NFL Week 4 In Review....


Jan 30, 2007
Post your observations from Week 4...

-Colts defense will be their downfall this season.

-The Bears should be 1-3 right now.

-Now you see why everybody wanted Vick starting.

-Mike Singletary will have a stroke before this season is over...

-Bengals are done.

-NFC looking real suspect right now. Not one team looking good.

Quotes of the Week...
NFL Week 3 In Review pages 9-19.
-Matt Ryan better be buying Roddy White dinner every night for the rest of the season.
-Also, he should officially bequeath the "Matty Ice" moniker to Matt Bryant.
-Mike Singletary didn't shake hands with Mike Smith after the game. And I bet he still went in the locker room and told his squad to play/act like men. You think they still listen to dude?
-Steelers: One Play From Perfect.
-Concrete jungle where dreams are made of, eh LT?
-Somebody threw a bottle at T. Mays during his Dougie. I think the response was justified. (Nice play, tho.)
-JDR and Coughlin cooling off this morning...
-Earl Thomas is about to pick up the "Playmaker" label early...
-Who the *#!@ let Dwayne Jarrett on the field?
-Donald Driver's old #$$ is still getting it.
-Are the Rams gonna win the NFC West?

-Who can make a play? I CAN!
-Last night was the first time I legit thought that I might see somebody die on an NFL field...
-I'm gonna need ya'll to start putting a LB, a Safety, and a CB on Gates.
-Mikell @*$%%%+ ate that shoulder from TRain on that TD.
-Zant took one of those Triple H running knee lifts, too.
-You figure that Donovan was even more pleased that Kolb took the L?
Let's Play "Name That Receiver" ...


In the red corner ...
[table][tr][td]  3[/td][td]      19[/td][td]   6.3[/td][td]    0[/td][td]     9[/td][td]     7[/td][/tr][/table]

In the blue corner ...

[table][tr][td]10[/td][td]     146[/td][td] 14.6[/td][td]   1[/td][td]   30[/td][td]   11[/td][/tr][/table]

both these receivers are said to be in the top 10 of the NFL ...
both these receivers played the same opponent ...
-How do you let Housh of all people get behind the defense for a GW TD?

-Was Arian Foster greased up with butter? Dunno how Michael Huff just slipped off like that....

-For being a top-10 WR, Desean Jackson had a quiet game.

-Dougie needs to be retired

-Andy Reid should be fired today for his clock management. HE made the Eagles lose the game when they had to settle for 3 instead of an easy TD from the 1.

-all Bradford needs is a legit #1 WR...I was so wrong about the guy. He's looked great.

-I forgot who said it on Twitter, but someone said T.O. is probably more happy about his yard total than losing the game.

-59 yard FG? Wow.

-David Garrard is listed at 235....I don't believe it.
 at us losing our first two games...

Korn on the Kolb is terrible... FLAT OUT....

Torain trucking Mikell was

D Jax "the top 10 WR" getting shut down with the physical play of the skins DB's...

Ravens vs Steelers game was a good game... I wonder how things will change when Big Ben returns... Props to the Steelers being 3-1 without their starting QB...


Colts D

Bengals losing to the Browns


Rams with Back to Back wins

I think the Pats win tonight...

NFC East all knotted up... Well besides my boys... We coming though...

You can't really fault Desean for that game though. Kolb wasn't looking up the field for
nothing. Lesean had 12-13 catches for a 100+.

I hope Kolb starts the rest of the year.
- Singletary is definitely not the answer in San Fran.

@ the anticlimactic Was-Phi game due to Vick's injury

- Shocked at the Philly crowd actually paying respect to McNabb

- Jets seem to be clicking on all cylinders now. Question: How do you ease Santonio in?

- I was really rooting for Pit to win to see if they would have immediately handed the keys back to Big Ben.

- T.O. still got game.
@ how Bryant McFadden got abused by TJ's slow !$* on that GW TD.

Colts defense = The cure for any opposing teams offensive woes

Ray-Ray still got it

T-Sizzle's sack celebration

Thus far, I can admit that I was wrong on Slingin' Sammy B. He's playing some good ball

Laron Landry is still a bum. Flexing and ++@% after tackling somebody 15-20 yards downfield. FOH

LT is on that Junior Seau/Rodney Harrison fountain of youth type ++@%.

Smitty, Vick

Kevin Kolb vs Matt Ryan. Who throws more to the RB's then those two.

Andy Reid

Mr. President's impact on that Saints O is really showing now. Defenses don't have to focus on those mismatches anymore

T.O. w/ 200+

Ryan Torain ran through a man's soul.

Early season MVP = Casey Hampton

Desean Jackson....I saw you w/ those gator arms and how you stopped running that route up the sideline when the CB and S were closing in on you

That Giants DL was playing like the yr they went to the SB...Bears OL is hogwash

Antonio Gates is F'n ridiculous. And there ain't but 3 (at most) QB's in the L better than Phillip Rivers.
Quotes of the Week...
NFL Week 3 In Review pages 9-19.
Greatest 10 pgs in NFL Week in review history?
Oh, and Avant had it right in his hands. I don't know how
he didn't come down with it.
3-1 and Ben returns today, I'll take it
McDadden got lit by TJ on that last TD, gutsy safety blitz by LeBeau, but I will never question him
Ravens Steelers is the best rivalry in the NFL and it is cool to see the mutual respect given between the 2
Glad that Pitt came out seemingly injury free

So weird how the last few years Cincy plays Baltimore better than playing Cleveland. Makes no sense
Bad loss for the Colts but Manning is having another awesome year, guy is so good
Nice win for McNabb I'm sure that felt nice
Kolb better start showing something soon that they can build on
Jets looking real good right now
Giants finally got the pass rush back that we all remember
Bears got beat up
Amazing play by Roddy and bone head move by Nate, gotta know the situation

Bye week already for Pitt then Ben's return vs Cleveland
Originally Posted by dreClark

Laron Landry is still a bum. Flexing and ++@% after tackling somebody 15-20 yards downfield. FOH

Desean Jackson....I saw you w/ those gator arms and how you stopped running that route up the sideline when the CB and S were closing in on you

Quotes of the Week...
NFL Week 3 In Review pages 9-19.
Greatest 10 pgs in NFL Week in review history?

-Dude Flexed on EVERY play that he was within 5 yards of the tackle

-Mine eyes seen the same thing....
- The Philadelphia Eagles are the Portland Trailblazers of football. Cursed with injuries EVERY SINGLE YEAR. All the credit in the world goes to Peyton Manning who never gets hurt and the Colts for building a great O-Line for him. Eagles front office NEEDS to address the O-Line next draft.
We got dominated by the Skins O-Line and our defense put us in a hole way too early in the game. RIP Quintin Mikell after getting murdered by Torain

Once Vick got hurt I knew it was curtains, I'm glad yall see what most Eagles fans have been saying about Kolb. He's not good at all, I don't care if he wasn't prepared, THROW THE DAMN BALL DOWNFIELD dude.
at Avant for dropping the one deep pass Kolb did throw. Hope Vick's injury isn't severe since the X-rays were negative
- Props to the Eagles fans in Philly for cheerig Donovan. He lit it up for two series and pretty much did nothing else the rest of the game
at Haynesworth in the locker room afterwards

Everyone else: 
- I flat out have NO IDEA who the best team in the NFL is right now. Every team is struggling in at leat one aspect of the game
- The Charlie Batch era is over
, no one expected them to be 3-1 so I guess it's alright. That great defense couldn't hold it together that last drive, Housh was wide open for the game winner.
- The Saints are fortunate to be winning these close games against bad teams, they just don't look good at all on offense or defense.
- I'll never understand why the Jags always play the Colts tough but get their butts whooped against everyone else, Reggie Wayne

- The Detroit Lions seem to lose close games every damn week
I feel bad for them, Calvin Johnson is still a MAN ask Charles Woodson even though he had a pick 6
- Arian Foster still went nuts even after being benched for 1 quarter

at the Bears offensive line, and I thought the Eagles had it bad their O-Line is even worse than ours. Did Cutler get hurt cuz why in the world was Collins in when it was only a 3 point game?

- San Fran is pitiful, they can't pull out a win to save their lives. (I hope Kolb does well against them next week) Nice play by Taylor Mays on that punt block recovery though
- It's looking like the St Louis Rams are gonna run away with that division
, Sam Bradford is a beast
 Amendola can catch ANYTHING

- then Bengals are the most disappointing team in the league, they have too much talent to be losing like this. TO may be only good at running straight ahead but he roasted Sheldon Brown yesterday

- I think we can safely say LT QUIT on San Diego these last two years
dude looked GREAT yesterday. That juke he put on for that TD was disgusting
Packers need to make a move for Lynch. Run game is #1 cause of these blown leads.
A new Kick returner wouldn't hurt either...
Megratron is still Megatron.
Watch out for Tramon Williams, hes playing great right now.

Name 5 players more valuable to their teams future than Hiloti Ngata....
Bears not fooling anybody... Your best run play is an end around. Forte 12 carries for 26 yds LOL. OL is a joke in run game AND pass protection.
Giants got the W but still unimpressive.

How long is Vick out??

Colts debacled
-If Brent Celek catches that ball, Laron Landry ends his life.

-If Desean Jackson catches that ball, he may have very well joined Celek in the afterlife.
Will post more later but I have to ask why the hell the Arizona Cardinals thought they can put Derek Anderson in as there starting quarterback and still be remotely close to what they have been in the past.
Desean looked like one of those goats that stiffen up and fall over when they're startled on that play
- Can't believe the Rams are where they are roight now, they could actually win that division.
- Giants special teams is still horrific, only difference is that the defense played so well yesterday that they didn't even allow the special teams to become a factor in the game yesterday. Still....3 turnovers AGAIN.

- 49ers losing that game yesterday was

- Eli's accuracy has come a long way the past two seasons, but the receivers need to catch the damn ball.
- Jets beating up on a sorry Bills team, always good to take care of the games you should in convincing style. No more Sanchez hate?

- I think Kolb will actually be fine, but I don't think it'll be enough for the Eagles this season (unless Vick comes back)...but then again they've only beaten the Lions and Jags.

-David Garrard is listed at 235....I don't believe it.

Dude's gotta be 265-270
Who saw what happened to Shipley? 

LMAO at the Tenn D coordinator who was flipping off the refs after they made a call.  Fine money is in the mail I'm sure. 


McDaniel's play calling is the exact same as mine in Madden, shotgun from the 2 yard line on first down. 
  Seems to work for them though.....

Pretty clear that LT was nicked up the last two years, and when they let him go he was gonna train like an animal to show em wrong. 

Who wrote the script with the whole McNabb, Vick, Kolb triangle? 

Nice to see the hook and latter, and then almost a completed Hail Mary game winner as well. 


I started workin on my 2011 draft projections this past week.....I think that I'm just gonna go ahead and write in O-line next to the Bears ink. 

Bradshaw, you look behind you on the ball side first, that's what you need to protect more then your off arm man. 

Told ya'll that thread would have to be the quote of the week.  No way that was gettin cut down to just 3-4 quotes. 

Willis was the only cane to cross the goal line. 
Oh, and David Diehl is playing awful at LT this season, Peppers ate dude for lunch yesterday (nh). Eli's blind side protection has been suspect. Good tackle but his time is ending.

Haven't seen much of a clean pocket this season.

-Vick needs to come back
-McNabb with a nice return back to Philly

-LT giving us some flashbacks
--49ers just find new ways to lose the ball game each week now.

--Too bad Donovan F. McNabb couldn't speak up for himself when massa said something against him a few years ago.

--Giants D-Line showed up big time last night.

--Welcome back Jay Culter

--T.O. showing everyone that he can still play

--Ray Ray leading the charge to beat Pitt.

--The NFC East and West is still wide open.

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