NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

Originally Posted by Al3xis

cause nate was still a trade chip to move jeffries/curry, and still could be.

Then why not do that at the deadline for Kenny T?

Depth? Come on. That deal shoulda been made no?
the plan is to stay competitive, while keeping the 2010 plan.
cmon guys. if we really traded nate, who the hell would still watch our games?
honestly, im sure most true knicks fan would pass on that deal.
Donnie had no idea that it would drag out this long with Nate and that Nate would demand as much as he is, that's why he didn't go through with thatdeal. And at that point we still had (extremely slim) playoff hopes :shrugs:

I don't blame him for not pulling the trigger on that deal.
nate was and is worth much more of a return.

and this was at the point duhon was playing 48 minutes a night.
You guys are all on board with the 10 plan right? You had a chance to free up yet another contract right? You wouldn't have been on board with that? You're all already on board with it, go all the way or don't go at all.

I know you guys would have liked to keep Nate, but you had a chance to free up another contract, it shoulda been done. No two ways about it.

No big deal, I mean they still have time, they still have moves to make, but that one slipped past them. Ask the Kings for one of their crappy guards to getthru the year or whatever. Someone on a one year deal or whatever. They coulda worked it out.
nate most likely is still coming back for 1 more year with the qualifying offer.

so yeah, there still is time.

at that point, nate was one of the better 6th men in the league and agaian, somebody who may be part of a core moving forward. and just dump him for kennythomas? in the month of february (trade deadline) nate was posting 24, 5 and 5

it'd be one thing if it was to go along with the curry contract, jeffries is a little easier to move.
Originally Posted by CP1708

You guys are all on board with the 10 plan right? You had a chance to free up yet another contract right? You wouldn't have been on board with that? You're all already on board with it, go all the way or don't go at all.

I know you guys would have liked to keep Nate, but you had a chance to free up another contract, it shoulda been done. No two ways about it.

No big deal, I mean they still have time, they still have moves to make, but that one slipped past them. Ask the Kings for one of their crappy guards to get thru the year or whatever. Someone on a one year deal or whatever. They coulda worked it out.

Thing is CP we can still get rid of Jefferies during the season and it won't be that hard. He's the easier of our two monster contracts to get ridof. Nate was putting butts in the seats and he was helping us put up W's (as few as we were getting). At that point by the deadline we were only 5 gamesor so out, it wouldn't have been that out of range for us the make a push for the 8 spot. We didn't need KT to add yet another body to the front courtwho wouldn't fit you know? Looking back on it now with Nate's contract discussions dragging on this long we should have definitely done the deal,hindsight's 20/20 nothing to do now but push forward.
Yeah, I can buy that, true true.

Hey, I wanna apologize for followin ya'll in this thread. I'm so sorry to post after another person in a thread, such bad form on my part. I'lltry to be better from now on.....
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

On another note...

Hornets continue to show that they're in cost cutting mode. Butler was a key player for them and letting him go didn't do them any good. They're already a team that's on the low end up the playoffs in the West and moving him for nothing may have pushed them back a little more unless Julian Wright can come in and play well.

They basically gave away a starter/sixth man who shot 39% from downtown and 11ppg. He only had a one year deal.

Damn I wish we would've picked him up.

Hornets trade away their one serviceable player at the SG. Terrible. Julian Wright is already scheduled to be playing at the SF and take Peja's job, sincePeja all but choked his entire career away with the awful season that he had. Mo Pete and Marcus Thornton? Not a good look. Get out of there soon CP3.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Yeah, I can buy that, true true.

Hey, I wanna apologize for followin ya'll in this thread. I'm so sorry to post after another person in a thread, such bad form on my part. I'll try to be better from now on.....

for all the heat he took last season Mike Dunleavy has done a good job this offseason

but whats the point of trading for Bassy and then sign sessions?

maybe they will trade B.diddy which they need to do
If they get rid of Baron Davis somehow, it'll make sense. But, if they hold on to him it won't really make sense. With Baron's injury history, itsa good move but there's no way to justify that contract on their team unless they trade him away.

I do like a Sessions, Gordon, Thornton, Griffin, Jordan future lineup though.
Grizzly bird,

I just saw this on PTI.

I wanted to start a new thread just for that, Blazers you up for it?

A... Grizzly Bird watch?
[h1]NBA Star Warns Over Stolen Laptop[/h1] [h2]Lawyer: "Private images" of Baron Davis were on pilfered computer[/h2]
AUGUST 12--A laptop containing "a variety of private images" of NBA star Baron Davis has been stolen and the athlete's lawyers are threatening legal action if the material is published. Counsel for the the Los Angeles Clippers guard, a two-time All-Star and novice film producer, yesterday sent news outlets a letter threatening legal action over the personal photos, videos, and audio stored on the computer (a copy of the letter sent to TSG by the law firm Lavely & Singer can be found below). Davis's counsel reported that the laptop theft has been reported to police, who are "investigating the matter." The photos and videos "depict, among other things, a variety of private images of our client, his associates and his colleagues," wrote lawyer William J. Briggs, II. Davis "had a reasonable expectation of enjoying total privacy with regard to the images," Briggs added. The 30-year-old Davis, who earns about $12 million annually, recently produced "Crips and Bloods," a documentary about the nation's most notorious street gangs. (2 pages)

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This year's thread blows last year's out of the water. And I really can't wait for the single game threads: even though the wanderers from theJB and Nike Forums somehow find their way in occasionally and talk reckless, there's going to be some real comedy.
I like we are all ignoring the fact that Lakers had the 4th fastest offense in the league and there openents the magic had the first fastest offense in theleague.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

for all the heat he took last season Mike Dunleavy has done a good job this offseason

but whats the point of trading for Bassy and then sign sessions?

maybe they will trade B.diddy which they need to do
I still don't like the move waiving Mike Taylor though.
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