Niketalk, You Can't Turn A Ho Into A Housewife vol. Fax?

May 25, 2001
Has anyone ever, in fact, turned a *** into a housewife? Asking for a friend
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:lol: :lol: it was that good huh? :lol: jk

But to answer your question...I personally haven't, but that doesn't mean it's impossible...

The way I see all falls back on whether or not you're comfortable with your wife having more bodies than Alpo (ALLEGEDLY).

At some point, every *** is gonna want to stop living the Fast Life word to Nas and Kool G Rap, and settle down and get someone to treat em right, word to Chubb Rock.

The plus side to that is that she'll probably be wild experienced and give you all her freak *** ways in the bed.

The down side is that she prolly got ran thru by everyone in the tri state
Has anyone ever, in fact, turned a *** into a housewife? Asking for a friend
i mean
u can
but u gonna be a simp and a sucka for doing it
she gonna have u wrapped around her finger
and she gonna be the one wearing the pants in the relationship
cause who the hell wants to wife a ***
A housewife can go the other way too. Every woman hits that stage in life where they start questioning their sexual worth. It can make them behave in an unusual manner. A loving husband, children, and career is sometimes not enough to stop a woman from acting upon her carnal desires. Every human being, that isn't butt ugly and has normally functioning organs, will have to walk this sexual tightrope until at least the age of 50. I've seen garden tools become the most steadfast, loyal women I know. If you really like her then go for it.
A housewife can go the other way too. Every woman hits that stage in life where they start questioning their sexual worth. It can make them behave in an unusual manner. A loving husband, children, and career is sometimes not enough to stop a woman from acting upon her carnal desires. Every human being, that isn't butt ugly and has normally functioning organs, will have to walk this sexual tightrope until at least the age of 50. I've seen garden tools become the most steadfast, loyal women I know. If you really like her then go for it.
so you've wifed one huh??? :lol:
only if youre married to 2 or more at the same time
From my experience......

I've known a few women who could maybe fall into this category from my days as a single man.

And several of them, while they have been married or in committed relationships, and knowing that I am married, have had no problem sending me some wild **** via text.

So take that for what it is.

I would say it's an age thing but one of them was a cougar when I was in my 20's so she old as HELL now, married with kids, and still don't give no damns :lol:
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You can. Some women just **** until the right man comes along. Now with that said, they bring a lot of baggage that tend to infiltrate the relationship. The ghost of penis past be possessing them sometimes and they lose they ****.

Just don't be surprised and lose your head when they *** ways shows up on 100 when it was dormant. Just laugh it off and keep it moving. No need to risk it. All for a bird.
nah. seen it too many times with friends then it hit home with one of my brother's 

can't be captain save-a-hoodbooger out in these streets, I still bump into girls these days and they haven't changed.
Really though you can't turn anyone into anything they don't want to be, that's where dudes **** up.

Right here is the answer to this question.
Just like you can't get a crackhead to stop smoking that flav. They have to want to change on their own.
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That used to be a steadfast rule of the game. But not anymore.

Dudes LOVE **** these days. They praise them and put em up on a pedestal.

Just look at the Amber Rose thread.
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