dudes will grip their meat like they're hanging on a cliff. Then get in the p and do nothing or just don't get it up at all because you're used to the kung-fu grip of your hand.

If you've been fapping since puberty, you may need more than this November to defeat your demons.
:rofl: hard to take your post seriously with your avy

checking in after the weekend tho.  Been really busy with work so haven't really even had time.  My girl is leaving for a medical conference later this week for a few days, gonna be tough
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i'm going for the long haul as well.  Looking for a lifestyle change.  

Not trying to go on a short term diet, just to stop and put all the weight back on..nomsayin?


This is something I've been wondering for awhile now.  I have NEVER finished soley from a BJ session, like not even close.  I could get topped off for hours and still nothing.  Could this be a result of too much fap?   
I really think it always depends on the chick to be honest.

I've had good and bad.. Bad was so terrible it was like an hour drive coming back home from a concert and I could completely focus on the road like I wasn't being distracted.

Good had me stopping her within the first 15 seconds because god damn I underestimated her skill (first time hooking up with said chick) and almost achieved lift off in her mouth then and there. Was cool once I PC squeezed it back down, but it was still at the point where I was actively fighting it and almost drifted into the grass

dudes will grip their meat like they're hanging on a cliff. Then get in the p and do nothing or just don't get it up at all because you're used to the kung-fu grip of your hand.

If you've been fapping since puberty, you may need more than this November to defeat your demons.

It's funny, because no fap is the only thing in which the old heal faster than the young.

When you're young your brain is still building up its habits faster then it ever will, and hard wiring them. Which is why it takes significantly longer for the late 80-early 90's babies to get better because your brain has to work to rewire the habit and break the neural connection.
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Damn had to decline muh girl last night... was very hard to but after a couple of deep breaths and repeating to my self "I am not giving in this early" I'm still in it like a boss

On the side note I am starting to have weird dreams don't know if its because I'm not fapping or having sex, but I'm not normally a dreamer.... Anyone else experiencing these symptoms or is it only me ????? 
^^ i've been dreaming more as well..don't know if it's a mere coincidence just yet, but time will tell.

smashed wifey on saturday, but no fap/no pr0n for 10 days
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Stood up and noticed my body let a little prejizz leak. /: Just when I was liking the feeling of being backed up too. Anyway I am sure I am gonna make it past day 4. On to day 5 :smokin
Yo Jay Patt I told you to put me in for this month in the last thread, damn man! haha

Either way I'll try to stop in here as much as possible.  Like some of you guys were taking about before I haven't been able to bust from head since I can remember.  We'll see if this will make a difference. 

Anyway I caved in once last month, I'm on day 9 today; in it for the long haul fam.
I feel like working an 8-5 shift is helping me tons. When I'm at work, I have 0 urges and sex doesn't ever cross me mind (except when I see this bad *** older receptionist :pimp: "
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