Nike Air Jordan Retro Metallic V - 7/23/16

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I think now there is a certain irony in the sense that in order to differentiate a fake shoe from an authentic one, you have to look for flaws on the authentic.

I always thought when I first saw the Jordan V black metallic "samples" how perfect they looked. Obviously they were perfect - they were fake!
What the heck is going on in here :smh:
We ALL have the right to our own opinion. And we all have the right to complain about the shoes that we're all passionate about. And we should all be able to discuss and disagree with other opinions as adults. There's no reason to get all buthurt if someone else has a different opinion then yours.
C'mon guys lets make this a mature discussion about the shoes and all the different opinions about the shoes. after all that's what a shoe fourm is for.
Jordans of the year.Why 70 more bucks tho?

$70 more bucks than what? Because Air Jordans are releasing at $190 at this point, with the low top 5s even being priced at $175.

As for why these are more expensive than other Air Jordans: "Nike Air".
Yup. Don't ever articulate a valid criticism because 90% of NT thinks it's "whining." Including some of the moderators, apparently.

Just buy like a good little sheep. Obey. Might as well be They Live around here.

But you don't have to buy. Where did someone say shut up and buy??? You've been complaining page after page. It seems you're mind is made up. You're not getting them. So what's the point of coming in and still complaining?
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And I've been telling you that you don't know that for sure, but apparently you're not listening to a word I'm saying.

The only pics and YouTube videos I've seen that are supposedly "confirmed" legit retail or back room pairs have the E problem. I've seen other pics without the E problem, but that DO have a weird looking swoosh, which could very well be an indication they are not legit. Now we have official pics coming out where the swoosh is normal but the E is still a problem.

FACT - we know at least some made it to retail with the smaller E. For all you know there could be thousands upon thousands of pairs out there with the E issue. Believe that I HOPE I'm wrong about that.

It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't such a STUPID mistake that should have been caught. That's why I'm so adamant about it being horrendous. Stevie freaking Wonder could have done Braille touching on an AJ V heel and caught that mistake, and he's only been blind for life, so why couldn't JB's all knowing quality control have caught it?

To me it's inexcusable. That's my opinion. I thought opinions were supposed to be allowed on NikeTalk. Obviously quite a few in here don't agree with me. But oh freaking well. Stating an opinion breaks no rules (that I know of). Opinion stated. Get over it.

You guys can buy a dozen pairs each on release day with a small E and be happy about it. I don't care. If I personally don't like what I see, I won't buy it. Simple as that. More for you all. Have fun.
good... more for please... leave this thread...
Dude just leave it alone either buy them or don't. There's no need to write an essay on How u feel
Don't know if this review has been posted or not :lol:

Maybe it'll lighten the thread up some

Man already knew what you posted before I played it. Gucci mof uh pucci

dude usually got fakes but man, those things looked aight. hope those weren't the new fakes but legit for once
So many people complaining about the shoe but they're still going to throw $220 at JB come the 23rd.

I know I am!!!!!!!

Small details aside, these look dope. I know it's a sneaker forum and this is THE place to dissect every little detail, but at the end, it's still just a sneaker.
If it looks good OVERALL, and you LIKE it, buy it.

Or just staple $220 worth of $20 bills together around your feet and rock that until the next time JB drops these without the NIKe on the back.
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