NBA Fights Appreciation

Originally Posted by Roscoe P Wallace

Best part is 3:20 into the video, scene:

Ron Ron walks outta the stands, dude is lookin real
but someone finally got him out and he's lookin to stay outa trouble
Pistons Fan with drunk buddy. Dude thought it would be a good idea to back up his team, so he hits the hardwood lookin to brawl. See's Ron Ron freshly outa the stands, "PERFECT!
" he says to himself, approaches Ron full of swag, shoulders poppin like hes Mayweather or some sh*%.
Dude gets about two steps away, him and Ron lock eyes, right then you see this guy realize "Oh snap....." cause it turns out Ron is 6'7" and like 260 lbs. or pure muscle and Queensbridge anger.... little dudes face goes from
instantly...... another half second passes and BAM, Ron just crushes this dude
I need that made into a Gif. Watch it like 5 times, it only gets better

I remember watching this live, it was hilarious
Originally Posted by Roscoe P Wallace

Nah, the big guy had reason for punching him in the back of the head, Jones elbowed his kid on accident trying to help Ron Ron
He had another reason too, that was Ben Wallaces brother, no joke, he had charges pressed against him for that.
Was the black chick with the Ben Wallace jersey on who was pointing at Ron and talking all that good @$%+ right when jumped over the announcers tablerelated to Ben too?
for some strange reason, that gets me pumped up? like i'm ready to go to war or something.. maybe it's the song
Was the black chick with the Ben Wallace jersey on who was pointing at Ron and talking all that good @$%+ right when jumped over the announcers table related to Ben too?
I'm not sure, I live around the Palace though so after the fight all of the trials of Artest, Jackson, Oneal, ect ect all happened here, andone of them was Bens Brother who they pointed out was the big dude in the white shirt in the video. The chick there was real heated, but I don't know ifshe was related or not.
I wanna meet the dude who J. Oneal punched on the court. I would tell him he got straight mollywhopped.
@ dude who started to run and cover his head when Jackson swung at him.
Wow I never seen a punch like Camby's...Son put his whole body into it and it was quick...Anybody on the receiving end is straight KO.

Ron Artest didn't want nothing with Ben Wallace...Ben Wallace would of effed up Ron Artest...without a doubt...

Stephen Jackson and Ben Wallace would be more of a fight....I got Ben Wallace winning either way...

Although that Detroit/Indiana fight was a disgrace.. it definitely riked me up

Man, some of those are

Ill be honest, I kinda miss it when emotions run high and then players get in a scrum with other players. Now in todays NBA theres no such thing allowed asemotion durring games

Damn Stern.

Im not promoting fighting, but just saying that its not a coincidence on how basketball is dropping off when fights and emotions are frowned upon.
most apprecited

i remember watching the brawl and tha after show John Saunder was mad likeeee
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