New Hood Trend?

Originally Posted by bay1591

In South Florida, the new hood trend is Hollister, Aeropostale, Ambercrombie, American eagle etc. Is this happening everywhere or is the South behind like always?

it's everywhere...and I think its just ignorant
It's been like that for atleast two years over here in Orlando. How are you all so far behind?
But we still have those "hood dudes" that rock tall tees and extra baggy jeans with fake jordans.
black boy swag... white boy tags...

the dmv has been up on this since 07.
and im not the type to point fingers and say "$+@*@ we been up on this" so i wont be the cliche "south hater"

but, i cant say that i dislike this trend. at least the clothes look cleaner and nicer...

i myself wear brands a little higher up on the food chain. but thats just me.
Originally Posted by FlyNY

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

oh my dear Lord are you late

My lil' brother was on that winter of '07
And your from Texas

My dude...NY been up on that since 05 my %+@!$

Soon yall gonna hear about Von Dutch trucker caps
Yall southern folk are 4 years always
Everything NY does, another region tries and copy us, then we abandon it and come up with some new %%+$
Next month i bet Atl is gonna start with the skulls and bones, which we left alone 2 years back

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Im sorry, but this is the Gayyest izh i ever seen.

Abercrombie? Aeropostale? HOLLISTA!? BWAHHAHAAA

Maybe im just OG. When trynna get the grown look....Ralph Lauren & Nautica FTW.
so much truth in that statement. 2 thumbs up.
Wow this has been around forever. I can remember this all the way back to like 6th grade and that was in like 98. I wonder what you guys will find out aboutnext
First of all people BEEN wearing this in Florida you suspect cuz. Now I do agree it is catcing on a bit now in the hood but don't front like dudesin the hood wasn't rocking it before. Its not so much dudes just now finding out about it either, its just now its cool/acceptable.

Originally Posted by NYK orange and blue

Originally Posted by NJstress03

i remember aero was in style around here in 97'


Yo i totally forgot about that haha. I even remember my brother had a pair of slacks from them.
NY has nothing on London and Paris. Over there the black boy/ white boy/ Indian boy whatever just have a different level of style that is greatly appreciated.
Almost everybody(im using that loosely) is fly if they can afford it.

Those little boys in the i-cream colors are funny. I like the blue and yellow combo he got going on on BUT something has got to go. The luxurious hair, thedesigner glasses, or the skinny jeans because
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