Niketalk Member: Belle155 at the Spurs vs Cavs game on ABC giving props to NT (pic)

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]i cant see any pics[/color]
Probably should've posted this in the S&T so Belle could've answered some questions
Originally Posted by buggz05

How did you capture that or stream that?

i have a tv tuner so i can watch live tv on my laptop through windows media center

the nice thing about it is that u can pause, rewind, or fast forward similiar to a dvr

i just paused it and took a screen shot of it.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

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[color= rgb(204, 255, 0)]Pic (props to viesta4o8):[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]what pic?[/color]
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