New Tiger Commercial

whether you like the ad or not.. people are talking about it so great job again by Nike.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Dude was getting domed while doing that commercial.


I always make that statement to myself when referring to Tiger's situation.
Originally Posted by knightlovesqueen

Ppl want what then mr. Mba? Tiger rollin in a 'rrari poppin bottles then swinging lightsaber stly golf clubs singing welcome back cotter theme song? This ad is lowkey and does its purpose. Announces a return. May not be the phoenix ash to fire u may want, but it does work
actually that might be cool. i love lightsabers...
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Dude was getting domed while doing that commercial.


did nobody else catch this? 
I do think the commercial is brilliant. But on the flip...don't patronize me as a viewer by using his dad's voice to make Tiger look like a sympathetic figure.

But don't you guys think that since he's put himself out there in these commercials, he should at least be honest with some of the questions the media have about his flings? He's been adamant about them respecting his privacy, but yet has no issues with this commercial dropping.....I guess since Nike is [Sheed] CTC [/Sheed], that takes precedence over all the other stuff he had been saying.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

He's been adamant about them respecting his privacy, but yet has no issues with this commercial dropping.....I guess since Nike is [Sheed] CTC [/Sheed], that takes precedence over all the other stuff he had been saying.

Dan Patrick said the exact same thing this morning...made me think too.
I think the commercial was unnecessary.

He shouldn't have to do a commercial like this to admit his wrong doing. He already apologized to the person he had to. Leave at that.
Originally Posted by Prostaffer

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by Prostaffer

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Prostaffer


i'm really surprised so many of you are falling for this.

Nobody is falling for anything. We all know the game. Given the circumstances and cornered position of any advertiser trying to use their most expensive spokesperson after an immense scandal, I really believe Nike did a great job in the first commercial.

Morality??? What world are you living in? This is a good idea that they know will work. I guarantee critics for the most part will laud this commercial.

Further, what should have Nike done? My "naive" mind cannot come up with something better.You?
No one told Nike they had to use him in a commercial. He's already carrying their bag after AT&T dropped him as sponsor. The best strategy would be to do nothing at all.

I said nothing of morality. I'm a tiger fan and will be watching him tomorrow. I'm also a golf fan who watched Ernie win Doral and AK win Houston. I'll watch golf and I'm glad he's back. However, to force this kind of commercial on us is pandering to the masses who will accept it and patronizing to those of us who know better.

What Nike should have done? Make a commercial about AK who just won. Let sleeping tigers lie. Pun intended. Over time people will forget this mess, I just think this commercial will do him more harm than good. If they "had" to make commercial with him in it, why not have him open up and be sincere with a statement? Rather than hiding behind the voice of his dead father who was not alive during all this? Whose statements that were used probably had nothing to do with the issue at hand?

This is in the same area of coaches, managers and athletes who sit their kids on their laps during press conferences hoping the media will take it easy on them.

Because Marketing Ops 201 or whatever entry level business course you took in college makes you an authority on advertising right? FOH, talkin about what NIKE should have done.

Don't pretend your gripe is with the effectiveness of the advertisement, it's obviously not.
Actually I have an M.B.A. in marketing. It doesn't prove me right or wrong, just wanted to put that out there since you brought it up. My statement actually comes from the part of me who is a Tiger fan. I think they could have done better. That is all. I'll be watching the first tee as a fan. It doesn't mean that I cannot find the commercial in poor taste. So you are right. My gripe is not about the effectiveness. My gripe is with the lack of class that has just been exhibited. Even the Kobe "hate me" commercial came out well after the Colorado case had been settled. I liked that one, because of its double meaning. The double meaning was only effective because of the timing involved.

I could care less who or what he did. I only find it poor timing to release a commercial like this. Especially considering that in his few statements he has been adamant that he wants to keep this issue personal and between he and his wife. So why not create a commercial that accentuates the reason we all like Tiger? His skill? Show him on the range hitting balls by himself. Show the isolation that he has just put himself in and try to create some empathy for him. Oh, that's right. They did try to create empathy for him though a cheap means, his dead father. Again, poor taste and not very creative.
Actually, it made perfect sense to me that it was his father, being that his father is the only figure in existence that was able to keep Tiger in check and humble. He was his mentor, trainer, and the only person that he actually answered to. In that respect, this commercial makes perfect sense.
Commercial is BRILLIANT move by Nike.

I dont care about it being creepy, or "lack of sensitivity" by using his fathers voice out of context.

Nike is his biggest supporter, and has stuck with him through the storm when every other company dropped him with the quickness.

For them to make this commercial before the Masters, his first ad since the situation, without pushing any product.. and by using his father's voice asking "what have you learned from this?"

Is a ballsy move. so no matter how he does in the Master's, Nike has put this situation in the past and has taken the next step in re-creating Wood's image.
Originally Posted by TheGift23

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

He's been adamant about them respecting his privacy, but yet has no issues with this commercial dropping.....I guess since Nike is [Sheed] CTC [/Sheed], that takes precedence over all the other stuff he had been saying.

Dan Patrick said the exact same thing this morning...made me think too.

yeah man....that's what I don't get.  Now, if the media has the chance to ask him questions about the timing of the commercial and the idea behind he just gonna go the "no comment" route?  Tiger is a notoriously private person...even in the wake of everything that went down he was still very guarded and said that the issues were between him and his family (which it should have been).  Making a commercial like this opens him up to a wide range of debate and speculation.  At the end of the day, he's still a herb. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I do think the commercial is brilliant. But on the flip...don't patronize me as a viewer by using his dad's voice to make Tiger look like a sympathetic figure.

But don't you guys think that since he's put himself out there in these commercials, he should at least be honest with some of the questions the media have about his flings? He's been adamant about them respecting his privacy, but yet has no issues with this commercial dropping.....I guess since Nike is [Sheed] CTC [/Sheed], that takes precedence over all the other stuff he had been saying.

His life, his business. THIS MAN AIN'T GOT TO EXPLAIN $#+# TO ME.

Go do you tiger.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I do think the commercial is brilliant. But on the flip...don't patronize me as a viewer by using his dad's voice to make Tiger look like a sympathetic figure.

But don't you guys think that since he's put himself out there in these commercials, he should at least be honest with some of the questions the media have about his flings? He's been adamant about them respecting his privacy, but yet has no issues with this commercial dropping.....I guess since Nike is [Sheed] CTC [/Sheed], that takes precedence over all the other stuff he had been saying.

His life, his business. THIS MAN AIN'T GOT TO EXPLAIN $#+# TO ME.

Go do you tiger.
Obviously the contradiction went over your head.  No one is asking him to explain anything....however, if you're going to make a stance about keeping your private life...well, private...then why put yourself out there with an Earl Woods voice-over that casts you as a sympathetic figure that has subliminal subtones about the scandal(s) of the year? 

Some background info from SbB....

The only visual we get during Earl’s comments is a stoic image of Tiger.

I’ve since found the origin of the audio, and its context.

The audio of Earl’s comments was taken from the first of a three-disc DVD collection produced about Tiger’s life and released in 2004. That disc is titled, Tiger Woods Part 1: Tiger’s Prowl - His Life, narrated by actor Laurence Fishburne. It includes interviews with Tiger, his mother Kultida and father Earl.

The context of Earl’s comments in that interview is completely different from what was presented in this week’s Nike commercial. In the original, uncut audio, Earl Woods was actually talking about his then-estranged wife Kutlida:
“Authoritarian. Yea, Tida is very authoritative. She is very definitive. ‘Yes’ and ‘No.’ I am more prone to be inquisitive, to promote discussion. I want to find out what you’re thinking was, I want to find out what your feelings are and did you learn anything? So, we were two different types but we coexisted pretty well.
I love the commercial. Maybe Tiger's best. But it's also a new low for Tiger. Desperate times, I guess. I wonder what Nike set up for him when he wins. 
Originally Posted by dyyhard

serious introspective tone....
but would have been better if they used his mom/wife's voiceover...

Definitely not.
Originally Posted by Liquor Poker

Originally Posted by Prostaffer

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by Prostaffer

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Prostaffer


i'm really surprised so many of you are falling for this.

Nobody is falling for anything. We all know the game. Given the circumstances and cornered position of any advertiser trying to use their most expensive spokesperson after an immense scandal, I really believe Nike did a great job in the first commercial.

Morality??? What world are you living in? This is a good idea that they know will work. I guarantee critics for the most part will laud this commercial.

Further, what should have Nike done? My "naive" mind cannot come up with something better.You?
No one told Nike they had to use him in a commercial. He's already carrying their bag after AT&T dropped him as sponsor. The best strategy would be to do nothing at all.

I said nothing of morality. I'm a tiger fan and will be watching him tomorrow. I'm also a golf fan who watched Ernie win Doral and AK win Houston. I'll watch golf and I'm glad he's back. However, to force this kind of commercial on us is pandering to the masses who will accept it and patronizing to those of us who know better.

What Nike should have done? Make a commercial about AK who just won. Let sleeping tigers lie. Pun intended. Over time people will forget this mess, I just think this commercial will do him more harm than good. If they "had" to make commercial with him in it, why not have him open up and be sincere with a statement? Rather than hiding behind the voice of his dead father who was not alive during all this? Whose statements that were used probably had nothing to do with the issue at hand?

This is in the same area of coaches, managers and athletes who sit their kids on their laps during press conferences hoping the media will take it easy on them.

Because Marketing Ops 201 or whatever entry level business course you took in college makes you an authority on advertising right? FOH, talkin about what NIKE should have done.

Don't pretend your gripe is with the effectiveness of the advertisement, it's obviously not.
Actually I have an M.B.A. in marketing. It doesn't prove me right or wrong, just wanted to put that out there since you brought it up. My statement actually comes from the part of me who is a Tiger fan. I think they could have done better. That is all. I'll be watching the first tee as a fan. It doesn't mean that I cannot find the commercial in poor taste. So you are right. My gripe is not about the effectiveness. My gripe is with the lack of class that has just been exhibited. Even the Kobe "hate me" commercial came out well after the Colorado case had been settled. I liked that one, because of its double meaning. The double meaning was only effective because of the timing involved.

I could care less who or what he did. I only find it poor timing to release a commercial like this. Especially considering that in his few statements he has been adamant that he wants to keep this issue personal and between he and his wife. So why not create a commercial that accentuates the reason we all like Tiger? His skill? Show him on the range hitting balls by himself. Show the isolation that he has just put himself in and try to create some empathy for him. Oh, that's right. They did try to create empathy for him though a cheap means, his dead father. Again, poor taste and not very creative.
Actually, it made perfect sense to me that it was his father, being that his father is the only figure in existence that was able to keep Tiger in check and humble. He was his mentor, trainer, and the only person that he actually answered to. In that respect, this commercial makes perfect sense.


You do know what Earl did to Kultilda right? Perhaps if you knew that you would understand why I find this a little classless.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

i don't know but i think i wanna buy some Kobe shoes now


Great commercial. Excellent choice on the black and white scheme, Tiger's somber look, using his dad's voice...props to weiden+kennedy (i'm assuming its them)

weiden+kennedy...this man speaks the truth..unless its not that agency haha. either way, nike knows who to hire
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