[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]

I <3 Pedro. (nh)

Church and Reyes tonight were

Livan was great to watch also.

That ninth inning was still too long because of "D-Rod's"(David Wright is our A-Rod) error.
Castillo is only 32, I don't see how he CAN'T bounce back if he gets his health in order, which so far looks pretty good.
Johnson is razor sharp today. Wt f

Every contact the Mets make results in some slow dribbler.

And so we continue the trend from last year of not giving Johan any run support.
Shame this game isn't 0-0 the way both pitchers are pitching, Murph has to catch that fly ball.

Mets are playing defense like the Marlins today.
Murph has to catch that.

And Castillo has to field that.

Why can't the team bring their A game when Santana pitches??

Maybe they press too much when he pitches, I dunno.

This is a great game. But obviously I'd like to be on the other side of the score.
13 k's for Johan.
"Oh Oh....You're Fired".


Santana is def done considering the score, no choice.

Final Line: SANTANA: 8IP - 0 ER - 13 K'S
Gado is going to have a very nice season.

This is a tough matchup for TRON though, his breaking balls are killer.
Time for some Citi Field baseball.

3-3 road trip.....could have turned out a lot better but the team had solid starting pitching 'cept for Ollie.

Shame that Beltran base hit could have given them a 1-0 lead but that's baseball, sometimes its not fair.
Originally Posted by miamib30514

Great series guys now you can go back home to S_itty field.
That was cute.

Sad that there were more Met fans at Dolphin Stadium than Marlins. LOL

Amazing pitching from both sides today, sucks to see Johan get the shorter end of the stick though.
Averaging 1.5 runs for Santana so far this year is putrid. Dude had a great outing proving further why he's the best pitcher in the game.

Time to light it up at Citi Field.
Johnson was filthy yet if the game was scoreless Mets could've taken the lead late, sometimes one play can determine a ballgame.

Santana is going to be filthy this season, can't wait for this home stand.

....and someone tell David to shorten his swing please, although I was shocked to see a base hit up the MIDDLE the past 2 days,
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