NikeTalk will be moving from July 13th-14th.

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From the example sites posted the new forum looking very yuku like. I personally will miss huddler, literally took us from da 'jects to e-suburbia
It's customizable, and we've investing in a custom design for the site so it looks different than those other examples.

The easiest, and cheapest, way to go would've just been to use the stock design, slap our logo on it, and change the colors.  We'll spend what's needed to try and make the new site feel like home as best we can, within the limitations of the platform.

Also worth mentioning:  there's a major version update planned for the new platform within the next 12-18 months.  The changes to the core of the software are substantial enough that it would require us to invest significant time and money to ensure compatibility with any custom code developed for the current product.  As a result, there's a limit to how much custom work we can responsibly have done before the new version is released.  (Just as there are limits on how much remodeling work you'd do in a leased apartment or office.)

With Huddler, the site we launched with is more or less the site we have today.  All the changes or improvements were largely front loaded into the first few months.  No significant user-facing updates have been released in years.

On the new platform, the site will continue to evolve over time.  We're already planning out what changes can be made at launch and which ones we'll be able to implement down the road, like responsive designs that are also optimized for users with 4k displays.

We will have some immediate usability improvements - like the aforementioned quote features - but the platform will get better and better over time.  If, for some reason, it doesn't - we'll change it again to ensure that we always have the best available platform for our community. 
Will take advantage of that name change
I need to think of a new sn.
At least keep your avys.

I feel like I know yall through your avy + screen name.

Dont want to learn you again
We'll add a "Formerly Known As" custom user title for those who've made significant changes to their account names to avoid confusion.  After a set amount of time, though, (1 year, for example) we can remove them.  

Hopefully that will help keep the chaos to a minimum. 
It's planned.  

Again, one issue with the conversion is that formatting within user names won't carry over.  (Capitalization, spacing, etc.)  The idea was to give everyone the ability to easily correct that. 

In the process, however, it also gives us the opportunity to provide all existing members with the chance to perform a one time username change even beyond formatting corrections. 

We're working with the same team that recently converted The Cat Site from Huddler to the new platform.  Here's how they addressed it:


We're looking to do the same basic thing for NikeTalk.  At any point after launch, you can perform your ONE TIME name change.  After you change your name, the option disappears.  

If you changed to nickmaz2017, someone else won't be able to come along and take nickmaz96 for themselves.  Banned names can't be claimed, either.  We'll have a clear record of who's changing their names to what and we'll create custom user titles so it's clear that User X was "formerly known as User Y," for example.  

NikeTalk will turn 18 in December.  This won't be the first forum platform we've outlived.  I think what we've proven - particularly with this last move - is that it's the people who make the community, not the platform.  

While many of us have nostalgic memories of the old platform(s), it's essential that we continue to move the technology forward.  Adopting something like site-wide SSL, for example, isn't something that we could responsibly ignore - and there are lots of other little conveniences and optimizations that most people grow accustomed to on other sites and online services they use that they'd be disappointed to find missing on NikeTalk.

When we moved to this platform five years ago, some people said they really missed our original platform - which had no image hosting, stored only 20 pages of topics per form, had no backups, had no @ mentions, new post notification, or on site subscriptions, so you could easily track threads you're interested in or actively participate in.  

Our goal is to try and make the new site still feel like home while, at the same time, using the new platform and its continued growth to extend new features to try and make the experience even better.  

As I've mentioned, the new site does offer support for multiple themes - so perhaps it would be possible, at some point, to offer a "classic" theme that replicates some familiar design elements from our old Huddler site.  

This is a change that was essentially forced on us, and others who used the Huddler platform.  Saving our community is, of course, the first priority - but I hope everyone knows that we're working our hardest to make the new site the best it can be, and we're sparing no expense to do so.  

We're pushing hard to ensure that the site you experience at relaunch isn't a life raft or a refugee camp, but a new home you can feel comfortable in right away.
I'm wondering if I'm going to retire AirSakuragi's jersey into the NT rafters and create something new...thoughts on it Meth?
I THINK it's going to look and work better just by that example you showed us look easier to check everything I can't wait to try it
Out of curiosity:  does anyone have strong feelings about something they'd like to see changed on the current mobile site?

Obviously the ugly, outdated nav bar will not return on the new site, so that need not be mentioned.  We'll also use a unified, responsive design rather than a separate mobile site, so you'll have access to every feature/setting on the new site whether you're browsing on a big screen or a small one.  As a result, issues like "I can't create classified listings on mobile" will also be resolved.

Those issues aside, is there anything about the existing mobile site that you'd like to see changed moving forward?

Most users now access the site from mobile devices, rather than desktop computers, so it's important for us to take a mobile first approach.  I also believe that form needs to follow function, and the site should maintain an efficient, minimalist appearance so that regular community members and contributors aren't wasting their time scrolling through fancy design elements that might look pretty at first, but, after awhile, just get in the way.  

Efficient use of space has been one of the strengths of the existing mobile site, and something we're interested in carrying forward - but I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to provide feedback on what they're hoping to see from the new design.

Given the circumstances surrounding our move to the Huddler platform, we weren't able to accomplish everything we wanted with the design or actively solicit feedback from our fellow members as the new site was being built.  Now, it's important to make sure we're moving forward together as a community and everyone has the opportunity to express their preferences and feel heard.  
I'd like more editing options in the reply box instead of just bold, hyperlink, image, and @.

I know you could use [COLOR] & [SIZE] but being able to change the color/size of text from mobile with one button would be really convenient.
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"Out of curiosity: does anyone have strong feelings about something they'd like to see changed on the current mobile site?"

A function that allows you to not only go to your last post (in your profile) but also go to where you left off from from your last post while in your profile.

Your able to get to where you left off by finding the thread, but when checking from your profile I am unable to.
I'd like more editing options in the reply box instead of just bold, hyperlink, image, and @.

I know you could use [COLOR] & [SIZE] but being able to change the color/size of text from mobile with one button would be really convenient.

This and easier way to post youtube vids. Instead of going to the desktop version on my phone. :x
I'd like more editing options in the reply box instead of just bold, hyperlink, image, and @.

I know you could use [COLOR] & [SIZE] but being able to change the color/size of text from mobile with one button would be really convenient.

This and easier way to post youtube vids. Instead of going to the desktop version on my phone. :x

You can do [ VIDEO ] *link* [ / VIDEO ] (no spaces) & it'll embed.
A bigger reply box on mobile would be nice, or at least some ability to expand it (or maybe it can expand with the size of the reply).

Probably my biggest request for mobile as well. More embedding options (maybe accessible from a button or something if you're trying to avoid clutter) would be nice too.

A function that allows you to not only go to your last post (in your profile) but also go to where you left off from from your last post while in your profile.

Your able to get to where you left off by finding the thread, but when checking from your profile I am unable to.

It's not quite intuitive, but when you go to your last post in a thread from your profile; tap the button in the top right corner and then tap on '___ Unread Posts' from the menu that opens to get to the last post you read.

This and easier way to post youtube vids. Instead of going to the desktop version on my phone. :x

How to embed a YouTube video from mobile:

[ Video](YouTube url)[ /Video]

Remove the spaces. Voila.

EDIT: Got beat to the punch there. But I'll leave the process in case anyone somehow missed the first instructions.
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If you have not yet transferred your account from our old platform, you will need to make sure you do that ASAP to ensure that it makes the journey. Contact our support team via email for assistance.

Pardon my ignorance but I'm not really sure what this means or if it affects me. Can someone explain this?
Also are there any plans for an NT app?
I'd like more editing options in the reply box instead of just bold, hyperlink, image, and @.

I know you could use [COLOR] & [SIZE] but being able to change the color/size of text from mobile with one button would be really convenient.
^^ and a button for emojis for easier posts. Maybe add a couple new ones that be great.:nthat:
If you have not yet transferred your account from our old platform, you will need to make sure you do that ASAP to ensure that it makes the journey. Contact our support team via email for assistance.
Pardon my ignorance but I'm not really sure what this means or if it affects me. Can someone explain this?
Also are there any plans for an NT app?
If you have a working account, you're good.  You just need to be able to sign in and out.  
A bigger reply box on mobile would be nice, or at least some ability to expand it (or maybe it can expand with the size of the reply).
^^ and a button for emojis for easier posts. 
I'd like more editing options in the reply box instead of just bold, hyperlink, image, and @.

I know you could use [COLOR] & [SIZE] but being able to change the color/size of text from mobile with one button would be really convenient.
You will have a FULL post editor in mobile.  
Definitely would appreciate having a click option for all of the emoticons.

I have the codes for a few memorized, but sometimes I want to use one I don't remember so I don't even bother posting altogether lol
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Definitely would appreciate having a click option for all of the emoticons.

I have the codes for a few memorized, but sometimes I want to use one I don't remember so I don't even bother posting altogether lol
To clarify:  a dedicated button for emoji WILL be included on mobile.  The mobile platform won't have a feature-reduced editor with only a scant few options available.  It'll have the real deal.  

Part of the benefit of the platform change is that we'll have a unified experience.  The look and feel of the site will adapt to fit your display, but there isn't a "separate" mobile site.  Everything you can do on desktop, you should be able to do on mobile.  
Not at first, but that's why the one time name change will be available.  You'll be able to correct the formatting of your account name easily, without staff assistance. 
So I'll be able to change my name to display the way it does here by using the change your username option on the new site once the move is made correct?
Not at first, but that's why the one time name change will be available.  You'll be able to correct the formatting of your account name easily, without staff assistance. 
So I'll be able to change my name to display the way it does here by using the change your username option on the new site once the move is made correct?
Yes, that's correct.  The whole process should only take you a few seconds.  We'll have instructions for it available on or shortly before launch day. 
Props to the NT staff/admins/mods/major players. This is one of the only sites I use daily, even before I legit signed up in 2012 and stopped lurking
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