[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]

Mets middle relief scares the *$% out of me. We are worse than we were last year. Doesn't anyone else see this? Also our lineup is way too top heavy. Onceyou get past church you basically lookin' at 3 automatic outs. Batting Castillo in the 8th spot really makes no sense. The dude is only good for a fewthings at the plate like taking pitches and getting the runner over into scoring position which he can't really do in the 8th spot. Even though hes washedup whatever skills he still has will not be utilized in the 8th spot. I went to Friday nights game and couldn't seem to figure out why they didn't justleave Feliciano in to pitch around Hanley if they were that scared of pitching to Hanley then let Feliciano face Cantu? It was obvios they pitched aroundHanley. Where the hell was Putz that game also?
I agree Castillo should not be batting 8th. After praising him during the spring and even flirting with him at leadoff, they drop him down to 8. Way to killhis already shaky confidence....
There is really no other useful way to use Castillo other than batting him leadoff. He shouldn't bat 2nd because he has zero power and wastes so many fatpitches with Jose in front and David behind him(nh). And he shouldn't bat 8th because he and Schneider can't drive runners in(which is wasting Beltranand Church's good OBP).

He either needs to be cut, traded, or batting leadoff.
Johnson usually brings his A game against the mets, did you see his career numbers?

Its always been fascinating to me how someone can dominate a team, then basically have an ok to mediocre rest of the season against everyone else combined.
I looked at Johnson's career numbers too. He seems to be a slightly better than average pitcher imo. Or at least has the tools to be one.

And no way Castillo should bat leadoff. That would kill Jose's steals and potential to wreak havoc on the basepaths. Second is fine for Castillo. Just buntJose over every time up.
Johan just cant catch a break...already this early in the season and his team isnt giving him support. Last year the pen...now the sticks...

Josh Johnson was amazing...Marlins are the real deal this year

good luck at Citi Field tonight
Originally Posted by SHUGES

I looked at Johnson's career numbers too. He seems to be a slightly better than average pitcher imo. Or at least has the tools to be one.

And no way Castillo should bat leadoff. That would kill Jose's steals and potential to wreak havoc on the basepaths. Second is fine for Castillo. Just bunt Jose over every time up.
Honestly, i'd rather see Jose hit for more power(doubles, triples, hr's) than see him steal 80 bases. He could hit for more power in the 2hole, and still steal 60 bases.

Castillo is just a waste in the 2hole. Loduca in 06 hit 45 XBH's because of the protection and the offense was the best in the league. Castillo will never,ever sniff 45 XBH's. Plus you never want to have an automatic out in the 2 hole.
You can't bat Castillo 2nd, you need a hit and run guy there and someone with a high avg....Murphy is far better in that spot.

Way to give up on Castillo already, he has 6 hits in his last 2 games (well, 5 due to the scorer)....let dude play he is finally healthy and his follow throughon his swing is something I haven't seen in 2 years.

Mets middle relief scares the *$% out of me. We are worse than we were last year. Doesn't anyone else see this?

You're buggin dude the pen is going to be lights out, only reason they gave up runs is because o'Day is off to a slow start and the last game was usedduring garbage 9th inning time.

I don't know what else you expect every team has holes. The reason teams like the Braves or Marlins won't last is because of their shaky pens (Floridahas bad defense also), any team with a pitcher who can change up speeds gives them fits. Mets by far have the best pen right now, with Philly a close 2nd.

He seems to be a slightly better than average pitcher imo

FYI....Josh Johnson is an ace
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