niketalk, Do you waste your money?

Jan 1, 2010
I'm turning 18 in a few days, and my mom asked me what I wanted for my b-day.
I don't even remember what I received last year for my birthday and that prompted me to realize that my mom, as well as myself have wasted money on $*@@that I don't need, love or remember even receiving.
I know that I waste money constantly - I eat out, I buy bull $*@@ and when I do save my money, I end up spending it all at once.

Niketalk, do you waste money?
Are you planning on doing anything about it?
Unfortunately I do but I'm trying to save up for a whip so I have to get better at saving and learning when to say no
it is your money, and you're free to do what you want with it.

but good for you to realize you've been spending money like water. just re-think what you want to do in life and see if saving the money you get willbenefit you in the long run, whether you want to go to college, or buy a car you always wanted, etc.

remember, it's yours and only you can make something out of it.
Originally Posted by TheCalculator

I'm turning 18 in a few days, and my mom asked me what I wanted for my b-day.
I don't even remember what I received last year for my birthday and that prompted me to realize that my mom, as well as myself have wasted money on $*@@ that I don't need, love or remember even receiving.
I know that I waste money constantly - I eat out, I buy bull $*@@ and when I do save my money, I end up spending it all at once.

Niketalk, do you waste money?
Are you planning on doing anything about it?

(me too)
Originally Posted by TheCalculator

Originally Posted by Iansmk

do you work or support yourself? or does mommy buy everything for u?
I'm in high school, I live at home, but I work in the summer time.

when you start working fulltime and supporting yourself entirely(paying all your bills, etc) you will start to value the money you earn a little bit more andhopefully spend it on more important goods and services.
Of course, I get buyers remorse months later after EVERYTHING I buy

Unless its stuff like White T' which I wear often or a TV that I watch everyday

It really comes down to how often you use it IMO.
Not as much as I used to.

I'm better at saying no now that my madre and padre don't offer to pay for everything.
Hell no. I get called cheap for it,but oh well. People that spend their $ foolishly need a way to make them feel better about their actions so they call usfrugal folks cheap. As if it really hurts my feelings.

But nah man, I am a super penny pincher. Won't buy unless it is on sale type dude. Most people are wasteful though.

You will hear folks also use the logic, "You better spend it. You can't take it to the grave with you." - Dumbest rationale I have ever heard.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Hell no. I get called cheap for it,but oh well. People that spend their $ foolishly need a way to make them feel better about their actions so they call us frugal folks cheap. As if it really hurts my feelings.

But nah man, I am a super penny pincher. Won't buy unless it is on sale type dude. Most people are wasteful though.

You will hear folks also use the logic, "You better spend it. You can't take it to the grave with you." - Dumbest rationale I have ever heard.

How is that the dumbest rationale you've ever heard? What's the sense in saving up your entire life, and then dying before you get to use it? It'sbest to find a happy medium. Do not go through life being a penny pincher, but at the same time do not be careless with your finances. Spend some and savesome.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Hell no. I get called cheap for it,but oh well. People that spend their $ foolishly need a way to make them feel better about their actions so they call us frugal folks cheap. As if it really hurts my feelings.

But nah man, I am a super penny pincher. Won't buy unless it is on sale type dude. Most people are wasteful though.

You will hear folks also use the logic, "You better spend it. You can't take it to the grave with you." - Dumbest rationale I have ever heard.

How is that the dumbest rationale you've ever heard? What's the sense in saving up your entire life, and then dying before you get to use it? It's best to find a happy medium. Do not go through life being a penny pincher, but at the same time do not be careless with your finances. Spend some and save some.
You do know the majority of people have something called OFFSPRING.

People work for themselves when they are younger and for their family as they get older. You make money NOT for yourself but for your family. So you can'ttake it to the grave but you CAN make sure your kids didn't have to work as hard as you did.

I am not talking about spend some/save some. I am talking about people being reckless and then justifying it with, "I can't take it to the grave withme."
budgeting formula - 95 minus from your age. then save that percentage. EX: you're 18. 95-18 = 77. you're spose to save 77% of all the money you earn,recieve, find, etc... This helped me out a ton
. Now if you have reoccurring expenses, you should figure it out prior using the budgeting formula.
I suck with money...I am a college student,work at UPS,and I buy stuff like I'm Jayz or sumbody.I dont pay any bills except my phone bill....Living withthe parents FTW
I spent so much money in the past yr its rediculous. And I have nothing to show for it.
I bought some 22s,clothes,games,liquor....But
takes the cake...I spendmore money on that than gas
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

You do know the majority of people have something called OFFSPRING.

People work for themselves when they are younger and for their family as they get older. You make money NOT for yourself but for your family. So you can't take it to the grave but you CAN make sure your kids didn't have to work as hard as you did.

I am not talking about spend some/save some. I am talking about people being reckless and then justifying it with, "I can't take it to the grave with me."


This is the dumbest @%$# I heard in a minute
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