nt confession thread vol. let it out before 2010


Dec 4, 2009
Originally Posted by Kakashi

i feel i should have more...i wish i woke up everyday living the life of vince from entourage.
i'm disappointed i didn't make my goal i set for 2009 and own a mazeratti instead of this 2010
accord coupe.

i have a gym membership i pay for monthly and have only been there 7 times since october.

i keep my friends away because i feel i should have more than what i have and i secretly
feel like i let them down as the "leader of the pack"..i wish i could solve all their money

i feel like i should stop patching things up with my girlfriend because i would leave her with no hesitation
for the girl of my dreams...or cheat on her when ever a hot piece of %%% is thrown my way.
i need a girl
i need money
i need more people i can trust
i feel like i need more motivation in life.

for some reason, im lazy to go out and fulfill those needs.
i regret breaking up with my ex...but would never get back together
it was more the way it was done then the actual act
im a girl who can have whoever she wants
but im stuck on one %**%%...and i dont know y...
i hate my father
im thinking about writing a book
i cant kick my addiction...
i want to quit school and become a chef...but thats foolishness
and its 7 am on a sunday and i aint been to sleep yet...
1. Dropped out of school all of 2009 and didnt't tell my folks

I intended to go....spring 09 I broke my hand and never went back

Fall 09 I got a higher paying job and didn't pass on it to goto school

2. I'm still in love with my Ex-girlfriend...i think
-This semester has punished my body and mind. 19 hours this semester, and my two night classes spanned from 5:45 to 9:45 PM.
-I'm up studying my advanced accounting and auditing finals on Tuesday.
-I honestly do not know what to do specifically for my accounting major after I graduate. I'm considering real estate as my primary interest, but I'llalso keep my eyes open for other opportunities.
-I worry too much. It includes my past, what I need to do now, and my future.
-I got Pastor Troy, Lil Jon and Waka Flocka's "All the way Crunked Up" stuck in my head the last couple of days.
My girl is at times %*+#/cross eyed and It bothers me a lot. Especially during sex when we're lookin at each other
I cheet in my math, science and English classes. I haven't Learned a thing all year.
I puched my sister down the stairs because she was in my room looking at pics of my girlfriend

If you're a girl and were freinds, I'll probablee buy you anything you ask me.
I'm riding my mom as long as I can. I don't wanna get a job and earn my own money until after colledge.
my age range when it comes to girls is 8th grade all the way through college senior. I turn 18 next year. I won't know what to do.
my best friend said cousins were off limits, I took his cousin to homecoming, when she tried kissing me while giving me dome, I let her. After too
I have scouting reports of girls I scout, excel sheets, word docs, etc etc. I've scouted several schools south of downtown
I have dreams about niketalk, specifically S&T henz0 calvin Johnson and the illuminati
the fact that I wasn't invited to my ex girlfriends 15th birthday party last night deeplee sadens me. she still has the diamond tennis bracelt I bot her
*Sometimes I hate myself.
*I'm the only successful one in my entire family
- my little bro dropped outta high school and he has a 2 yr old kid, doin nothing but wasting my parents' money
- I need to help my parents retire especially my mom because she's disabled, and only I can do it since my lil bro is a failure.
*If I accept this job that I will start working upon graduating this summer (where I don't really want to live or be at), I will be making more than my momand dad combined, but I don't think I'll like my job at all.
*I want to accept it so I can help my mom, but can I really be helping her if I'm unhappy with my job?
*I also want to move to my home state of California and go to grad school, but then I wouldn't be making ANY money and my mom would not be living well.
*I'm overwhelmed by this, and my girl lives in California and we've been long distance for the past almost 4 years and we could FINALLY be togetherthis summer if I do go to grad school in Cali.
Originally Posted by biff lawson

Hey Trilly
whatcha doing up still bro
Read the 2nd confession. Pulling two all-nighters for this *!@%. Then another all-nighter for the Finance II comprehensive final wednesday, thenone more for Taxation I on Thursday. RIP to me and FML.
-i need money
-my girl can be a nagging +#!$@
-barely have money for Christmas gifts.
-im *%#$$$+ depressed around this time of the year
Originally Posted by Kakashi

Originally Posted by Kakashi

i feel i should have more...i wish i woke up everyday living the life of vince from entourage.
i'm disappointed i didn't make my goal i set for 2009 and own a mazeratti instead of this 2010
accord coupe.

i have a gym membership i pay for monthly and have only been there 7 times since october.

i keep my friends away because i feel i should have more than what i have and i secretly
feel like i let them down as the "leader of the pack"..i wish i could solve all their money

i feel like i should stop patching things up with my girlfriend because i would leave her with no hesitation
for the girl of my dreams...or cheat on her when ever a hot piece of %%% is thrown my way.

Originally Posted by yancancook90

i need a girl
i need money
i need more people i can trust
i feel like i need more motivation in life.

for some reason, im lazy to go out and fulfill those need.

same it's a shame
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Kakashi

Originally Posted by Kakashi

i feel i should have more...i wish i woke up everyday living the life of vince from entourage.
i'm disappointed i didn't make my goal i set for 2009 and own a mazeratti instead of this 2010
accord coupe.

i have a gym membership i pay for monthly and have only been there 7 times since october.

i keep my friends away because i feel i should have more than what i have and i secretly
feel like i let them down as the "leader of the pack"..i wish i could solve all their money

i feel like i should stop patching things up with my girlfriend because i would leave her with no hesitation
for the girl of my dreams...or cheat on her when ever a hot piece of %%% is thrown my way.

i don't get it, what's so funny?
uhmmmm i wwant this girl for some reasn
i need to learn how to drive but my mother delays the process
i wanna spend my money
ive been soliciting at school...selling the fundraiser money for my own self
but hey...they shouldnt just sell it in the store like that lol
i want like 5 pairs of nike id's
uhhh i hate school with a passion
- everything went to hell this past 2 months and i can't wait till the year is over...ended a 2 year relationship, my dog died, have a hole in my heart
- took 3 jobs and have 20+ units this coming spring semester...god bless my soul/brain/body
- not sure what to do with my x...not even sure if i should try or not to "win" her back
- i want to move to a new apt, but too shallow to move in because i don't have any furniture
Originally Posted by yancancook90

i need a girl
i need money
i need more people i can trust
i feel like i need more motivation in life.

for some reason, im lazy to go out and fulfill those needs.
Cosign on all of those.
Originally Posted by imsojayded

i regret breaking up with my ex...but would never get back together
it was more the way it was done then the actual act
im a girl who can have whoever she wants
but im stuck on one %**%%...and i dont know y...

i hate my father
im thinking about writing a book
i cant kick my addiction...
i want to quit school and become a chef...but thats foolishness
and its 7 am on a sunday and i aint been to sleep yet...


Did NO ONE else catch this? So like....all that #+%+ talking to your man on here was all a front?

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