"Not Until I have my Coffee" Does anyone else hate this bag of $%#?

Originally Posted by Rap Sizzle

I feel like taking a baseball bat and whacking him right on the face if I ever came across the guy. His facial expression and attitude in that commercial just annoys the hell out of me.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Thought I was the only one.[/color]
Terrible commercial.

But I have a rule for my staff.

Don't bother me for 10 minutes upon my arrival.

I just got to work, its 6am and I don't have any caffeine nor do I want to handle your problem before I even turn on my computer.
I have never seen that in my life. But yeah thats annoying, I drink tea, couldn't stand coffee breath. Plus I always want a cigarette when I drink coffee.
Some of you dudes need counseling.


I get a little annoyed but not like some of you.
Honestly though the character is a dig at the young yuppie Starbucks customer and how they act like their cup of coffee is more important than interaction with other people. Check out his clothes they are dark and earth tone and he is pale and bland. Compared to the vibrant colors of the mcdonalds uniform and the smiling face of the black girl.
There are a lot more awful commercials out there than this one, for example the free credit report ones. 
The guy may be a bit annoying, but this does speak some truth for me. At work, I definitely need to have my coffee first before people try to talk to me about work. 
It really doesn't make sense if you think about it.

The girls says, "would you like to try our-"

He's says, "Not before my coffee" meaning he wasn't planning on buying anything.

When she says coffee, he's surprised as if he didn't know McDonald's had coffee. So what was he doing in McDonald's in the first place?
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

It really doesn't make sense if you think about it.

The girls says, "would you like to try our-"

He's says, "Not before my coffee" meaning he wasn't planning on buying anything.

When she says coffee, he's surprised as if he didn't know McDonald's had coffee. So what was he doing in McDonald's in the first place?

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

It really doesn't make sense if you think about it.

The girls says, "would you like to try our-"

He's says, "Not before my coffee" meaning he wasn't planning on buying anything.

When she says coffee, he's surprised as if he didn't know McDonald's had coffee. So what was he doing in McDonald's in the first place?

well..... I mean maybe....

shut up
Thought i was the only one annoyed by that rude douche.  Like why is that in an ad? is that acceptable behavior?
yup exactly @%!% that stupid piece of #!%* i will smack the @%!% outta that stupid %+%%+. i feel like choking the @%!% outta him and pouring some $##%@@% boiling water on his face. stupid %+%%+.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

It really doesn't make sense if you think about it.

The girls says, "would you like to try our-"

He's says, "Not before my coffee" meaning he wasn't planning on buying anything.

When she says coffee, he's surprised as if he didn't know McDonald's had coffee. So what was he doing in McDonald's in the first place?
What a really terrible post.
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