NikeTalk will be moving from July 13th-14th.

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Wait so are we still doing a beta, I remember you saying end of June. Is that when the move will be done, or at a later date.

kinda excited
Wait so are we still doing a beta, I remember you saying end of June. Is that when the move will be done, or at a later date.

kinda excited
Beta should still happen, hopefully beginning next week.  The design isn't yet where I'd like it to be before we start letting testers in.  I'd like it to be at about 75%-80%, so the build-out is further away from the "cold dark shell" stage when we have guests.

The exact launch date hasn't been set yet.  June 30th is the target date.  It could happen shortly before or after that.  When a date has been selected, we'll be sure to share that information with everyone here.

We'll do our best to avoid major sneaker releases, the NBA Draft, and other big events to ensure that those interested will be able to discuss them without interruption.
Gotcha, just wanted to know if the next couple weeks was the target date. hope everything goes smooth
Will we be keeping the ezBoard emoticons?
We'll probably have a combination of old and new.  Obviously we have some classic and custom ones we'd like to keep, but the new system will have emoji characters that will, in the future, be capable of scaling to work better with high resolution displays.  

Images like this one:  
  are minuscule on 4k displays.  While they're fine for most users on mobile or at 1080p, we want to make sure the choices we make today are forward looking. 

I believe the original site on ezboard was designed for users with average display resolutions of 1024x768.  Back then, monitors were still 4:3.  This was my avatar on ezboard:  

It wouldn't make sense to keep the avatars at that size, so we'll need to begin moving forward with emoji as well.

We care deeply about the history of our community, but we can't make decisions for today and tomorrow's technology on the basis of choices we made almost 18 years ago, which were motivated, in many cases, by necessity and the constraints of the time.  
I'm really looking forward to the new website! Been here for almost 13 years so seeing NT evolve has been very nice!
Man, i remember browsing NT on my sidekick back in the day. Loved it :lol:
We have definitely come a long way tho. Looking forward to seeing what this next chapter brings.

And thank you to everyone that has a role in making sure this platform continues to exist and thrive.
So those of us with capitalized letters in our sn won't display as such on the new site?

Not at first, but that's why the one time name change will be available.  You'll be able to correct the formatting of your account name easily, without staff assistance. 

does the name change option stay available for as long as you like (say in 3 yrs you want to use it) or is there a limited time of when that option can be used?
So those of us with capitalized letters in our sn won't display as such on the new site?
Not at first, but that's why the one time name change will be available.  You'll be able to correct the formatting of your account name easily, without staff assistance. 
does the name change option stay available for as long as you like (say in 3 yrs you want to use it) or is there a limited time of when that option can be used?
It pertains to the migration, so it'll only be available for a set period afterward - no longer than 12 months. 
Is there a way to get a search function on mobile? Idk if it's here now but I usually switch to desktop on my phone if I need to search a thread. Would be a nice feature to have.
Is there a way to get a search function on mobile? Idk if it's here now but I usually switch to desktop on my phone if I need to search a thread. Would be a nice feature to have.
i had the same question/request earlier in this thread. hit that box on the top right and a panel slides in with a "search this thread" option.

top left lets you do a more general search.

i don't think either lets you do a full search like you can with desktop though.
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Will we be keeping the ezBoard emoticons? :nerd:

We'll probably have a combination of old and new.  Obviously we have some classic and custom ones we'd like to keep, but the new system will have emoji characters that will, in the future, be capable of scaling to work better with high resolution displays.  

Images like this one:  :stoneface:   are minuscule on 4k displays.  While they're fine for most users on mobile or at 1080p, we want to make sure the choices we make today are forward looking. 

I believe the original site on ezboard was designed for users with average display resolutions of 1024x768.  Back then, monitors were still 4:3.  This was my avatar on ezboard:  View media item 2467446

It wouldn't make sense to keep the avatars at that size, so we'll need to begin moving forward with emoji as well.

We care deeply about the history of our community, but we can't make decisions for today and tomorrow's technology on the basis of choices we made almost 18 years ago, which were motivated, in many cases, by necessity and the constraints of the time.  
Yeah I understand. I'll have to keep my favorites in my back pocket in case they don't make the trek to the new platform.
Will we be keeping the ezBoard emoticons? :nerd:

We'll probably have a combination of old and new.  Obviously we have some classic and custom ones we'd like to keep, but the new system will have emoji characters that will, in the future, be capable of scaling to work better with high resolution displays.  

Images like this one:  :stoneface:   are minuscule on 4k displays.  While they're fine for most users on mobile or at 1080p, we want to make sure the choices we make today are forward looking. 

I believe the original site on ezboard was designed for users with average display resolutions of 1024x768.  Back then, monitors were still 4:3.  This was my avatar on ezboard:  View media item 2467446

It wouldn't make sense to keep the avatars at that size, so we'll need to begin moving forward with emoji as well.

We care deeply about the history of our community, but we can't make decisions for today and tomorrow's technology on the basis of choices we made almost 18 years ago, which were motivated, in many cases, by necessity and the constraints of the time.  

keep all da old ones, da pixelated nature of em gives em a ironic feel.

and meth, da head honchos working on easier IG/twitter embeds?
i had the same question/request earlier in this thread. hit that box on the top right and a panel slides in with a "search this thread" option.

top left lets you do a more general search.

i don't think either lets you do a full search like you can with desktop though.

Well damn. Never even knew it was there :lol: Repped
As a quick update, the designer we hired has been working through the night and we're making a strong push to get the design where it needs to be in order to allow for beta testing to begin next week.  
Is there a way to get a search function on mobile? Idk if it's here now but I usually switch to desktop on my phone if I need to search a thread. Would be a nice feature to have.
Huddler designers made some odd choices in mapping different functions.  You had a menu button that contained practically everything from notifications and PMs to search and navigation, and then this other oddly labeled button that had a different type of search (though it wasn't labeled differently), and a small number of thread options. 

How was anyone supposed to know what items would be in which menu?  The right side button was supposed to be "thread specific," but the icon for it was just this cryptic arrow.  What was the arrow even supposed to mean?  "Reply?"  "Pop out window?"  "Fast forward?"  The world may never know.  

With the new site, we're remapping a lot of functions so they're easier to find, using industry standard UI design language so you won't have to decipher some designer's heiroglyphics to use the site. 

And yes, you should have access to the exact same search options on mobile as you do on desktop.  Mobile is the same site, just with some options tucked away since space doesn't permit the same layout as desktop/tablet.  It isn't this stripped down "NikeTalk Jr." anymore. 

Huddler mobile was never finished.  Here we are five years later and you still can't create classified listings on mobile.  That all ends when we leave. 
keep all da old ones, da pixelated nature of em gives em a ironic feel.

and meth, da head honchos working on easier IG/twitter embeds?
Yeah, the idea was to keep them (or most of them, depending on how cluttered things get) but not make them the only ones available.  It's simple enough to resize them so they'll scale better, but they'll look like a Nintendo game from the 80's.  That's not a look for everyone.  It's possible they'll launch as our default emoji set for the sake of familiarity, though.  We'll have to see what our options are.  I know change is difficult for many people, so we're trying to keep things familiar.  (Even to the point where we're investing in a fully custom theme to retain, yet update, the familiar look of the site.) 

I'm just saying that, while we plan to make most or all of them available on the new site, they may not always be the defaults.  

Eventually, the platform will standardize emoji sets (Android/Apple) so everyone, including desktop users, see the same thing there when users enter emoji from their phones.  I think that would be helpful, and it would also allow for user control over skin tone, etc.  

As for easier IG/twitter embeds, all of the "head honchos" are interested in that.  It's something that the platform is looking at incorporating in the next major release (~12-18 months from now), it's something that I'm looking to have added to our forums even sooner if possible, and, consequently, it's something that our lead developer is investigating.  

For security reasons, the new platform does not allow users to insert HTML code into their posts.  Only bbcode is available.  That will be an adjustment and it does mean that you can't "hack in" embed support on your own - but, really, nobody should have to take that step in the first place.

Simple embedding for IG/Twitter/etc. is not in the platform today, so there may be an adjustment period where it's not available at first - but it will be part of our platform in time.  It's a priority. 
Any chance of Methodical Management reverting to METHOD MAN?
That name is 99.9% retired.  

And, with a project like this, you want all the management you can get.  
I'm liking everything you're planning to implement so far. Keep up the good work.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of our team, we're nearly ready to welcome testers to our closed beta site.

Invitations will begin rolling out on Thursday via PM to those of you who previously expressed an interest in beta testing.  The test period is currently scheduled to run from mid-Thursday through Sunday.  

If all goes well, we'll be able to share our moving/re-launch date with you soon. 
As a quick update, the designer we hired has been working through the night and we're making a strong push to get the design where it needs to be in order to allow for beta testing to begin next week.  

Huddler designers made some odd choices in mapping different functions.  You had a menu button that contained practically everything from notifications and PMs to search and navigation, and then this other oddly labeled button that had a different type of search (though it wasn't labeled differently), and a small number of thread options. 

How was anyone supposed to know what items would be in which menu?  The right side button was supposed to be "thread specific," but the icon for it was just this cryptic arrow.  What was the arrow even supposed to mean?  "Reply?"  "Pop out window?"  "Fast forward?"  The world may never know.  

With the new site, we're remapping a lot of functions so they're easier to find, using industry standard UI design language so you won't have to decipher some designer's heiroglyphics to use the site. 

And yes, you should have access to the exact same search options on mobile as you do on desktop.  Mobile is the same site, just with some options tucked away since space doesn't permit the same layout as desktop/tablet.  It isn't this stripped down "NikeTalk Jr." anymore. 

Huddler mobile was never finished.  Here we are five years later and you still can't create classified listings on mobile.  That all ends when we leave. 

Yeah, the idea was to keep them (or most of them, depending on how cluttered things get) but not make them the only ones available.  It's simple enough to resize them so they'll scale better, but they'll look like a Nintendo game from the 80's.  That's not a look for everyone.  It's possible they'll launch as our default emoji set for the sake of familiarity, though.  We'll have to see what our options are.  I know change is difficult for many people, so we're trying to keep things familiar.  (Even to the point where we're investing in a fully custom theme to retain, yet update, the familiar look of the site.) 

I'm just saying that, while we plan to make most or all of them available on the new site, they may not always be the defaults.  

Eventually, the platform will standardize emoji sets (Android/Apple) so everyone, including desktop users, see the same thing there when users enter emoji from their phones.  I think that would be helpful, and it would also allow for user control over skin tone, etc.  

As for easier IG/twitter embeds, all of the "head honchos" are interested in that.  It's something that the platform is looking at incorporating in the next major release (~12-18 months from now), it's something that I'm looking to have added to our forums even sooner if possible, and, consequently, it's something that our lead developer is investigating.  

For security reasons, the new platform does not allow users to insert HTML code into their posts.  Only bbcode is available.  That will be an adjustment and it does mean that you can't "hack in" embed support on your own - but, really, nobody should have to take that step in the first place.

Simple embedding for IG/Twitter/etc. is not in the platform today, so there may be an adjustment period where it's not available at first - but it will be part of our platform in time.  It's a priority. 

That name is 99.9% retired.  

And, with a project like this, you want all the management you can get.  
You really were known as METHOD MAN? Wow learn something new everyday about you Meth. Anyways expecting the PM Thursday.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of our team, we're nearly ready to welcome testers to our closed beta site.

Invitations will begin rolling out on Thursday via PM to those of you who previously expressed an interest in beta testing.  The test period is currently scheduled to run from mid-Thursday through Sunday.  

If all goes well, we'll be able to share our moving/re-launch date with you soon. 
Cool hope I get invited I know I'm new but ever since I found nime talk I'm on here daily of course learning alot thanks to nike talk i got into the 1s and been happy to see good links to purchase the right shoe I only use cell phone but still can't figure a way to put my picture on my profile maybe only threw lap top?? But probably don't matter cause the new platform hopein it be easier
My bad if it's already been asked, but what's going to happen to all the pictures and avatars we've uploaded to NT? Will that transfer too?
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