Niketalk I have done the unthinkable

seeing sounds

Jun 20, 2009
I am a freshman in highschool and I failed my math class, I know I was lazy and didnt work hard, but my teacher who was only in his second year was terribleand most of my class struggled. Well now I have to goto summer school and I have a couple of questions. Will this ruin my whole transcript?(I wanna get into agood school) How long does summer school usually go for? I'm only taking it for one class so how many hours a day? Any tips?
Originally Posted by Prez T


have you tried consulting a counselor about some of those questions before coming on niketalk?
This guy is the one about to take summer school and he's asking us how long its going to be.
Damn you had me thinking you killed someone

Anyways I can't answer your questions.... I have no idea.
Do we look like your school's administration office? No right, call them and ask them lol!
Originally Posted by Lazy B

How do people fail classes during their freshman year in high school?


high school is ******edly easy. You only realize this when you start college though
Will it ruin your chances for university?

Well, it depends on where you want to go. I guess you could rule out Harvard.
Originally Posted by Seeing Sounds

but my teacher who was only in his second year was terrible and most of my class struggled
Don't make excuses. You didn't work hard enough.
And stop worrying about others.

This doesn't look good on a transcript, but you can definitely bounce back and have a strong sophmore and junior.
Originally Posted by Seeing Sounds

Idk how I failed, my teacher was terrible.

i know how you failed, youre dumb as bricks...I bet pops gon stand over your like foghorn leghorn "i say boy, i say"
I failed math in school school too but i was a wild boy in nyc. But summer school is usually until mid/end of july and its a cakewalk,as far as transcripts goidk talk to someone from your school.
How am I dumb as rocks, Ive always struggled with math, and this is supposed to be the hardest math according to upperclassmen, I'm better in classes wearyou right. I got an A in Global Civ and will be going to honors, a b in english, a b in latin, c in science, a in health
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