NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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First season i'm really watching football. US football ain't so popular in Finland so i have seen only superbowls there and there. Don't really have a favorite team but can you guys recommend some teams to watch?

If you like inevitable implosions, watch the Cowboys.
Romo, Murry and Ware had a real good game last night but this September - November Cowboys hype happens evey year. :lol:

Yall Cowboys fans have to be tired of these dudes breaking your heart.
How many yards y'all think Trent gets?
113 my guess
thats a fair guess...

i say around 65 for trent...he's most certainly capable of going for 100...

but that games gonna get outta hand rather quickly...cleveland is gonna have to go to the air, thus cutting from trents carries...
First season i'm really watching football. US football ain't so popular in Finland so i have seen only superbowls there and there. Don't really have a favorite team but can you guys recommend some teams to watch?

these seem to be popular


USC Trojans
Dallas Cowboys
New York Yankees​
Not eem sad about that lying trader Modell.
See ya!
dat cleveland hate..lmao..hahaha..dudes stay bitter bout yall brought championships to yall...brought yall jim brown...

then he taketh away...cant hate the playa...hate the game...

rip mr modell
@ this page
Can someone remind me again what a professional sports team's record has to do with individuals debating topics on NT? I can't find the correlation but may just be missing it....

you know how it is, dude...when you have no point or argument, point to the fact that your front running *** is a fan of historically more successful franchises :lol:

if only there were a correlation between having a brain and getting approved to post on NT :lol:
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Yo Raider Nation, tell me about DeMarcus Van ****. Steelers just picked him up. I know the kid ran a 4.28/40 at the combine last year. Can this kid play CB in the NFL?
"...Add to the fact that the Cowboys have literally done nothing since 1996, yet their fans act like they've been Super Bowl Champs every single year since then, I think you should be the last person talking. Let the average Cowboy fan tell history (or basically any NT Cowboy fan), they have won every Super Bowl every year up til last year. Not the Pats, not the Steelers, not the Giants, Broncos, Packers, etc etc. The D in Big D has to stand for delusional the way ya'll sound."

generalizations....don't play that game.
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After reading the aftermath of the Cowboys/Giants game thread I thought about which division hate ran the deepest.

NFC East?
NFC North?
AFC West?
AFC North?

If I were to rank them, I'm making it

1. NFC East
2. AFC West
3. NFC North
After reading the aftermath of the Cowboys/Giants game thread I thought about which division hate ran the deepest.

NFC East?
NFC North?
AFC West?
AFC North?

If I were to rank them, I'm making it

1. NFC East
2. AFC West
3. NFC North

Oh I'd say between the Steelers, Ravens and Browns, and Bungles there is a pretty good amount of hate in the AFC Norh
Yo Raider Nation, tell me about DeMarcus Van ****. Steelers just picked him up. I know the kid ran a 4.28/40 at the combine last year. Can this kid play CB in the NFL?

That's the question everyone wants an answer to. I will say that DVD can cover well. He can stick to his receiver like glue, but his issue lies in his inability to locate the ball in the air. He's not ready to be a Nickel in the NFL. Because of that, he was beat repeatedly in preseason and such. Also, he seems to shy away from contact...he's not making tackles on the edge in run support.

Maybe the Steelers can get him up to par, but he'll probably just be a ST player/depth for now.
I'm hoping the Steeler secondary coach Carnell Lake (one of the all time great DBs) can teach this guy...

Edit - Damn, I just saw combine vid & he looks terrible. Ah man...Coach Lake has got a lot of work to do with this guy...Also saw some highlights & your absolutely right AG 47, he has no idea where the ball is most of the time & he looks like he comes from the Deion Sanders school of tackling...
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