NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14


Memphis might be the perfect place for AI to end his illustrious career.

Joe Murphy/NBAE via Getty Images

[h1]AI in Memphis? Grizzlies may be the perfect team for him[/h1]
By Vincent Thomas, for
Posted Sep 10 2009 4:51PM

Way back in July, about a day after free agency frenzy began, Allen Iverson popped up on Twitter with this missive: "For those of you who thought I was done -- Think Again!" Then the summer dragged on and A.I. had yet to find a team that wanted his services. So he hopped on Twitter again: "I have heard all of the doubters," he wrote, "but they should know that I will not be broken." The sword was drawn.

Now he has a home in Memphis and, judging by his demeanor and tone at Thursday's press conference, homeboy is on a mission. After a couple of years during which A.I.'s rep and, perhaps more importantly, his legacy have taken some hits, this 2009 campaign with the Memphis Grizzlies is his chance for vindication. He said so himself.

"This year for me is so personal," said A.I., in a crisp, baggy white button-up and fresh new Grizzlies hat, still diddy-bopping at 34. "It's going to be like my rookie year again ... I turn on the TV and read the paper, I listen to some of the things people say about me ... me losing a step ... they trying to put me in a rocking chair already."

As recently as Iverson's post-Philly stop in Denver, he averaged about 26 points, seven assists and two steals per game. He seemed ageless and timeless as a player, still darting, zipping, banging and swerving all over the court, defying any precedent for a player of his age with his kind of game. During that time he remained a peerless icon for a whole generation. He might not have been the most popular player anymore, but the glow from what he was at his peak earlier in the decade -- arguably the most culturally relevant and impactful athlete of his time -- was still evident to his Gen X peers and the younger generation that had grown to love him. But then Detroit happened. It's been well documented that last season wasn't A.I.'s favorite or best. That part of this story is hackneyed. What's compelling is that we have one of the all-time greats approaching this upcoming season like a hungry upstart and unlike, say, a washed-up boxer or 40-year-old QB in Minnesota. A.I. is actually still capable of whipping up on whatever sucker is standing between him and a hoop,

But there's something even more compelling about A.I.'s stop in Memphis, and it's not his answer to critics who say he's washed-up. In late August, when news broke that Iverson and the Grizz were getting closer to a deal, A.I. took to Twitter again, said Memphis was a place where he would "love to play," and that they have "good young players with great upside," and that -- here's the important part -- he "would lead by example," and he "could show how important it is to work hard everyday, play the game the right way." This is coming from the orator of the famous "PRACTICE?! WE TALKIN 'BOUT PRACTICE!!" rant from a few years ago.

I wasn't a huge fan of the "A.I. in Memphis" idea, at first. I'm one of those fans and journalists that likes to see the league's best players play for the league's best teams. That's very selfish of me, I know, but if I have the chance to see A.I. from November through May, why wouldn't I want that? But the more I thought about Memphis, the more I liked the idea from an A.I. Legacy standpoint.

There's not much more that A.I. can do on the court. He's led the league in scoring, he's won All-Star and leaguewide MVPs, he's wowed us and captured our imagination as much as any ballplayer without the initials "MJ." But if there's been a knock on Iverson, it's been on his leadership skills. In Philly it was "Why could he never coexist with a real Second Banana?" Or, "Why isn't he being a better mentor for Andre Iguodala?" In Denver it was, "Why isn't he sitting down JR Smith and telling him to stop jacking up 35-footers with 14 seconds on the shot clock?" Memphis is the perfect location for A.I. to bookend his career in the Sagacious Vet/Paternal Mentor role.

Memphis general manager Chris Wallace said that, "We left Atlanta singing off the same sheet with Allen." Why? Because Iverson said he thinks the Grizz can make some serious noise this season. At the press conference, Iverson said his expectation is "to win -- simple as that." Winning is something the Grizzlies haven't done much. Save for a few seasons during the Gasol era, the Grizzlies have been pretty dreadful. But, A.I. doesn't care. "Just getting to the playoffs is not enough," he said. "My goals are a lot bigger."

With A.I., OJ Mayo, Rudy Gay, Marc Gasol, Hasheem Thabeet and Zach Randolph, Memphis, at the very least, has the talent to bust a few heads in the postseason. But they will only realize success if A.I. does his best Chauncey Billups impersonation. How ironic, right? Championship or no championship, if Iverson comes to Memphis and, through his example and leadership, the Grizzlies turn into a winner and the young boys blossom and Randolph behaves and we see this squad in the playoffs, think about what that would do for A.I.'s legacy.

Yeah, it would be dope to see him as another cog on a veteran contender, gunning for a championship. But nothing would round out and bolster A.I.'s resume more than a turn as the vocal and emotional leader for a volatile young squad, the glue for a team of previously disparate parts. What a career-conclusion that would be. The guy always tagged as a little selfish (even while hailed as a selfless competitor), the virtuoso that played in a vacuum, that dude becomes the face of a previously faceless franchise to give an organization an identity.

I don't know about you, but I'm watching. I can't wait to see how A.I. steps up to the mic this season and beyond. It's a swan song that could be career-defining.

Vincent Thomas writes "The Commish" column for SLAM Magazine and is a contributing commentator for ESPN. His "From The Floor" column appears weekly on Vince invites you to email him at [email protected]or follow him on Twitter at

Well, alot of things are starting to sink in with the national media. It's really going to be funny seeing some of ya'll reactions if this team has huge success next year as in making the playoffs.

Vince Thomas is garbage. I assume you haven't read his stuff if you're quoting his work. He's the only national media person I've seen or heardwho thinks this is a good fit.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by CP3isdatruth

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

I'm hearing nothing but GREAT things from JO this off-season at attack. Dude will play better this season plus alot of people fail to realize that this is the 1st off-season in awhile he's not rehabbing off an injury nor surgery
co sign...
why is that funny........

Jermaine O'Neal is DONE. He was supposed to be all ready last offseason, saying how he'd tear it up in Toronto, alongside Bosh. Then hegot himself traded. Nice work there.

Then he goes to Miami saying how he's gonna do work there
And heproceeds to be absolutely useless.

He's looked done for quite awhile now.
I wish AI the best in Memphis but if you honestly think he's going to help Memphis your crazy. I think his attitude and pride is going to be a problem.Hopefully he can mentor Rudy and OJ but I doubt it.
Well, alot of things are starting to sink in with the national media. It's really going to be funny seeing some of ya'll reactions if this team has huge success next year as in making the playoffs.

MY %$$%%** SCREEN NAME says them clowns dont make the playoffs

quote and screen cap it all you want to
Originally Posted by Scoop83

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by CP3isdatruth

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

I'm hearing nothing but GREAT things from JO this off-season at attack. Dude will play better this season plus alot of people fail to realize that this is the 1st off-season in awhile he's not rehabbing off an injury nor surgery
co sign...
why is that funny........
Jermaine O'Neal is DONE. He was supposed to be all ready last offseason, saying how he'd tear it up in Toronto, alongside Bosh. Then he got himself traded. Nice work there.

Then he goes to Miami saying how he's gonna do work there
And he proceeds to be absolutely useless.

He's looked done for quite awhile now.

Depends what you by done. His 20 and 10 days are long behind him but he should still be a dependable 12-15 PPG and 7-8 RPG caliber player that canpatrol the paint for Miami.
^^ pretty much.... isnt this his first offseason without a injury in a long while?... as long as he can be a double double guy along side haslem doing thesame... i see it as a good short term thing with 23mill coming off the books in 2010..
I saw him play when he was still in Toronto.... He looked pretty good out there. Then again it was against the Clips and all their bigs were out, but still helooked good.
You're damn blind if you don't think JO is still one of the top 10 centers in the league.

Name me 10 REAL centers who are better than JO.

Dwight, Yao when healthy, Shaq, Biedrins, Bynum, Nene, Horford, Brook Lopez.

And JO is still top 5 defensively, dude is a stud, has been even when he's been injured, any Heat fan can vouch for that.

It's just he's not a 20/10 beast anymore, but he's still a stud on defense.
I watched JO for almost his entire run with the Raptors. Dude was mad cant depend on him to bring his A-game nightly but he's stilldefinitely serviceable. Anyways, people shouldn't really view him as an important piece of Miami's roster. He's nothing more than an expiringcontract for Pat Riley.

You're damn blind if you don't think JO is still one of the top 10 centers in the league.

Name me 10 REAL centers who are better than JO.

Dwight, Yao when healthy, Shaq, Biedrins, Bynum, Nene, Horford, Brook Lopez.

And JO is still top 5 defensively, dude is a stud, has been even when he's been injured, any Heat fan can vouch for that.

It's just he's not a 20/10 beast anymore, but he's still a stud on defense.
Come on aren't taking everything into account. I'd rather take a Center outside of the "top 10" who's going toplay 75+ games than JO's fragile I remember last season while on the Raptors, JO missed like 10 straight games despite not suffering an injury duringa game. The cause? JO told the media that his knees felt sore following a 5 hr plane flight

Being a "Top 10" center in the NBA in 2009 is nothing to run home about anyway. Quality NBA centers are a dying breed.
He definitely isn't worth his contract, that's for sure, but still he's in my mind a GOOD center. When you take a look at the starting Center forhalf of the teams in the League, compare em to JO, and most of the time you'd probably take Jermaine.

I still think he'll make the biggest recovery of anyone in the L this year.
I thought of 15 centers in the league I'd take before Jermaine.

I still think he's a good player, but he'd be even better if he were to accept his limitations or simply bang more on the block. Too many times onoffense he tries to do things that he's no longer capable of doing, and it almost always ends bad. He did have a couple of big games with Toronto, but Ithink his biggest weakness is his drive to prove himself on the offensive end of the floor.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Give JO a shot this year, without team-hopping, he will prove he's still got it.
I have him his shot last year in T.O. RaptorsTV up here was playing Jermaine O'Neal promos with him talking about how it's the first timein a long time that he's actually been healthy.

I still see him being good for 12/7 in a maximum of 70 games, but if anybody is expecting more, I'd advise you to be ready to be disappointed.
If you're constantly hopping teams coming-off of injury, what do you expect?

Let him establish his role, let him settle in. He only played 27 games with the Heat last year, when I believe he was TRULY healthy. When you're traded toa team, especially mid-season, you need time to gel.

Look at the Mavs against the Hornets and then this year. Kidd wasn't very good in the 07-08 season, but 08-09 he made a significant jump, the team lastyear was MUCH better this year. Jason Kidd and the rest of the team got used to him running the point, and they excelled.

JO will anchor that defense along with Wade and Haslem, and I think he'll be just fine.

I've always admired JO moreso for his defensive skillset than his offensive ability. He WAS truly one of a kind defensively. He was athletic, he was long,he could block shots with the best of them, just a very polished player.

It's really too bad that Pacers team had to unravel, they had some great pieces..
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Well, alot of things are starting to sink in with the national media. It's really going to be funny seeing some of ya'll reactions if this team has huge success next year as in making the playoffs.

MY %$$%%** SCREEN NAME says them clowns dont make the playoffs

quote and screen cap it all you want to


I can't wait to see you about to have heart attack when the team is in the hunt at the end of the season. Whether if they just miss it or they make it, Iwould like to see your reaction.
dude your team is not making the playoffs

i have no idea why you are trying to hype your self up into thinking they will let go of the flase hope
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Well, alot of things are starting to sink in with the national media. It's really going to be funny seeing some of ya'll reactions if this team has huge success next year as in making the playoffs.

MY %$$%%** SCREEN NAME says them clowns dont make the playoffs

quote and screen cap it all you want to


I can't wait to see you about to have heart attack when the team is in the hunt at the end of the season. Whether if they just miss it or they make it, I would like to see your reaction.
once again, grizzlies suck.

When you first see Bosh in the next few weeks you my notice a little difference. Expect a bigger, stronger version, CB has added 15 pounds. Not only did he add upper body strength, CB also worked his lower body. Bosh employed a personal trainer all summer. After watching the Olympic Gold Medal game from Beijing, CB felt that he needed to add some size and strength. Everyone I've talked to with the team raves about Bosh's preperation entering this season, not only physically but also mentally. CB has worked on expanding his game, watched video and hit the gym. All great signs. Here's a four-time All-Star and one of only two players last season to average 20-plus points and 10-plus rebounds, putting in the extra work to get to the next level! You gotta love it.

Chris really wants to get paid this summer.
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