(((==NBA MEDIA DAY 2009==)))

well the bulls are gonna be awful this year.
NBA Media Day is like christmas time for me every year.

Im calling it now...Bron completely bald in 2014
- PS please?

I cant wait to see what my Cavaliers do...
Damn, my dude went back on his word and got rid of his beard.

at the new Bird tattoo just under his neck.
^seems early. Good to hear though.

I can't stand noah though, mostly based on his appearance and mannerisms...lol
Bird has like four new visible pieces alone.

I'm pretty sure the fake LeBron hairline looks better than the real one. His beard is sharp, though.
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

I see Joakim worked out hard this summer.

This dude gets $*#*@$ up basically every night in the summer. My friend is pretty tight with Noah, so I rolled with them a couple time, dude is hilarious but aclown.
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