*NBA All-Star Saturday Thread (H-O-R-S-E, Skills Challenge, 3-Point Shootout, Dunk Contest)*

the hell did KD just attempt?
this has no business at an all-star weekend.
boring boring boring.
its so obvious that these dudes dont want to be out there.
my god how can you be that tall and cant make a lay up just act like you gone dunk and let it go at the last sec
Originally Posted by CasperJr

my god how can you be that tall and cant make a lay up just act like you gone dunk and let it go at the last sec
That's what I was thinking. But its obvious, especially with KD that these dudes just want to shower up and get ready to watch the DunkContest
O Jizzle!!!!!!

I'm definitely feeling this comp. I hope they continue to keep this in but put better competitors like a Sheed, Nash, Gilbert, Kobe, etc. Something thatcan get the crowd pumped but after the first commercial break...it was on.
I think its going good so far. It just seems Kevin Durrant isnt interested at all though.

Should be better when it gets down to Mayo and Johnson
and there shouldnt be a ref...nor should shy players be in it. If you aint talking **** out there, its not really worth having.
OK, so Im pretty sure that Kevin gotta have a mean hangover from yesterday, cuz no way he would be this bad if he felt normal. Who is with me on this one?
If they shorten the game to 3 letters and make it in the arena where they hold everything else, I think it has some potential.
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