nt confession thread vol. let it out before 2010

NolanDW wrote:

Originally Posted by PaulBaeKR

- Checking out people in church

- Pulling out butt hairs just to see how long they are (in shower)

- Recently got internal hemmorroids*

- Help(cheat) people get As on AP Exams.

- Watch depress films to mess with my mood.

- Smoking Black n Milds too often.

- Issues with seeing people as phonies word to Holden.

You can't get an A on an AP Exam. It's graded 1-5. Try again.

Bro I didn't want to get specific, mock exams where we get graded with the usual grade school system. Thanks for letting me try again.
Damn NT Police
maybe it's just me but it seems like dudes make these threads to brag on the low about random stuff. only a couple of these posts are actual confessions
Been with my wifey / babymomz for abt three yrs, I wanna end it abruptly because my patients / tolerance is weighing thin, but don't wanna leave herbecause of my seed, although I love her she's RATHER lame and I find jumps to be more entertaining as far as logic an common bloodklot sense gos. I feelthat my life is moving in slo mo because of her. only joy I SERIOUSLY find is hustlin or tryna locate kicks. Big smh because the father in me knows I should behyped over the fact that I live to raise my first born, I mean not all the cats I kno around my way see there seed but, "the real nizza" in me kno Ican't countinue to live this plain greyscaled life I'm seriously startin to hate everything but my seed an herb.
I love my best friend(whos a chick) and cant tell her cuz I know it will end in akwardness
I have no desire to go to college(Accounting Major)
Sometimes I cant stand being around my dad
Its seems like most of my male friends hang around me for the simple fact I got money(Thats y i treat them like #*+$)
Kid Cudis cd is the soundtrack 3 my life smh
1. All my family members think I'm using "la crema de sammy" cus I've suddenly turned whiter...

2. I kinda wish i was circumsized..........

I got a whole bunch but i can't think right now..
Originally Posted by ku JHAWX

I used to be very sexual active with many different girls until I moved to Kansas and met my girl, my first serious girlfriend.

I am now a strong Christian believer, don't do anything sexual (besides makeout w/ my girl rarely), I never "fap" anymore, and I'm VERY MUCH in love, all thanks to her.

I used to think everything in the Bible was a load of crap, but I have come to realize that EVERYONE is a part of God's plan. He brought me to her (or her to me) in order to make me a MUCH better person. She was also in need of someone (she had drinking problems and had (and still has) serious depression, insecurity, and anorexia problems) we both believe we were apart of each other's plan because neither of us know where we would be without one another. I pray for her everyday and I'm always doing my best to make her happy, smile, laugh, and feel beautiful.

I put this in the confession thread because I've never really "admitted" it...although I'm proud of it...I've been scared of getting laughed at.
good for you, man.. this is great to hear.
I havent smashed in over a year until I meet the right female that will make me do all sorts of things to her

One of the reasons why INS is due to too much out here in the DMV to be having casual sex

I want a girlfriend but Im focused on my career to get myself established

I want to move quickly up the Government Ladder but Im afraid I will get stabbed in the back or even lied on about BS

My ex is the only one that knows me inside and out, while we both still have feelings for each other, she has a dude and I want her back

Im scared of getting laughed at or getting the stoneface cuz of what I wrote but this is what confession is for right??
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

Originally Posted by ku JHAWX

I used to be very sexual active with many different girls until I moved to Kansas and met my girl, my first serious girlfriend.

I am now a strong Christian believer, don't do anything sexual (besides makeout w/ my girl rarely), I never "fap" anymore, and I'm VERY MUCH in love, all thanks to her.

I used to think everything in the Bible was a load of crap, but I have come to realize that EVERYONE is a part of God's plan. He brought me to her (or her to me) in order to make me a MUCH better person. She was also in need of someone (she had drinking problems and had (and still has) serious depression, insecurity, and anorexia problems) we both believe we were apart of each other's plan because neither of us know where we would be without one another. I pray for her everyday and I'm always doing my best to make her happy, smile, laugh, and feel beautiful.

I put this in the confession thread because I've never really "admitted" it...although I'm proud of it...I've been scared of getting laughed at.
good for you, man.. this is great to hear.
good stuff
Originally Posted by chris steez

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

Originally Posted by ku JHAWX

I used to be very sexual active with many different girls until I moved to Kansas and met my girl, my first serious girlfriend.

I am now a strong Christian believer, don't do anything sexual (besides makeout w/ my girl rarely), I never "fap" anymore, and I'm VERY MUCH in love, all thanks to her.

I used to think everything in the Bible was a load of crap, but I have come to realize that EVERYONE is a part of God's plan. He brought me to her (or her to me) in order to make me a MUCH better person. She was also in need of someone (she had drinking problems and had (and still has) serious depression, insecurity, and anorexia problems) we both believe we were apart of each other's plan because neither of us know where we would be without one another. I pray for her everyday and I'm always doing my best to make her happy, smile, laugh, and feel beautiful.

I put this in the confession thread because I've never really "admitted" it...although I'm proud of it...I've been scared of getting laughed at.
good for you, man.. this is great to hear.
good stuff
this is saddening to me but w/e
I have wanted to break up with my gf for a while now b/c I feel like my senior year of hs should be spent hooking up with people I know I'll never seeagain but I care too much about her feelings to do it
Originally Posted by miceyj77

at the past posts.... I guess I'll name a few of mines, I don't care.

1. Sometimes, I think I'm bi-polar.
I can go from real happy, and then i'll turn into this deep dark depression mode.
2. I kind of blame my father for the way i tend to treat guys.
3. This summer, i got a call from my father side of the family saying he was on his death bed, and i immediately had this "oh, well attitude".
4. Being a "good girl" is a %#^% gift & a curse sometimes.
5. I'm kind of depressed/frustrated because I just graduated and the job market sucks. IM A $%# engineer, HIRE ME!!!!!
6. I let my guard down and finally opened my heart to my current guy, which is scary...and i kind of regret it. LIES, LIES, LIES!!! smh
7. Sometimes I feel like an only child. I have an older bro, but all he does is work and smoke weed all day. -_-
8. Each day he smokes, i can feel us drifting farther apart. I dislike people that smoke. All I can do is pray tho. Everyday I pray that he stops.
9. Last one, I still have my V-card too.

What are you saving your V-card for?
- I'm not sure I'm capable of falling in love with anybody

- Going with that, I can see myself living alone when I'm older. And I'm okay with it.
- I need a change in life.
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

I havent smashed in over a year until I meet the right female that will make me do all sorts of things to her

One of the reasons why INS is due to too much out here in the DMV to be having casual sex

I want a girlfriend but Im focused on my career to get myself established

I want to move quickly up the Government Ladder but Im afraid I will get stabbed in the back or even lied on about BS

My ex is the only one that knows me inside and out, while we both still have feelings for each other, she has a dude and I want her back

Im scared of getting laughed at or getting the stoneface cuz of what I wrote but this is what confession is for right??
Yep. Nothing to be embarassed about.

I sincerely hope things turn out in your favor though. It's all good, everyone needs to vent, and what better time when the new year is coming around.

My turnnnnnnn.

-I feel arrogance is a one of the worst traits... But this statement is hypocritical because such a claim would mean others don't meet my standards. Yadayada...

-I don't like atheist. My sophomore teacher was an exception though...

-As of now I feel like I'm wasting my life. I worry about the inevitable death, when I should be living and having fun while I can.

-INS, and am a virgin.
And deep down inside, I know the girl I end uplosing it with will not be a virgin, especially at this day and age, and I'm highly disappointed with that.
- my aunt sent me and my brother money for Christmas and she told us to split it. I didn't tell him about it and took his half and bought myself a sandwich
- when i was hooking up with this guy, i saw that his girlfriend carved their initials out on the wall by his bed and i just left without a word. i feel likethrowing up every time i think about him
I cheated on my midterms and finals and passed all my classes by doing so... 19 units

I still talk to all my ex's just to smash cuz i know they got bfs
-I lied to my friends and lost friendships in the process of smashing a jumpoff
- I could tell a dude I know, that "She smashed the homie." Dude is her current BF, and I smashed while he was smashing.
(the jumpoff above)
- I lost all my group of friends within the span of 2 months
- I replaced them (my friends) with money
- I fear I have nothing in store for my future.
-i really love my girl, but neither of us trusts each other. I need to let go but i cant.....

and whoever references this later is a lame.
pops violated my life and said i look like the nigerian terrorist

my niece looks like flapjack, big head and skinny body. cute kid though

i think most NTers are tools

I am still a Knicks fan. It's like that girl you shouldn't deal with but you just can't leave alone.

One of my sisters is overweight and it gets on my nerves.

I hate my mom's side of the family
i only use handicapped bathrooms and theres nothing wrong with me
im trying to buy a house and not tell anyone in my family. i want to surprise them by inviting them for thanksgiving (i live in va. fam is from la)
i think that i should stop talking to a certain someone in 2010 because im frustrated with our shenanigans but every time i try to leave something keepscalling me back (shout out to chingy)
ive never gone out for new years
i avoid my grandmothers phone calls because all she does is bad mouth my dad
ive been really mean to a few people that i had a fall out with and i cant stop being mean to them. its not like im holding a grudge but its like they tickedme off real bad and things just cant go back to how they used to be
my friend who lives upstairs is the homie but sometimes she gets on my nerves and i avoid all contact
i really love my family and friends but if you arent certain individuals, ive developed a mentality that if you dont call me im not going to call you
my sister thinks im a douche because i dont call her every 5 mins of my life anymore...i didnt even call her for christmas
this christmas i didnt call or text anyone. i let everyone call/text me...i wanted to see who really cared or at least who thought about me
i havent heard from one of my younger brothers in over a year
i feel really sorry for my oldest brother because i think hes smoked out to the point of no return
i socked one of my little brothers in the stomach (he's a really fat kid) because he has a smart mouth and knocked out his wind
in my negligence i watched my nephew smack some kid in his back with a baseball bat
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