Keep your palms off ya weenies guys. 
Ay im doing this research paper for school on the negative effects of porn/masturbation (inspired by this thread lls) so if yall find any good articles/books/interviews post em for me ...good looks

still in btw
Still here...All of October and first few days of November under my belt (

No pron November, too. 
This is honestly a record for me.

I remember I did NFN last year but I didn't cut out the pronz.  So I released the first day I could.

Since NFO I haven't looked at the pronzorz and wow does it make a diff.  Since starting NFN I've been stronger than ever.
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I've have two different yambs over on three different nights within the last week. made out, got head, and grinded damn near butt naked...and I still didn't smash. Yet, I haven't fapped. Even had yambs cancel on me today on some bs. Idk what has come over me, but I'm definitely feeling a will power that I haven't, ever
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I've have two different yambs over on three different nights within the last week. made out, got head, and grinded damn near butt naked...and I still didn't smash. Yet, I haven't fapped. Even had yambs cancel on me today on some bs. Idk what has come over me, but I'm definitely feeling a will power that I haven't, ever
what went wrong?
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Not going to lie to you NT, I just caved in. It was too hard to start on a weekend. Tomorrow I'm starting for good and just because I broke my promise to you guys I'm doing the 120 days so don't put me on the dropout list just yet. I promise to post each day because I know you guys will be my motivation. Going to read the OG Mandinos scrolls ever day as well. Good luck everyone. 
Og Mandino 
Day 3 almost over...I aint gonna lie I looked at a flick for a bit and realized I would fail if i kept watching so I turned it off and got on da Madden :smile:

I checked out that Og Mandino and will definitiely be trying that, looks like it will help.
Day 3 almost over...I aint gonna lie I looked at a flick for a bit and realized I would fail if i kept watching so I turned it off and got on da Madden :smile:

I checked out that Og Mandino and will definitiely be trying that, looks like it will help.
what's Og Mandino?
___'s breaking already? :lol:

Dudes ain't even last long enough for more than 5 good flicks to come out since their last fap.
Day three winding down. And as expected, I'm starting the phase where I list after the mere touch of a female's skin. Watching some show on netflix. Had me dazed at the sight of a nipple. :smh:

Glad it's happening this early in the game, though. Reminds me of what I'm in it for. It's more than just self control and not masturbating. I'm just a slave to the female body. It's time to break the hold ***** has on me.

Not visiting none of the female appreciation threads, even though my dude ROB is going hammers as usual with the pics. Trying to avoid threads dedicated to any celebs. That Niykee Heaton thread caught me by surprise earlier though. That broad's bad. But the fact that she's roughly the same age as my little cousin is enough to make me look away.

I plan on commenting in this thread at least once a day. Sort of like a journal to track my progress. Plus writing about it gives me that added motivator to keep going. It's just something about seeing your thoughts written out that helps a bit. I don't know, maybe that's just me. But anyway. Day three, and I'm still in. 27 to go. :pimp:
I honestly don't know how this is physically possible if you are not smashing females

I realized how sexualized our culture is when I tried to do this last time and  attempted to stay away from all titillating material.

its actually quite disgusting how much of mass culture is geared towards sex and the objectification of women's bodies
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