Niketalk Confessions Vol. it could get real

Jul 26, 2006
Its that time....

I worry about my ability to get things done
I worry too much in general
I dont know what i want to do with my life and its getting to that point where I need to know
I dont like any of my gf's friends and every time they talk i swear i am about one joke away from slappin all them with my *%%@
I have zero patience.
My daughter is priority number one above any and everything.
I have bad sleepin' and eatin' habits.
I still pick my nose.
I have a habit of picking my noise and biting my fingers. Not necessarily in that order, but sometimes it happens by accident
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

Its that time

I worry about my ability to get things done
I worry too much in general
I dont like any of my gf's friends and every time they talk i swear i am about one joke away from slappin all them with my %!#%
The "I don't like my grf's friends" one is so true. Them #%@#$ get me
I've been worried about what comes after death lately.

I can't stand loud people.
I work hard to get things done, but I can never find the motivation to start them.
I put too much thought into small things.
I have a serious lack of emotions.
I don't let many things affect me.
I can't really get over my ex and I want school to start again so I can start talking to her again.
I literally don't listen to ppl
I love the sound of my own voice
I prefer a BJ over diving into box(box is still good tho)
I hate beer, and when somebody offers me beer at a party..I'll take one so I wont be rude..but later on I'll end up dumping it somewhere
I just noticed that I have OCD
I smacked a chick before (I was drunk)
I also believe that "If a chick treats you like a man...You treat her like a man"
i can't be just friends with my on again off again bf
i hate shady females
im in love with my best friend even though he died 2 years ago & i compare a lot of guys to him
i have a small crush on a certain NTer but he doesnt know it
I have somewhat high standards for my girlfriends making it impossible to find one
I have a crush on a married women (
) and I'm a little confusedon what to do even though she seems with it
My mind tends to drift too much causing procrastination
i almost failed the 10th grade this year
i knew i was in danger of failing and i still didnt do my work smh
i know that next year i will do the same thing but i might not get lucky
i have no drive to do well because im somewhat depressed
when im told i should do well or anything like that i think "it doesnt matter because im just going to die one day"
smh i got issues
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

I dont like any of my gf's friends and every time they talk i swear i am about one joke away from slappin all them with my %!#%

Hell yeah man..

My mind moves 100 mph.
I don't fall asleep before 4 am anymore.
Need to break up with the wife, but something inside me just can't do it.
Tryna dress better, but the correct cash flow just ain't there yet.
I've listened to Chief Rocka by Lords of the Underground everyday for the last 2 months.
Guilty of colorism with these dark/skin shorties.
I feel like i have no home.
I wish me and my girl would stop fighting.
I am scared for my daughter having to grow up in this world because things just keep getting worse.
I feel like my daughter is the only one who really loves me and she is only 1 year old.
I smash girls who are in relationships
I rarely show emotion
I cut out people from my circle easily
I only have 1 best friend
I slack in school
I always believe deep inside that something big is going to happen that's gunna change my life
I only like fruity drinks (hypno, alize, nuvo)
I'm materialistic (according to society's standards)
I wear skinny jeans (the right way, *$*@ the hype)

Seeing the movie The Secret changed my outlook on life
I have an ill hustle lined up for the summer
I wish i could move to NYC
My girl wants to move in with each other, have kids and be married all within the next 3 years. If she doesn't stop with the nonsense I'm gonna have toend it ASAP.

I think too much and it affects the way I approach things.

I'm very cynical. I didn't notice it 'til somebody pointed it out to me and now it bothers me that I can be so negative. I'm trying to changethat.

I'm tryna catch up with my friends. I cut them off and now I realize there was no reason for that, at all, and I'm trying to repair some relationships.
Sometimes I get too lazy to get up and put in a pron, so I end up fapping to mexican television or girls gone wild/extendz commercials.
I'm taking my sweet $%^ time with everything. School, work, etc.
I'm still not sure what the hell I wanna do with my life. My aspirations seem to change daily.
I've realized I'm more self-conscious now more than ever.
I still don't accept the fact I'm 20. I still slip up and say I'm 18-19 sometimes.
I think waaaay too much and try to strategize way too much wnen it comes to females. And it ends up costing me baaaad.

I'm currently caught up over a chick who basically tossed me to the side the 1st go round for another dude. And we stopped talking for a couple months. Andrecently have started again and we've been hitting it off pretty well. It's just a frustrating situation because I don't know where it's goingto go. She's not looking for a relationship right now (neither am I) but I ain't trying to see the chick get with another dude. I'm not feeling heras much as I did before only because I have my guard up and being extremely cautious. I ain't tryna be on that fling or friends with benefits steez. Wejust get along way too much and know each other way too much for that casual b/s.

if it don't work out with the girl, I'm done with girls for awhile my dudes. Too much stress, pressure, anxiety. i'm just gonna do me and focusentirely on what I'm trying to do.


Thanks for hearing me out. lol
Originally Posted by i LyricaLJKilla i

I'm taking my sweet $%^ time with everything. School, work, etc.
I'm still not sure what the hell I wanna do with my life. My aspirations seem to change daily.
I've realized I'm more self-conscious now more than ever.
I still don't accept the fact I'm 20. I still slip up and say I'm 18-19 sometimes.
I think waaaay too much and try to strategize way too much wnen it comes to females. And it ends up costing me baaaad.

I'm currently caught up over a chick who basically tossed me to the side the 1st go round for another dude. And we stopped talking for a couple months. And recently have started again and we've been hitting it off pretty well. It's just a frustrating situation because I don't know where it's going to go. She's not looking for a relationship right now (neither am I) but I ain't trying to see the chick get with another dude. I'm not feeling her as much as I did before only because I have my guard up and being extremely cautious. I ain't tryna be on that fling or friends with benefits steez. We just get along way too much and know each other way too much for that casual b/s.

if it don't work out with the girl, I'm done with girls for awhile my dudes. Too much stress, pressure, anxiety. i'm just gonna do me and focus entirely on what I'm trying to do.


Thanks for hearing me out. lol

Do just that and shorty will come to you my friend.
I bite my nails til they bleed
I hope to smash a chick the first time we meet nd it usually happens
I have a lil anger problem, not hulk major tho
I tend to be lazy at times nd when I am, you can't make me do anything
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