Niketalk Confessions Vol. it could get real

i love farting at work and watch people walking by eat it.
Originally Posted by Danny Tanner

I hate beer, and when somebody offers me beer at a party..I'll take one so I wont be rude..but later on I'll end up dumping it somewhere


I do this too!! I hate beer so much, but I drink the hell out some liquor though!!
- I recently slept with my ex-girlfriend (last week), something that hasn't happened since 2006 when I was going through some real tough personal times andwe were hanging out because I thought I wouldn't see her (or anyone else for that matter) for a couple years. We really haven't spoken since Feb. ofthis year, and the only reason we were alone together was because she's having relationship problems and so am I.

She invited me over, made the first move, and then eventually, well, you know. I guess the major "confession" in all of this is, her boyfriend USEDto be a friend of mine, that was before he swooped in when she and I were having troubles when we initially dated. I'm somewhat torn between whether or notI feel bad, because he used to be a friend of mine, and he does 'love' her, but their relationship is on the brink of violent (he's an alcoholic,pushes, shoves and grabs her when he's drunk).

Throw in the mix of all of this, she called the other night, I was on a date so I didn't answer, and she said guilt got the best of her and she told him.Of course, I think she used to entire situation to her advantage (I figured this from jump street, but when you really care about someone [I won't saylove, I'm still unsure what 'love' is] you do some really spur of the moment, regardless of the consequences kind of things.

Crazy part, he doesn't want anyone to know, because for the last 3 years, we've managed to work ourselves into a civil type friendship because we havethe same circle of friends and he doesn't want the embarrassment of his girlfriend cheating on him twice with the same guy (once with me in 2006, once lastweek).

She's my best friend (in terms of females), and I would basically do anything for her, hence why I'm just taking this all in stride, despite thatI'd like to work things out between HER AND I. I talked to her yesterday and they're going to try and "work things out" but he doesn'twant her talking to me anymore, which sucks, because she's listening.

Hmm... I think that's about it. Figured I'd "get that off my chest".
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

these confessions have gotten so weak...dudes just getting stuff of their real confessions...

Says someone who read them all, yet offered none

I now know I am smarter than my father, I am struggling with this, he raised me, and for 20 years what he said was right.
I haven't had sex since school ended. At the moment all the girls I am talking to are currently in different states, one on a different continent
I am done buying nike products. For life. Well after I get my 3's. Working for them made me realize how much BS sneaker collecting has become.
I came real close to masturbating the other day, it's been years.
I have no idea what I want to do with my life.
I have seriously thought about transferring again so I have to stay in school longer.
I talk to more than one girl, because I haven't found one girl worth talking to.
I nabbed the girl in high school I never thought I could get, now that I got her....well you know how that goes...
Every-time I go to the club, and a girl flirts with me all I can think of is how many guys have smashed, the attitude that she is hiding, and her hiddenmotives for approaching me, I talk myself out of talking to her, before she even opens her mouth.
I wanna have sex with my best friend (female)
I think I hit my midlife crisis early (I'm 21) life's just so boring right now
My sub conscience stops me from trying to smash random chicks
After exposing LaurieStar, I started to develop a crush on her....
I can here the thread on jjb now....
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

these confessions have gotten so weak...dudes just getting stuff of their real confessions...

Is that a challenge for us to be bold?

Only Have one for right now I'm dwelling on...

I'm worried that the only reason my girl has feelings for me are not necessarily for me, but for how I "eat."

I mean, I'm just being real...
well im going to bring some uplifting into this thread:

my bday is friday and im excited
i went too set an appointment to get a tat but i punked out and
last confession i said i wasnt over my ex and now i am and honestly i get sick too the stomach thinking bout the %@#%*
im getting into great shape im really seeing some improvements last year around this time i was so damn deppressed but now im very happy with life
-I'm so angry with my ex and I can't wait for his new chick to see him for what he really is.
-A coworker is cheating on his wife hardcore and it sickens me how he brags about it to me.
-I have an increasingly dangerous crush on another coworker (not the cheater), but I refuse to act on it.
-I'm somewhat happy with where I am at this point in my life, but I'm anxious for "tomorrow" so to speak.
-My confessions are lame. *sigh*
Originally Posted by AmberElise04

-I'm so angry with my ex and I can't wait for his new chick to see him for what he really is.
-A coworker is cheating on his wife hardcore and it sickens me how he brags about it to me.
-I have an increasingly dangerous crush on another coworker (not the cheater), but I refuse to act on it.
-I'm somewhat happy with where I am at this point in my life, but I'm anxious for "tomorrow" so to speak.
-My confessions are lame awesome. *sigh*

Fixed... Your work place looks seems like it needs to be a
-I've been living out of my suitcases for like the last 5 1/2 yrs
-even though I have steady box lined up for some steange reason I want to twist a stripper, hence my twice a week visit
-I have the biggest crush on my brother's sister (me & him have diff't pops)
i bite my nails way to much, its been a problem for a long time and i dont see it stopping.
i often get into girls really fast, then get over them very fast as well. i dont think i can commit to a relationship that long.
i need to improve my social skills
i am ready to start a career and begin my life and supporting myself.
Pick one

I'm a dead beat dad
Ducktales and you knowit.......

I'm procrastinating on enrolling in College
im geeking out about law school
i dont like many of my friends anymore
im starting to resent my parents for always complaining about each other to me
i think my brother is a waste some times but i love him to death
im kind of materialistic but i just have self control and no money so i dont have anything
i like cartoons way to much for a 24 year old man
id pretty much smash every girl in the world with two straight eyes and a full set of teeth.
i love weed more than anything and am really worried i wont be able to stop for law school
i wish i didnt have any ambition and could just not care about living check to check and just burning and looking fly all day
i use to sell drugs and took a special joy in only selling to white kids hahaha
- i'm materialistic. very materialistic. and i need to change this ASAP

- sometimes i think my boyfriend's parents are waaay too judgemental towards me.. to the point where i'm ALWAYS cautious with every move i make intheir prescence. i have to dress & act a certain way just so they'll like me. i can't really be myself around them. and i still think theydon't like me.
- there's this ladyfriend my boyfriend has. she's a nice girl, but i just can't stand her being around him!
- my best friend was suddenly kicked out from my school. for something somebody else did. i hope my school gives him another chance to come back this yearbecause my other friends are douchebags

- i'm frustrated about certain things. i'm think i'm about to go crazy.
Originally Posted by bluexsneakerhead

- i'm materialistic. very materialistic. and i need to change this ASAP

- sometimes i think my boyfriend's parents are waaay too judgemental towards me.. to the point where i'm ALWAYS cautious with every move i make in their prescence. i have to dress & act a certain way just so they'll like me. i can't really be myself around them. and i still think they don't like me.
- there's this ladyfriend my boyfriend has. she's a nice girl, but i just can't stand her being around him!
- my best friend was suddenly kicked out from my school. for something somebody else did. i hope my school gives him another chance to come back this year because my other friends are douchebags

- i'm frustrated about certain things. i'm think i'm about to go crazy.

so you can have a ton of dudes for friends, but your boyfriend can't have girls for friends? insecurity FTL. i hope he leaves you.

-for some reason i miss my ex even though i don't want to be with her anymore.
-i am supposed to fight on live tv in HK in august, but it's so far away i don't even care about training. i'd rather just get a real job andquit.
-the dream is on life support. soon to be dead.
-at this rate i will likely be punch drunk if i don't quit within a year.
-i am almost ready to settle for an average life.
-an ex hit me up to go to the movies last weekend. she said she just wanted to see me and give me a hug because my birthday was last week. i blew her off anddeleted her number.
I cheated on my girlfriend 2 years ago with a girl I was in a study abroad program with. Luckily all we did was kiss (thank god my roommates were still awakewhen we got back from the bar, only thing that stopped us from having sex). Unfortunately it was in front of other people in the program, and the rumor millstarted up. When I got back, my chic asked if i did anything. I told her no. Fast forward 2 years, we're married with a 1 yr old. And if the oppurtunitypresented itself again, I would have sex with this other woman.
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