on the leg you wear a sleeve on. And they need to fix the ankle braces. They look like fat $$@ wristbands on the ankle. Just a pet peeve
Little things like those bugs me also. I hate the color blocking on the shoes.
Originally Posted by Mister916

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

It irks me that the sock is still missing on the leg you wear a sleeve on. And they need to fix the ankle braces. They look like fat $$@ wristbands on the ankle. Just a pet peeve
Little things like those bugs me also. I hate the color blocking on the shoes.

I feel the same way, I cant believe how such small details bother me so much
Originally Posted by Jonbx5

Originally Posted by Mister916

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

It irks me that the sock is still missing on the leg you wear a sleeve on. And they need to fix the ankle braces. They look like fat $$@ wristbands on the ankle. Just a pet peeve
Little things like those bugs me also. I hate the color blocking on the shoes.

I feel the same way, I cant believe how such small details bother me so much
me too

and i hate those damn generic shoes. throw some nike's on them @%%+$$!
Very impressed with the passing insight. Finally bad passers will pass like bad passers. I have been wanting this for years. Thanks 2K
Can't wait till this game comes out..I was always a live fan then once I played 2k7 it was a done deal I never looked back!
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