New Season Thread Made, Move on Over :)

Originally Posted by Dcypoe

Should have stole some of Rafa's heart while he was vulnerable.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

kobe lost 2 games for them against the thunder. with his stupid shot selection and his ridiculous turnovers.

he needs to know his role. hes on the decline. play a team game.
Again typical Kobe hater. Not sure if serious.

Did you see how Bynum n Gasol were ineffective against the Thunder defense ? The same with Session.

Kobe had to carry the team for them to even have a chance. If Kobe didn't step up offensively  and didn't score 30, 40 points  a game it would have been an easy sweep with the Lakers losing each game by 20+ points
Originally Posted by Hank Scorpio

I have two questions for you guys--1. Do you really think Pau is on the decline and has no chemistry with Bynum? 2. Realistically speaking, if you do decided to ship Pau to lets say Houston. Would bringing in Scola and other players really help?

I mean think about it. What was the Lakers biggest advantage the past couple of years? Some people will saying it's having Kobe, but honestly I always thought it was the Lakers size. Especially having a skilled PF and a a developing/promising Bynum was always a great combination. Mix that with Odom's solid play the past few year and Kobe's leadership the Lakers were always contenders. What was so different this year?

Has to be Gasol's weak play and Kobe's poor closing of games. No matter how bad you guys want to cut it, the Lakers just got outmuscled by a younger more athletic OKC team. The NBA is transitioning into a PG driven league and in this day and age if you don't have an athletic PG or at least a smart PG--You're not really going anywhere. With the exception of Miami (LeBron can be considered a PG, I guess), I don't see many "elite" teams that don't fill this requirement.

I think you guys are looking at this whole offseason the wrong way, maybe some of you guys are. I haven't really been keeping track of the thread. But I think you guys need to get more perimeter help for Kobe and try to bring in players that can take over after he leaves.

I doubt you guys have the ability to bring in Deron, but Dwight Howard is def a possibility. Pair him with Pau and maybe other people and a bring in a third team and you guys might get back into contention. Kobe isn't getting any younger and the Lakers need someone else to carry on the leadership and I don't think Bynum is fit for that at all. He can be a dominate presence and I do think he's more than just a "glorified role player."

But players i'd look to getting rid of next year if I was in the Lakers front office would be the following-

1. Metta "Ron Artest" World Peace
2. Matt Barnes
3. Ramon Session (his stock is still kind of high I suppose, but he isn't the answer for LA)
4. Pau Gasol (for the right price)
5. Josh McRoberts

If the Lakers can get a versatile/athletic combo guard and some great perimeter defensive minded players--I think you guys are back in business.
1.  Yes he's on the decline, and yes he's not suitable to play with Bynum.   2. I hate Scola, so I don't think so. I'd rather fill the Starting SF with a Pau trade. Getting a PF is much easier to fill with the money we have, which isn't very much.

The difference was no bench.. And no heart.. Neither Gasol or Bynum had any heart.. Each had 1-2 good games in the playoffs.. Never in the same game..

Sessions has it to run a great offense.. We just don't have the pieces to play well with him.. Two bigs who can't play pick and roll offense.. And are awful at pick and roll defense.. Sessions is a below average defender, but that was made worse when the bigs left him high and dry on every pick and roll.. Sessions during the season was allowed to have the green light, and played very well.. In the playoffs the offense was run entirely differently and only in the 1st quarter of a couple Thunder games in the playoffs he didn't have the green light at all.. And those quarters when he had the green light, he played well.. Then they went away from him running the offense again, and he fell apart, as did our team. We also got outmuscled because our bench was nonexistent. We lost 4-1.  2 games were in our control, and blew it because there was never anyone who could give us quality minutes to rest Kobe, Pau, Bynum. If we had a good bench, I'm not sure we win the series, but we would be going 7 games.

As for what we need you're right.

Pau is not winning us a title again. Pair him with Dwight. And we still don't have a backup in 4 positions, and don't have an above average quality starting SF. Even with Pau/Dwight, Pau is still relegated to a spot up jump shooter. Kobe will still be a #1 option.  But you add a Center, that will turn Sessions into one of the better PG's in the league. Half the offense will be run through Picks that get Kobe open, or the pick and roll game between Sessions & Howard.  The other half would be Kobe iso,  or Dwight in the post..  Pau wouldn't see any more time in the post than he currently does. Hence he is added no more value, and isn't doing what we need him to.

Players you would get rid of:
1. Why? He was our second best player on our team in the playoffs, and still plays GREAT defense. No way he should play 30 minutes per game, but as a backup SF, I'll keep him.
2. I agree
3. There is not one 1 PG on the Free Agent market that we can afford that is better than he is..  (Steve Nash is not affordable, he still wants $9mil a year).  And unless you get Deron Williams (who is the only elite PG we are capable of getting through a trade) we will not have a better PG going into the season.
4. Pau should be gone, but the right price is much less than you think..
5. He's signed through next season.. But trading him would be a decent idea... If he could get his game together, he is a decent energy guy off the bench

5 names and not one of them were Steve Blake.. I hope you just forgot about him as an honest mistake.

The team is 5 players short of a title, and no way that happens letting Sessions & Metta go, and keepin Pau. Both of them have to be part of the rotation, and unless you get rid of Pau, you will not be adding anything of importance.    You could trade Bynum for Howard, but  does that team make us anymore likely to win a title? only slightly.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

kobe lost 2 games for them against the thunder. with his stupid shot selection and his ridiculous turnovers.

he needs to know his role. hes on the decline. play a team game.

Yeah, maybe we should trade him now and get what we can! Amirite??
at least the he gets kid from looks of that old foto.

i cant watch these finals i am not enterttained when kobe is not playing. no other player in the game has the same skill as he does.
its sad man.

lakers need to win it all next year
Originally Posted by odog24

at least the he gets kid from looks of that old foto.

i cant watch these finals i am not enterttained when kobe is not playing. no other player in the game has the same skill as he does.
its sad man.

lakers need to win it all next year

 Good one.

Let's see what types of moves are going to be made. If minimal moves are made aka signing a Jason Kapano, expect a first round or second round exit.
i'm actually entertained by these finals.   When the Lakers play, I'm nervous and moody as hell...    With these teams playing, i can relax and watch good basketball.  Durant's game is just so beautiful (nh)
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

We still got Pau?


One of the things about the CBA is it really screws us and other high salary teams in the long run. But another thing it does is screws teams that are on the tightrope of cap in the short run, who need to drop salary..

If we want a contender and the favorite in the West,  Mitch has to go out there and push around the smaller teams that need to free up money, and smaller teams that need to do something different with their roster...  
I heard B. Roy was in LA this week..
Also they said he tweeted today that he plans on making a return to the NBA..
They said that the people who have played with him recently said that he has gotten better than when he last played in the NBA
^ I wouldn't mind BRoy on the Lakers but after a long list of other +!+! is taken care of first

1. Starting PF
2. Backup PG
3. Starting SF
4. Starting C
5. Backup SG
6. Backup PF
7. Brandon Roy

Anything other than blowing this team up minus Kobe & Metta, and the few young guys we have (Sessions, Hill, Goudelock) every one else has to go if we want to win..
Originally Posted by Essential1

Anything other than blowing this team up minus Kobe & Metta, and the few young guys we have (Sessions, Hill, Goudelock) every one else has to go if we want to win..

Dam  bro that seems too radical, too much of an overahaul...if they executed at all down the stretch they couldve hung with OKC and who knows what happened.I could see getting rid of 1 of the bigs, but both is overdoing Odom and then Pau AND Bynum in back to back years doesnt seem like a step in the right direction. I would tweak the team by adding 2 shooters because it seems to easy to double the bigs when you dont have to respect the shooters. Honest question, has any team that has been blown up as youre suggesting won it all next year? If they do blow this up that would set them back at least 2 years and Kobe could forget about another title. 
Originally Posted by MJsaver

Originally Posted by Essential1

Anything other than blowing this team up minus Kobe & Metta, and the few young guys we have (Sessions, Hill, Goudelock) every one else has to go if we want to win..

Dam  bro that seems too radical, too much of an overahaul...if they executed at all down the stretch they couldve hung with OKC and who knows what happened.I could see getting rid of 1 of the bigs, but both is overdoing Odom and then Pau AND Bynum in back to back years doesnt seem like a step in the right direction. I would tweak the team by adding 2 shooters because it seems to easy to double the bigs when you dont have to respect the shooters. Honest question, has any team that has been blown up as youre suggesting won it all next year? If they do blow this up that would set them back at least 2 years and Kobe could forget about another title. 

Trade 1 ok.. Who is your suggestion... Bynum..

Ok Bynum is only on the market for Dwight, everyone knows that..   Now Pau is still the 3rd option, still standing 20 feet from the basket..  That's not going to work..

Ok trade Pau.. You get maybe Josh Smith..  Now you still have Bynum who can't run a pick and roll.. But you added a guy who can be a 3rd option, and doesn't mind standing out of the paint. And Oh my actually can play pick & roll defense.. But you still have Bynum who can't run pick & roll offense nor defense.. Which makes Sessions ineffective again..

Oh wait.. Josh Smith & Dwight Howard are best friends since Pre-School, they always wanted to play together, they both have games that fit well with Sessions on both sides of the ball..  GASP.

It's time man.. It just is.. It is time to get rid of Pau & Bynum  as the Titanic is sinking.. Because any "shooters" you add will still get their $+$ kick by the Thunder..  Add Ray Allen. He plays 18 minutes a game, then what.. Russell Westbrook still torches Sessions, because we have 2 big men who don't know what help defense is.. It is our chance to get younger, better offensively, better defensively by trading both Big Men.. 

I wish we didn't have to, but we don't have the time to wait for Pau to work with Bynum. Bynum to work with Pau.. Or Pau to work with Howard.. Or Howard to quit on us because he clearly wants nothing to do with a Kobe-Pau team.. Now a Kobe-Josh Smith team is a much different equation..

Keeping Pau & Bynum hasn't been a step in the right direction either.. Remember we lost embarrassingly in the 2nd Round   2 years in a row. Obviously can't be the coach because if Mike Brown didn't get us over the hump, and Phil failed to do so his last year, and the roster was relatively similar, I think we can diagnose the biggest problem.

We have even less of a shot against OKC next year.. That's the honest truth, so it really is time to do something drastic.. If we lose to them again, so be it, at least we did something, rather than add a small piece.

Blown up exactly as I'm suggestion? No.   But I'll remind you the Celtics roster went through a big change when they signed Allen & Garnett.. Drafted Big Baby. Brought in Eddie House & James Posey.. Made Rondo the everyday starter..
Essential youre the fantasy gm type, and thats not a dis but that shows me how you view want big newsbreaking moves and i just want to add a few things to keep the continuity going.

If we listened to you the Mavs wouldve never won last year because they wouldve been dismantled after 2-3 seasons, sure every now and then a team makes major moves and wins 1 right away. But the teams that usually win the chip are the same core going after it year after year but change a few pieces and get the breaks to finally get over the hump.

Keep Pau, keep Pau and keep Pau hes always played well as the 2nd option, this 3rd option crap with Bynum just pushed him further from the block where he usually does damage. Why the hell would D12 be an option over Pau, he was only the 1st option by default because orlando had nobody else.

Unless we get 2 hof'ers and a diamond in the rough good *** pg i'll shed a tear because drastically overhauling this team would be giving away a season or 2 to try and figure out what does and doesnt work.

Basically i just think its too late in Kobes career to try n reinvent the team, dont worry the time to have a firesale will come but i just think youre 2-3 seasons too early.
Originally Posted by MJsaver

Essential youre the fantasy gm type, and thats not a dis but that shows me how you view want big newsbreaking moves and i just want to add a few things to keep the continuity going.

If we listened to you the Mavs wouldve never won last year because they wouldve been dismantled after 2-3 seasons, sure every now and then a team makes major moves and wins 1 right away. But the teams that usually win the chip are the same core going after it year after year but change a few pieces and get the breaks to finally get over the hump.

Keep Pau, keep Pau and keep Pau hes always played well as the 2nd option, this 3rd option crap with Bynum just pushed him further from the block where he usually does damage. Why the hell would D12 be an option over Pau, he was only the 1st option by default because orlando had nobody else.

Unless we get 2 hof'ers and a diamond in the rough good *** pg i'll shed a tear because drastically overhauling this team would be giving away a season or 2 to try and figure out what does and doesnt work.

Basically i just think its too late in Kobes career to try n reinvent the team, dont worry the time to have a firesale will come but i just think youre 2-3 seasons too early.

Huh ? keep pau ...Dudes on the decline teams have him figured out hes soft.. We cant win with him point blank
Originally Posted by Essential1

5 names and not one of them were Steve Blake.. I hope you just forgot about him as an honest mistake.

Yeah, sorry. I did forget him. I know he is somewhat of a "liability" for you guys, but I think he can be a decent bench player. As a Knicks fan, I know well enough that you can never have enough shooters on your team. With all the flaws in his game, he is still a good spot up shooter and with all the double teams Kobe gets--He'll get some open looks. 
Brandon Roy just got in the market, but what kind of money is he looking for? No one knows the condition of his knee, and if you can sign for a min 1-year deal, he wouldn't be a bad sign. The Knicks are looking to sign him as well. Purely for the sole purpose of just coming off the bench and giving us some mins to give Melo rest. IDK what the Lakers cap situation is like, but your guys have some room I'd give him a seriously look. 
Dwight already said he's not interested to play for the Lakers. He does not want to follow Shaq footstep
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