
Dave tore himself down...don't blame the public. He was on top, about to kill it with a third season, could you imagine how big that third season would have been?

Reading the replies in here only reaffirms how the public will build you up so high just to tear you down. You individuals taking shots at Dave are a sad bunch.
How? He did it to himself. He's no comedic genius despite what people in his guild would say. He washed up.
How can you say he wasn't a comedic genius just because he hasn't had the passion in his craft he once had.

Dave tore himself down...don't blame the public. He was on top, about to kill it with a third season, could you imagine how big that third season would have been?

You sound more hurt than anything that he left the show. You don't walk in his shoes, you don't know what he was going through. Yet you the type of dude to jump up and hurl stones talking about he's washed up.
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You sound more hurt than anything that he left the show. You don't walk in his shoes, you don't know what he was going through. Yet you the type of dude to jump up and hurl stones talking about he's washed up.
That's his job. Stop trying to protect Dave's comedic legacy, whatever remains of it. 

If he's not prepared to do a show, then why take people's money, he should give a refund to everyone who attended the show. Hopefully he did that. There are tons of videos where comedians take on the hecklers, and end up embarassing the **** of of them too. That's what you're suppose to do to a heckler. Get the crowd back on your side with a few jokes off the fly, and that also warns a few other hecklers not to try it. 
If you were around when Pryor was young you probably would have lost your ****. I'm done discussing this with you, you've already made it clear where you stand.
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Do your research on the many ups and downs he endured during his career; I bet you would be throwing stones at Pryor too. You the type of dude who has no type of real success in life, but the first guy to tear down another man not even knowing his tribulations.
Bruh I just posted a video of Pryor taking on a heckler, and this was after he burned himself up. 

So go on and try to convince little Eric who doesn't know any better, but comedians are suppose to be built for some of the toughest crowds imaginable. 

Except for Dave. 
Go back and watch, Pryor took on a lot of dudes. 

Dave is not built for stand up, he's a man who passed up on 50 mil to do something he was clearly good at to go back to stand up. 

Makes no sense at all, he's doing it backwards. But you want to protect his weak stand up, and say he's fragile, but he can't get his timing together to deliver a knock out joke. 

I watched those videos, and the struggle was real for Dave. He knows it at this point, he can't even hold a crowd together with the likes of some of the best.

He is was washed up comedian who clearly benefited from the writing of Neal. I wish him the best but he's not the Dave of old.
Do your research on the many ups and downs he endured during his career; I bet you would be throwing stones at Pryor too. You the type of dude who has no type of real success in life, but the first guy to tear down another man not even knowing his tribulations.

Is that better or worse than someone who thinks a comic is infallible because of their past success?
Honestly, he had enough. That wasn't the best way to handle it, it's tough being a comic. Like get up there and face a crowd, then you'll know what he was going through. There is a thin line between laughing with you and laughing at you, that **** cuts deep. Being constantly scrutinized, airing you own dirty laundry to people who only want to judge you is a tough thing.

He has handled hecklers well in the past, sometimes it just gets to be to much. It's like joking with  your friends, everything is cool and you are in control, than someone says something that goes a bit to far and you take your ball and go home.

Plus I'd get tired of everyone calling me a ***** everytime they see me.
Is that better or worse than someone who thinks a comic is infallible because of their past success?
The typical NT extreme approach. Nowhere did I say Dave was infallible, but to call him washed up is clearly idiotic.
Save him from what? Your criticism of him? Your opinion?

You act like Dave quit the rest of the tour.
From calling a trash effort a trash effort, and you would have been happy to let Dave steal your money that night?

I get it. Cause you're thinking he's Dave in 03-04 and not 2013 you're fine with letting him take advantage of you like that. 

Save him from what? Your criticism of him? Your opinion?

You act like Dave quit the rest of the tour.

From calling a trash effort a trash effort, and you would have been happy to let Dave steal your money that night?

I get it. Cause you're thinking he's Dave in 03-04 and not 2013 you're fine with letting him take advantage of you like that. 


You do realize that it wasn't a one man show right? There were 10 other comedians performing.

If you bought tickets just to see Dave you might have felt cheated but I don't understand how Dave stole anyone's money that night
You said that the people saying negative things about him were "sad" as if he only deserves praise.
There is a difference between criticizing someone and tearing them down. My original comment, which you clearly took out of context was just pointing that out. I understand there are people who feel Dave has taken a step back; I wasn't arguing that opinion. I was expressing how sad it is to see people tear someone down and with so much vigor as well. The way some members slander Dave in this thread; you'd think he personally wronged them.
Go back and watch, Pryor took on a lot of dudes. 

Dave is not built for stand up, he's a man who passed up on 50 mil to do something he was clearly good at to go back to stand up. 

Makes no sense at all, he's doing it backwards. But you want to protect his weak stand up, and say he's fragile, but he can't get his timing together to deliver a knock out joke. 

I watched those videos, and the struggle was real for Dave. He knows it at this point, he can't even hold a crowd together with the likes of some of the best.

He is was washed up comedian who clearly benefited from the writing of Neal. I wish him the best but he's not the Dave of old.
I don't care enought to make a retort to this, but I just wanted to say that is one of the most stupidest posts that I have ever had the displeasure of reading on nt.
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