NCAA to strip Kansas of National title? (Darrell Arthur may have been ineligible)

anyone ever see that piece on shady prep schools on HBO's Real Sports? it's been a while.

Those make shift schools are whats called "Basketball Factories"...there were and still are a lot of them. However, South Oak Cliff where Arthur wentwas a legit public school.
no way is KU reprimanded.

They didnt know, they did nothing wrong. It was done in high school. Im a UNC fan, but im just being honest. If KU is in trouble for this then USC should haveto disband their sports programs, seriously.
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

I'm not surprised...I found it odd he was even eligible in the first place his freshman year...he had ZERO intentions of going to college. That age rule hit him harder then it hit anyone because he was certain to enter the draft. Thats why it took him so long to choose a school.

I ain't sayin NOTHIN.
anyone ever see that piece on shady prep schools on HBO's Real Sports? it's been a while.
KC Ross-Miller goes to a "school" just like the one in the article DoubleJs posted... They meet at a rec center or some *%+#, andhis dad teaches the classes.
Texas High School Basketball boards have been dogging all that so hard for months now. Talkin about how he's putting hiskid's college eligibility and future on the line and everything... I have no idea how those types schools get accredited by the state. It's ridiculous.
Like I said, the interpretation of the bylaws is still up for debate, and we'll see how the NCAA reacts. But in no way is this Kansas' fault asit's been reported so far. The High School in question used shady dealings to get a player eligible for themselves, the end result being forfeiture of astate title. However this was all found out after the player had already been enrolled and passed the clearinghouse. If Kansas had anything to do with thefixing of grades, they'd be at fault, but how can you be responsible for the actions of the school you have no control over?
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

I'm not surprised...I found it odd he was even eligible in the first place his freshman year...he had ZERO intentions of going to college. That age rule hit him harder then it hit anyone because he was certain to enter the draft. Thats why it took him so long to choose a school.

very true...i hoop w/ some of his ex teammates from SOC and they said he never intended on going to college.
He got cleared by the NCAA Clearing House. It should be a dead issue regarding KU. As far as his high school goes that is something they are going to have toworkout.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

anyone ever see that piece on shady prep schools on HBO's Real Sports? it's been a while.
KC Ross-Miller goes to a "school" just like the one in the article DoubleJs posted.

really? great.

Yup. His dad runs the damn thing, too...
I really dont see how the NCAA could justify punishing Kansas. This whole thing slipped through theirClearinghouse, so it shouldn't be on the KU program... One positive from this story is it might finally spell the end for that scumbag Coach Mays.
Michael Irvin had the coach, the guy from WFAA who broke the story, and one of the teachers on his radio show today.

If you go to and download the podcasts you can hear everything.
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