*** NEW Ncaa 09 XBOX 360 Online Dynasty *** WEEK TWO

funniest thing about this OSU USC beef, is I accidentally !*@%%! up the schedules in the beginning, and yall not even playing eachother in week 3.... told yallwe need to scrap it and restart....
loss?? no no no... i played CPU the first game
i dont even play LSU i just was checkin the stats after hearin him talk
how did i get dropped when dude (my opponent) never replied to any of my pm's to set up a time for the game?
yall dudes are playing on all american?
I would also like a invite, and we should also start a NCAA Tourney to see who's really the best...
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

can i get invited to the other dynasties too?

I'll shoot you and AIRMAN invites friday night (or saturday morn) when I get back to my apartment.

It's an SEC and Big XII league.

Each of you list 5 teams you'd like to be and I'll let you know which of those are available.

Oh and Kai, yeah I'll do that thing we discussed in the pm when I get back too. we need to discuss whos involved tho.
Yet another first half lead squandered. Couldn't stop the run, was mounting a little bit of a comeback, when it lagged on the snap and immediately threw tomy tight end.....er I mean Clemson's d-tackle.
yea oklahoma you hit me TWICE with long passes right as i was switching to the DL to come get your rollout... you'd throw it and it would switch to thesafety leavin you WIDE OPEN. good game though
and Cobra Kai... you WERE in the other dynasty... and you quit
Originally Posted by Cobraz09

yea oklahoma you hit me TWICE with long passes right as i was switching to the DL to come get your rollout... you'd throw it and it would switch to the safety leavin you WIDE OPEN. good game though
and Cobra Kai... you WERE in the other dynasty... and you quit
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nako you a fool
im just sayin we had the whole fancy setup JUUUUST like this one goin...
i mean we're rockin along finishing the 2nd season i dunno why he ever left the other one
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