"Not Until I have my Coffee" Does anyone else hate this bag of $%#?

Mar 29, 2009
They need to blacklist his !!@ from ever being shown in advertisements or getting any acting role for the rest of eternity.

I see this commercial like 10 times a day, and my hatred for his face grows exponentially. Thankfully there is a mute button. I'll never buy premium roast coffee.

Yeah that #@#% is really annoying. What's new? McDonalds marketing is HORRENDOUS. Between the "urban" commercials or corny jingles, I wonder how a corporation that big can have such crappy advertising.
Here is the aforementioned piece of %%$% basking in his piece of %%$% life in a piece of %%$% commercial:
I feel like taking a baseball bat and whacking him right on the face if I ever came across the guy. His facial expression and attitude in that commercial just annoys the hell out of me.
Originally Posted by Rap Sizzle

I feel like taking a baseball bat and whacking him right on the face if I ever came across the guy. His facial expression and attitude in that commercial just annoys the hell out of me.
^ this

Yeah that commercial is annoying. That reminds me that I hate that stupid Taco Bell commercial where the guy won't order unless its with the girl that "hooks him up" for the 89 cent burrito.
That damn coffee crackaddicted piece of @$#$. Can't even sacrifice a little time out of his day for a chat all because of that coffee.
This and the Taco Bell commercials are the only ones that make me angry enough to want to punch the guy through the TV screen. And maybe throw the burning hot coffee on this scrubs face. 1st degree burns for days.
i didnt know it was that serious...the ad is tasteless tho. and i would steal on someone who said that to me in real life.
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