Not the Battery, Alternator, or Starter. Then what?

Apr 14, 2006
What could be wrong with my car? I want to have a clue before going to a Mechanic.

-turn the key and hear one click (not continuous like it would be for an alternator)
-radio, lights, and heater work
-when mechanic jumped it, it worked and turn on fine
-replaced battery and drove home
-now it won't start again after I turned it off.

-could be the battery terminals and wires are conducting electricity properly
-can't be the starter, or alternator because it DID work, meaning they do function mechanically

Can anyone help? Not a car head, and this is my first car with my first real car problem away from home (college) so I don't have uncles to help.
p.s. in case it matters, its a 96 chevy blazer
Something with the fuel? I barely know anything about cars, but I know they require fuel to run. Fuel injector?! ???

I think I'm gonna start visiting Altim forums to learn about my car and cars in general as far as mechanics go.
I thought at first it was the weather. I'm in Schenectady (upstate, ny) and we got hit with a snow storm. I thought the oil was too frozen and thick tomake the car function properly. The oil meter wouldn't even read the oil.
I had the same problem with my last car ('96 Maxima).

Interior lights and stuff worked, but car didn't start. Had a hard time starting it, went through the same process (jumping, replacing battery, etc.).After a while, jumping it did nothing. When starting it, the car wouldn't even make a sound. I had it towed to my mechanic and the next day he diagnosed itas the starter. Didn't have a problem since. I gave that car to a friend and it still runs fine. Maxima engines don't die!
lol everyone is throwing out all these names of parts that I don't know what they are.

If you can, can you let me know which part you guys think it is and why as in (this part, x, does this function, so because your car isn't ____ then thiscould be causing that)
a spark plug is an electrical device that fits into the cylinder head of some internal combustion engines and ignites compressed aerosol gasoline by means ofan electric spark. Spark plugs have an insulated center electrode which is connected by a heavily insulated wire to an ignition coil or magneto circuit on theoutside, forming, with a grounded terminal on the base of the plug, a spark gap inside the cylinder.

So if it isn't your spark plugs, check your distributor cap and make sure you have starter fluid!
No it wouldn't be his transmission his car would still turn on. I doubt it was the alternator though..are you sure its not your starter? The samething happened to my boy's car when we were about to go somewhere.
Originally Posted by DenisHot

check your fuse box

id do that first, probably blew the fuse. just buy a new fuse and throw it in there and see if it works. theyre cheap too
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

.are you sure its not your starter?
I wouldn't know, but the mechanic said it shouldnt be that nor the alternator because after the jump and new battery, it worked. So the boththose pieces work because they did function when the battery factor was played with.

I'll check up on all these other things tomorrow...
If you haven't checked it, go to AutoZone to do the free alternator test.
I know you said it's not that but check it, it's free....
I say. . .

check spark plug and wires and distributor cap and the rotor inside. When is the last time you replace them?
or its the starter.
This happen to me last year in spring. Took it to autozone and they could figure what was wrong. So I took off the starter and went to go get it tested and itwas the stater.

I check 1st the battery, then spark plugs, then the starter.
If its none of the above. Then I don't know.

Oh i bought that book that shows me how to maintenance or repair certian things on cars.
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves


What would the transmission have to do with the car not starting. Obviously you just couldnt control your hands from hittin the REPLY button.

I had a similar problem with my Infiniti, Everything would turn on but the engine. I thought the battery didnt have enough juice but the battery was fairlynew, only 2 months old. I got it towed to Infiniti of Manhattan and they said it was an intake tube that was clogged with dirt so the engine couldnt get anyair. Quick fix.
well this is what currently happening to my car...but when i turn the engine on it makes the big loud grinding sound and sometimes it takes a few time to startthe car....i found out it was the FLYWHEEL its a part that goes with your starter to start ur car....the flywheel goes one way and the starter goes the otherand my flywheel keeps grinding its edges...its expenisive to fix but i got to get it it could be that
I had this problem and it was the alternator. When the alternator breaks, it drains your battery. When the car is jump started, it will start the car butcannot sustain electricity and dies out again. If you go out and get a new battery, it will start the car but because the alternator is not working, the newbatter gets drained pretty quickly. Have them take a look at that. If the starter is clicking, then its probably not the starter. Either way, good luck and Ihope it doesn't cost too much to fix.

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