NikeTalk will be moving from July 13th-14th.

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Will the new site be HTTPS??
Yes, site-wide.  Optional two factor authentication will also be available to help protect user accounts.  

We've very much looking forward to flipping the calendar past 2012. 
I cant update my email address....

whenever i try it says there is an error and it cannot be processed
Replied via PM.
I can bring back Mateen Cleaves???
we are importing all banned accounts into the new system just to keep them banned.  Those accounts will not be available for anyone to register.
If you can still log in to the old account on that old forum network which shall remain nameless, we can recover it for you.  Just send me a PM or send an email to support. 

We can't merge the two accounts, but we can recover the old one and you could use that moving forward, if you wish. 
I just tried on the other forum and it doesn't seem to work. Oh big deal but thanks for the heads up.
They have some account recovery support options.  You can give it a shot if you like, but we obviously can't make any assurances about the quality of service you'd receive there.  If you can regain access to it, we can help you out - perhaps even after the migration has occurred. 
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Hmm. Donations for unbanning screen names? That might not be a bad idea lol. Just gotta set like a one time limit so folks don't get out of hand :lol:
I remember back in the ezboard days we had the community chest or something like that where you could donate and you get the slick gold coin thing next to your username.

Not sure if the donation box thing will make a return or if we keep things the way they are.
what if I donate $100 to charity of your choice
You should do that for its own sake, not as a cheap attempt at bribery.

You know those massive video ads they have running all over Complex sites?  I could raise a heck of lot more money than $100 for charity by running those on NikeTalk.

NikeTalk needs to make money to stay online and we try our best to raise money for important causes, but ALL of that is predicated in offering the best experience we can for our fellow community members.  Show me a website that's taken on an "anything for a dollar" mentality and I'll show you a website with unhappy users. 

Share your good fortune with those in need because it's the right thing to do, not because you want to try and buy back an old account you forfeit through your own foolishness.

If you want a better account name, try creating one that wasn't hopelessly outdated three years before you hit the "submit" button.
I remember back in the ezboard days we had the community chest or something like that where you could donate and you get the slick gold coin thing next to your username.

Not sure if the donation box thing will make a return or if we keep things the way they are.
The technology for a "donation box" or subscription purchases exists in the new system, but it won't be active at launch. 

For the time being, at least, we're focused on creating opportunities to raise money for charity directly, through group fundraisers, or indirectly, through apparel sales.  We should all be proud of the generosity demonstrated year in and year out by our fellow members, and the best outlet for that will always be helping those who need it most.  

The site's own needs should be met as long as everyone is supportive of the advertising and sponsor programs that keep NikeTalk free to use.  We'll do our best to improve those, too, once they're back under our control.  
you don't need to tell me how much money is made thru ads because I'm well aware. I try my best to click them on a daily basis :smokin
I'm really looking forward to the better mentions notifications :pimp:

Can't wait for the overall move tho

Hopefully we can adjust the size of the pictures we upload from mobile. Now, I upload a picture from my phone, then I end up editing the size of that upload whenever I get back to a desktop.

Hopefully we can adjust the size of the pictures we upload from mobile. Now, I upload a picture from my phone, then I end up editing the size of that upload whenever I get back to a desktop.

you can do that now, just adjust da address ratio size from 200/400 to 800/1600 when NT spit out a link for da pic you just uploaded (lil trick to get to da actual hosting image instead of da thumbnail)

Hopefully we can adjust the size of the pictures we upload from mobile. Now, I upload a picture from my phone, then I end up editing the size of that upload whenever I get back to a desktop.
As it works right now, there are no size selections on upload.  You can't make a mistake there.  You upload the FULL image, and you are then given two (rather than three) size options within the attachments area of the post editor.  

You can choose between a small thumbnail image or full size.  That may not sound like sufficient flexibility compared to the three size options we have now, but the "full size" option automatically scales to fit your display.  Choosing a very large image will never result in scroll bars.  That image gets resized dynamically to fit your display.  

If you upload once, insert the image into your photo, and then either accidentally choose the wrong size or you inadvertently delete the image from your post - it's no problem.  You just go back down to attachments, click the size you want, and it's inserted at your cursor position.  There's no need to re-upload.  

That just makes more sense for us as forum users, and it makes more sense for us from a storage standpoint, because we don't have people uploading the same image multiple times.  

It's a little different, but I think everyone will find the process fairly straightforward and we're already exploring ways to make image uploads a little more intuitive on NikeTalk than they are in the stock system.  This is one of many areas where we're looking to invest in custom development to improve the experience even further, which is an option that has never been available to us before.  
No white bars on avys?
Avatar images, as you know, are square.  The Huddler system produces those white bars when images that aren't square are uploaded, and the system doesn't have enough horizontal or vertical information in the image to fill the box.  

I suspect the assumption, for the platform, was that most, if not all, sites would have a white background, so it would just blend in.  

I've done some limited testing to better address your post, and the new platform doesn't appear to have this issue.  Even if it did, I'd like to think we could tweak it to display bars that actually match the background.  

There are a lot of little defaults in the Huddler system that were designed for light themes, not dark ones.  While we do want to offer an optional light theme at some point, the default theme will, of course, be based on our traditional black/white/red color scheme.  We're not planning to cut corners and just use system defaults that will clash with our color scheme because it's cheaper/easier.  
you don't need to tell me how much money is made thru ads because I'm well aware. I try my best to click them on a daily basis
We all appreciate that. 
I'm really looking forward to the better mentions notifications

Can't wait for the overall move tho
Thank you, I'm glad you have a positive outlook on this.  

I know that change - any change - can be off putting for many people.  For many of us, NikeTalk is like our home online.  I can appreciate how disruptive it would feel if, at the end of a long day, you just want to come home and relax - but you find that the entire house has been renovated and nothing seems to be where you left it.  That's tough, and we absolutely appreciate that.

However, the truth of the matter is that:

1) The site owners who've already migrated their communities have all indicated that they had no real choice in the matter.  Moving was a matter of survival. 

2) The Huddler platform has not seen any significant new user-facing features in quite some time, and we'd already been receiving complaints about the "dated" look.  

So, the objective here is to turn what could've been a crisis into an opportunity.  Leaving may not have been our choice, and the resources required to make this change are substantial, but it opens to our community a new world of possibilities.  

A threat of this magnitude should be something that fills us with dread, but I'm honestly excited about the change.  We're working with a truly amazing team that's already pulled this off successfully for another Huddler site, so our focus is less on basic survival than on building the very best community we can.  

I fully expect that some people will be upset at launch, because of the "moved furniture," but we're planning a lot of little quality of life improvements that should make the experience better for everyone.  Quote notifications and better @ mentions are just the start.  
sounds great, can't wait!

down to beta beta test too :nerd:
I just hope we can get a "1 time" name change with the new home..Most of us have user names that no longer apply and would like to have something better to use..

We are looking at exactly that.  One of the issues we'll likely encounter with this move will be a loss of formatting in usernames (capitalization, etc.)  To correct that, one possibility would be to give each user a "one time" name change, which could be used to correct the capitalization/spacing/etc. OR to change to a different account name. 

And not have people think my name is lobo to my beats? I think not!
When we're done, the idea is for it to look like NikeTalk.  The theme is still very much in progress, and I wouldn't want to show off a standard theme in black/red as that wouldn't be a great indication of what you can expect.  

I've been on forums in the past where users could submit their themes and then there was a poll about which themes should be implemented as options. It'd be cool if you could incentivize that in the same way we have donor badges. Maybe make the ability to unlock different themes dependant on post count or contributions.
When I just seen the thread the 1st thing I thought of was aww **** here we go again. that last move left a bad taste in my mouth with the moves they tried to make to play us.

Hope this is as smooth as possible.
When I just seen the thread the 1st thing I thought of was aww **** here we go again. that last move left a bad taste in my mouth with the moves they tried to make to play us.

Hope this is as smooth as possible.
This move will be much smoother for several reasons.  When Nelson C founded the original NikeTalk forum, we needed to find a message board solution that was free.  We couldn't afford our own server, web design, etc. etc.  We ran the site purely as a labor of love and, for years, didn't even run ads on the site.  When we did run ads, we donated the proceeds to charity - so we had no budget.  The old forum network changed hands several times, and the quality of ownership diminished markedly, in my opinion.  That left us in a really tough situation.  We are in a much, much better situation now, and Huddler helped us get there.  

If you look at the other communities that have already left, you'll see Huddler has supported, rather than obstructed, the migration process in each case, and they've reported none of the antagonism that marred our previous move, to Huddler and away from our previous host. 

Any data conversion from a closed, proprietary platform is challenging, but the process is far simpler and more straightforward than what we had to deal with to get here in the first place.  

We're working hard to make the migration process as smooth as we possibly can.  I'll discuss the actual schedule and step by step process as we draw closer to our departure date, but we we're looking at 24 hours or less of total downtime for the migration - and most of that will allow temporary posting in a special area.  With the last migration, we didn't have the opportunity to make it clear when we'd be entering the "content lock" stage, after which point new content could not be transferred to the new site.  Everything will be much clearer this time around.

Even the post-migration process should be smoother than ever.  We're fortunate to be working with the two former leaders of Huddler's support team, people who already helped us with our previous migration, who've already interacted with and assisted many of you, and who value and appreciate our community.  By teaming up, we can offer 24 hour support for all migration issues.

To give you an idea of what that looks like, feel free to check out the Site Migration Issues section of The Cat Site:

You can get a sense of how quickly and effectively issues were addressed, what types of issues they experienced, and how long these minor issues persisted following the community's migration.  The same team that helped relaunch The Cat Site will be working with us to relaunch NikeTalk.

Each community has its own unique needs, so you can expect some differences in the look and feel of our new site, among other variations, but I hope you'll find it reassuring that The Cat Site's migration process was so much less turbulent than our move to Huddler in 2012.  
When we're done, the idea is for it to look like NikeTalk.  The theme is still very much in progress, and I wouldn't want to show off a standard theme in black/red as that wouldn't be a great indication of what you can expect.  
I've been on forums in the past where users could submit their themes and then there was a poll about which themes should be implemented as options. It'd be cool if you could incentivize that in the same way we have donor badges. Maybe make the ability to unlock different themes dependant on post count or contributions.
That's a really interesting idea, and we're excited by the platform's support for multiple themes, but there are significant performance considerations to keep in mind both when designing themes, and in determining how many themes we can make available simultaneously.  

I did, however, want to check in with the team to determine whether or not it was technically possible to allow only users in certain groups (contributors to charity, veteran users, etc.) to access a specific theme - and it is, with the right add on(s) installed.  

Again, for performance reasons it's best to try and run the platform with as few modifications as possible.  There's less that can go wrong that way, and fewer potential barriers that could delay us in upgrading to the latest version of our chosen platform.

The donor badges will likely work differently on the new platform, too, and might even need to be redesigned should we need to alter the badge dimensions.  However, even if the badges aren't available at relaunch, we WILL be retaining all of that information.  We'll know who earned what, and we'll make the corresponding badges available as soon as we're able.

With our last migration, I manually went through our two fundraisers (at that time) and reassigned everyone's badges one by one.  That shouldn't be necessary this time - but it's the type of effort that you guys deserve for showcasing all that's best about our community.  

The badges will return in some form, whatever it takes. 
Will there be a buy and sell section on the new site
If so what will the differences if any be ?

Will our old posts and post count also be on the new site

I also click on a lot of the ads especially when I have NT on the desk desk top platform
One other question I also can't update my email on nt I believe it's under a account
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