No pron January

Mar 30, 2015
Hi My name is Legalsole And I am addicted to porn

Started when I was 13, hasn't ruined any relationship, but the urge is getting stronger and the raunch is getting rauncher.

Please join me, I know I'm not the only one.

Please respect the thread, no raunch pics or pics please

2days in

Porn free on Reddit has helped me in the past.
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So you saying If I sign up in this thread I can still choke the chicken, but can't look up yambs on bing? [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]
I know right, U gotta be a different type of savage to do that

I am one of them smh
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How can you fap without looking at material? I've never done that

Imagination, when I my three months free I fapped but not gonna lie I fapped way less.
If you are a sexless virgin it will be harder but if you had previous sexual experience it won't be as hard.
Some tips to stop or limit watching porn.

Turn off the computer earlier. If your bedtime is 2am get off the computer by 12-1.

Unfollow certain ppl on Instagram and don't go the explore page.

Tell a good friend you want to stop watching porn. Look for a friend who will be supportive.
If you can't find anyone tell us mama or gf

If you are a real addict like watching it all day everyday get pron blocker soft ware.

Get a job.
I can honestly say that if it wasn't for my job I would be like those who watch it all day everyday.

Get a gym membership
Please respect the thread, no ranch pics please


But good luck to all. Im on the same wave. Gym helps. Just stay busy my guy, I only fap when I'm bored, have too much time on my hands. I live by the saying, "if you have too much time on your hands, your **** will end up in your hands"
Some tips to stop or limit watching porn.

Turn off the computer earlier. If your bedtime is 2am get off the computer by 12-1.

Unfollow certain ppl on Instagram and don't go the explore page.

Tell a good friend you want to stop watching porn. Look for a friend who will be supportive.
If you can't find anyone tell us mama or gf

If you are a real addict like watching it all day everyday get pron blocker soft ware.

Get a job.
I can honestly say that if it wasn't for my job I would be like those who watch it all day everyday.

Get a gym membership

Instagram is the worst. Explore tab? Black lady shoving a banana down her throat. Welp I guess I have another date with my right hand :smh: all this takes place in like 5 minutes
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