New York YANKEES spring training thread......... 2 days until season starts: LETS GO YANKEES!

man the yanks stay swiping our players

as long as manny never puts on a yanks jersey, im cool
[h1]Yankees Moving On From Pettitte?[/h1]
By Tim Dierkes [December 23 at 10:54pm CST]

Peter Abraham of the LoHud Journal suggests theYankees may be ready to move on from Andy Pettitte. He says that unless they're able to trade an outfielder such as NickSwisher or Hideki Matsui, they may prefer not to pony up the $10MM for Pettitte.
Meanwhile, the Yankees have no intention of using Nick Swisher in center field. While they consider him at least an average corner outfielder, they do not like his play in center. Joe Girardi is also on the record as saying he would prefer not to use Johnny Damon in center.

While a very good left fielder, Damon has slipped in center. The Yankees also have concerns about whether his legs could handle the demands of playing there full time.

Damon, Swisher, Hideki Matsui and Xavier Nady have varying degrees of trade value. Much of Damon's value comes in his ability to hit first, something the Yankees would not want to surrender. They gave up a top prospect (Jose Tabata) to get Nady, so parting with him would be difficult.

That could make Matsui and Swisher the best candidates. Or maybe they'll just sign Pettitte and keep all the hitters. What's another $10 million at this point? But as of last night, the team seemed prepared to move on without the left-hander.
The caricature of the New York Yankees, drawn by the legions who resent them, is that they are 25 bat-wielding CEOs, dressed in button-down shirts andpinstriped suits, carrying Blackberrys and briefcases into a clubhouse that could double as a board room. They are clean-shaven, image-conscious, supremelywealthy and not a whole lot of fun.

Mark Teixeira will fit right into the caricature. Teammates joke that they have never seen him with a five-o-clock shadow, an un-tuckedshirt, a hair out of place. One general manager describes him as "corporate" and "businesslike." Teixiera describes himself as"obsessive compulsive." Scott Boras, his agent, says Teixeira has "the make-up of a CEO." Some may be turned off thatTeixeira does not often hang around the clubhouse after games, pounding beers and telling stories. But the Yankees, who pride themselves on their professionalwork environment, will not mind.

Even though Teixeira grew up in Baltimore, cheering for Cal Ripken Jr. and the Orioles, he is a natural Yankee. As a kid, he patternedhimself after Don Mattingly. In high school, he played on some of the same fields as Babe Ruth. He loved the game, but he wasalso interested in the economics of it, just like any Yankee would be. By the time he was 24, Teixeira was already an assistant player representative to theunion.

Teixeira's business sense is almost as legendary as his power to all fields. He turned down $1.5 million out of high school and made more than $9million out of college. He then turned down $144 million from the Texas Rangers and cashed in Tuesday with the Yankees, reportedly for $180 million over eightyears. The contract makes Teixeira the second-most expensive free agent in baseball history, trailing only you-know-who.

Alex Rodriguez and Teixeira are now going to be teammates in New York, but they have been linked for some time. Both are represented byBoras, both were teammates on the Rangers and both have remarkable all-around skills, not to mention astronomical contracts. Teixeira and Rodriguez both comeacross as polished and savvy, though Teixeira is much better at avoiding controversy. Still, neither is outgoing enough to be considered an authentic leader.Despite yet another high-profile signing, Derek Jeter remains the unquestioned captain of the Yankees. Teixeira will be content to followhim.

Last season with the Angels, Teixeira showed that he thrives when surrounded by similarly talented players. If he had signed with the Nationals or theOrioles -- lesser teams that were courting him -- the attention might have been too much. In New York, however, attention will be deflected to every corner ofthe clubhouse. One could argue that another free-agent signing, outsized pitcher CC Sabathia, will overshadow Teixeira.

Because the Yankees signed Sabathia and A.J. Burnett this winter -- and also acquired first baseman Nick Swisher from theWhite Sox -- there was a sense that they would give up on Teixeira and let him go to the rival Red Sox. But the Yankee showed, yet again, that they can neverbe dismissed, at least not in any free-agent signing period.

In courting Sabathia, the Yankees had to convince him that he would be comfortable in New York, a long way from his home state of California. In courtingTeixeira, the Yankees did not have to do as much recruiting. He knew all about Yankee tradition and the Yankee way. He simply wanted Yankee money. On Tuesday,a perfect match was made.

Conventional wisdom says Yanks team to beat

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 | Feedback | Print Entry

Posted by Rob Neyer
And just like that, the equation has changed.Just like that, the conventional wisdom is now going to be that the Yankees are the team to beat. You know what, though? I'm here to tell you that theconventional wisdom … is, as usual, exactly right. Of course the Yankees are the team to beat. The Yankees won 89 games this past season, andthey've added the best pitcher in the majors and the second-best first baseman. They're also likely to get more production nextyear from Robinson Cano, Derek Jeter, HidekiMatsui and Jorge Posada, and Chien-Ming Wang is probably going to (roughly) double his eight wins of this year. And whathave they lost? They've lost Mike Mussina, with Andy Pettitte perhaps to follow. We should not minimize their absences, but at the same timeshould note that many of the innings pitched last season by Darrell Rasner (5-10,5.40 ERA), Sidney Ponson (4-4, 5.85), Ian Kennedy (0-4, 8.17) and Phil Hughes (0-4, 6.62) will be replaced by those of A.J. Burnett, who went 18-10 with a 4.07 ERA as a Blue Jay. It's worth reviewing indetail: In 2008, Kennedy and Hughes combined to start 17 games, and the Yankees lost 12 of them. That simply won't happen again. Even if Kennedy and/orHughes are pressed into duty again, it's exceptionally unlikely that either will pitch so poorly again. Possible problems for the Yankees? Good luck.They're not likely to have much speed in the outfield, and the bullpen may be a little soft after the top three, especially from the left side (thoughrookie Phil Coke was fantastic in September). But when your biggest problem is thatyou've got too many hitters, you're probably in good shape. A week ago, the Yankees were merely another of the fine teams in the American League East,no worse but no better than the Red Sox or the Rays. Today, though? If you pride yourself on holding unconventional views, then by all means, you shouldpredict one of those other teams will win the East. Just don't bet good money on it.
^^^lets offer him to colorado for street


lets offer him to milwaukee for cameron
gotta trade matsui, hopefully someone will take his contract. the only thing about trading him for street is that means well prob have street set up. and hejust gets rocked. well at least wen i saw him in Oakland he did
We need to trade Matsui or Swisher now. Our lineup projects as...

LF Damon
SS Jeter
1B Teixeira
3B ARod
RF Nady
C Posada
DH Matsui
2B Cano
CF Melky/Gardner/Swisher

We definitely need to trade Matsui preferably to open up that DH spot. I'm not so sure Damon and Posada can play a full season in the field of healthybaseball. And now that 1B is not open up to transition them and give them nights off, we need that DH spot open. Good thing Damon comes off the books this offseason, we can move Gardner up there to be our next lead off man in 2010. And Melky can hold down CF until AJax is ready. But I definitely see Posada as our DHof the future, I really see him having only another 2 years tops at Catcher. That last year on his contract will be all at the DH. If everything pans out,we'll only be on the market for an outfielder next off season. Our infield is shored up for at least another 5 years.

Even if we don't. Giradi is going to have to work this Outfield/DH situation out. Too many bats and players use to playing with few positions open.

2010. Matsui and Damon come off the books. Hopefully they leave with a ring, and we give them a nice sendoff. Nady comes off the books. AJax/Gardner in CF.Swisher in RF. Sign Holliday. And our starting rotation will still be intact.

This has actually been a great offseason. Kudos to Cash and company.

Sidenote I still want Manny.
Someone is going to get traded...maybe Swisher? Isn't it odd that he hasn't had his press conference even though he was the first new Yankee to beacquired?
I'd trade Matsui before Swisher. Swisher can play corner outfield spots and 1B, whereas Matsui can only play LF and DH.
I still like Matsui though....when he is healthy over the past few years he has been the most clutch out of the entire team. He always has big hits withRISP....They are probably going o have to trade him though
as a yankee fan i like the signings... BUT what it really comes down to is these big free agent signings performing well in the clutch and that goes with allthe other overpaid players on the team...just saying im tired of all the stats in the regular season and not in the playoffs.... ahem arod... overpayingplayers doesnt equal championships... hopefully im wrong though because i want the yanks to win a chip badly...
Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

1) Sign CC. Offer him the world. Whatever he wants. He cant handle the pressure? Dude went on 3 days rest for 4 straight starts just to get into the postseason all while knowing he has his big pay day coming and any injury hes done for.

2) Go hard after Tex. I dont know how much the Yankees are willing to spend this winter but if Hank really wants to back up his talk he'll go after both. Tex is exactly what we need. A 28? year old prime of his career switch hitting gold glove 1b. This isn't the Randy Johnson trade or even the Johnny Damon signing where were giving money to someone for what they've already accomplished. Texeria's value is not only in his bat but his defense makes him one of the most valuable players in the league.

3) Re-sign Marte. It would be ridiculous not too. We let him go and then next year everyone is in the Yankee threads saying Cash needs to get us bullpen help and blah blah blah. Marte can get lefties out regularly.

4) Let Giambi, Abreu, Pudge walk. All past there prime. Abreu's walk rates have declined the last two seasons and his last two years were arguably the worst of his career. Horrible defense in right.

5) See if Moose wants to come back. If he does I can deal with a 2 year deal, something like 2 years 22 mil. If he wants to retire then see what it would take for Pettitte. He ate innings this year at about a league average rate and if it was true that his was injured at the begining of August which is when his decline began than its not unreasonable to expect him to bounce back.

6) Explore the trade market. Matsui might not have much value if any but see whats out there. Damon's value is extremely high and he is in his last year of his contract. The Dodgers are a team I would look at. Coletti loves veterans and I would kill to get Matt Kemp in center but that might not happen with just Damon. David Dejesus as mentioned would also be a great fit for us but again might not be to easy to acquire.

7) Derek Lowe or AJ Burnet. If one of them can be had for a high AAV then do it. We'll probably need another starter if every thing goes right but who knows what Cash is thinking.

Hopeful 2009 lineup:
1) Jeter ss
2) Kemp cf or rf
3) Tex 1b
4) A-rod 3b
5) Posada C
6) Cano 2b
7) Nady lf
Matsui dh
9) Gardner lf

1) CC
2 )Wang
3) Joba
4) Moose
5) Burnet or Lowe backup: Pettite with Hughes available in the minors


No K-rod because he'll demand to much and we dont need him.
I am Brian Cashman.
I agree with that but asides from our big name pitchers, whose really under-performed?

Our three big free agent offensive signings since losing the World Series in 2003 have been:
Jason Giambi
Johnny Damon
Alex Rodriguez

Jason Giambi killed us because of the steroids issue and had we known that, he clearly would never had been signed. And if Jose Canseco never came out withthat book, Giambi would have been the same old Juicing Giambi rather than having to reinvent himself from 04-06

I honestly feel the Yankees problem over these past years is that they've never fully recovered form that Big Collapse in 04. Until those unfaithful last 3games in 04, everyone was performing at least up to par in that series and in the ALDS. Even Rodriguez himself was putting up numbers and finally putting his"un-clutch" mantra behind him. Then the collapse came, and I feel like the Yanks have never been the same since then. This then followed 3 shortpostseason appearances where everyone played like trash.

Johnny Damon, although not worth all the money he received and we knew this going into the signing, has provided that top of the lineup spark we were lookingfor. He's been a producer in the offseason.

Giambi has been our only true abysmal signing since 03 at least on the offensive side. Aside from 05 and the 2 homeruns off Pedro in 03, he's been good fornothing in postseason.

Pitching on the other hand, we could start a whole thread on that. Hopefully Sabathia and Burnett don't join that list of busts.

"The night is always darkest before the dawn"

I feel like we hit rock bottom this past year and the dawn is approaching us. And good things are in store for the Yanks starting with this season.
Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

1) Sign CC. Offer him the world. Whatever he wants. He cant handle the pressure? Dude went on 3 days rest for 4 straight starts just to get into the postseason all while knowing he has his big pay day coming and any injury hes done for.

2) Go hard after Tex. I dont know how much the Yankees are willing to spend this winter but if Hank really wants to back up his talk he'll go after both. Tex is exactly what we need. A 28? year old prime of his career switch hitting gold glove 1b. This isn't the Randy Johnson trade or even the Johnny Damon signing where were giving money to someone for what they've already accomplished. Texeria's value is not only in his bat but his defense makes him one of the most valuable players in the league.

3) Re-sign Marte. It would be ridiculous not too. We let him go and then next year everyone is in the Yankee threads saying Cash needs to get us bullpen help and blah blah blah. Marte can get lefties out regularly.

4) Let Giambi, Abreu, Pudge walk. All past there prime. Abreu's walk rates have declined the last two seasons and his last two years were arguably the worst of his career. Horrible defense in right.

5) See if Moose wants to come back. If he does I can deal with a 2 year deal, something like 2 years 22 mil. If he wants to retire then see what it would take for Pettitte. He ate innings this year at about a league average rate and if it was true that his was injured at the begining of August which is when his decline began than its not unreasonable to expect him to bounce back.

6) Explore the trade market. Matsui might not have much value if any but see whats out there. Damon's value is extremely high and he is in his last year of his contract. The Dodgers are a team I would look at. Coletti loves veterans and I would kill to get Matt Kemp in center but that might not happen with just Damon. David Dejesus as mentioned would also be a great fit for us but again might not be to easy to acquire.

7) Derek Lowe or AJ Burnet. If one of them can be had for a high AAV then do it. We'll probably need another starter if every thing goes right but who knows what Cash is thinking.

Hopeful 2009 lineup:
1) Jeter ss
2) Kemp cf or rf
3) Tex 1b
4) A-rod 3b
5) Posada C
6) Cano 2b
7) Nady lf
Matsui dh
9) Gardner lf

1) CC
2 )Wang
3) Joba
4) Moose
5) Burnet or Lowe backup: Pettite with Hughes available in the minors


No K-rod because he'll demand to much and we dont need him.
I am Brian Cashman.


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