NT Corporate BROTHAS...Serious question regarding hair

This is

are you black, AK?
Nope. Don't see how that matters. But I'm half white half asian.
.....So what's the reason?​
It just looks unkept. Doesn't look clean and professional. My man C Webb is rockin a clean "fro" but it's short, and slightly shorter on the sides than on top, and it looks professional. I said any longer is pushing it, but it looks fine like that. I can't just let my hair do what it wants to the length of 5 inches and still call it professional. 
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Personally a part looks silly on any grown black man that ain't an entertainer. Leave that **** for the youngins

Ain't had a part since I was 14
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Personally a part looks silly on any grown man that ain't an entertainer. Leave that **** for the youngins

Ain't had a part since I was 14
I think it can be pulled off. That clooney pic i posted a bit ago I think looks fine on a grown man. But yeah, any trendy new part that you've seen grow in popularity over the last 2 years where the short side of the part is shaved is a no go. The Leonardo DiCaprio part works too. But yeah, it can look silly really easily.
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View media item 1205740
You're entire line of thinking is wrong. Most jobs have specific codes of conduct on what is an is not acceptable in the workplace. Being in the hospitality industry for the last 3 or so years, their requirements are stricter than most, had to do no facial hair sometimes, but I've had my hair quite a few different styles, from the regular cut, half moon, and a regular part. Wasn't ever reprimanded by upper management, just an acknowledgment of the hair style change or wondering how said barber did what he did.

Currently rocking a 1 & 1/2 with a curly fro on top. It's definitely doable and shouldn't be an issue especially with the way some of the Anglos come into work.
You're entire line of thinking is wrong. Most jobs have specific codes of conduct on what is an is not acceptable in the workplace. Being in the hospitality industry for the last 3 or so years, their requirements are stricter than most, had to do no facial hair sometimes, but I've had my hair quite a few different styles, from the regular cut, half moon, and a regular part. Wasn't ever reprimanded by upper management, just an acknowledgment of the hair style change or wondering how said barber did what he did.

Currently rocking a 1 & 1/2 with a curly fro on top. It's definitely doable and shouldn't be an issue especially with the way some of the Anglos come into work.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but what is your position and what kind of company is this? I think we are more referring to financial/marketing/investment type of business environment. Define "hospitality".
.....So what's the reason?​
It just looks unkept. Doesn't look clean and professional. My man C Webb is rockin a clean "fro" but it's short, and slightly shorter on the sides than on top, and it looks professional. I said any longer is pushing it, but it looks fine like that. I can't just let my hair do what it wants to the length of 5 inches and still call it professional. 




Acceptable or nah?
Personally a part looks silly on any grown man that ain't an entertainer. Leave that **** for the youngins

Ain't had a part since I was 14
I think it can be pulled off. That clooney pic i posted a bit ago I think looks fine on a grown man. But yeah, any trendy new part that you've seen grow in popularity over the last 2 years where the short side of the part is shaved is a no go. 
The Nas Part and to a lesser extent the Half Moon with the faded sides been in style for as long as I can remember.

I could see an issue with something like this:




But the regular part has been in style for decades.

Who makes these rules that a part is unprofessional or trendy?
To be honest having any sort of design shaved into your head would be considered unprofessional to the average person. Keep it conservative, keep it grown man. If you really need tips on how this is done look at the hairstyles of some prominent black leaders and see how their hair is kept. It's not a race thing, it's just a matter of professionalism and how one working in such an environment is expected to present themselves
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I can understand food or hospitals,  but as long as you don't stink, your hair is your hair bro.
Acceptable or nah?​
First one: Eh....it's kind of ok...but it too drastically goes from zero to long. Perhaps a more gradual fade that starts at a 1 or 2 and THEN goes up to something that long on top would be ok. But the way it is there is kinda pushing it as far as "looking professional"

Second one: Again...it's ok, and a little better than the first one. It's just that it kind of looks like a kid's haircut. And by kid I don't mean child. I just mean it doesn't say "grown *** business minded man" He could make it look a lot more mature just by taking down the top a little bit, since it's so long in comparison to the bottom. I'd say it's fine if he took the longer top part down somewhat.

Third one: Sort of the same issue. Take down the top some, and the bottom of his hair in the back shouldn't be a zero. A little more length down low, and less on top would be okay.

Fourth one: Actually not too far off. Slightly longer only at the very bottom, and he'd be just fine. I would, however, recommend he lose the fade into the beard, and let the lenght uniformally transition into his hair on top. I'd also recommend a slightly more natural line up around his temples, and the front edge of this beard coming down the sides. But that fourth pic is closest to looking professional out of all of them. Just slight mod to the beard and line up and he's good. And just a tad more length at the bottom of his hair.
To be honest having any sort of design shaved into your head would be considered unprofessional to the average person. Keep it conservative, keep it grown man. If you really need tips on how this is done look at the hairstyles of some prominent black leaders and see how their hair is kept. It's not a race thing, it's just a matter of professionalism and how one working in such an environment is expected to present themselves
THIS. ALL DAY THIS. This is what I've been trying to say all along. 
Sometimes I wish Barack was a little younger and more "urban" so we could really feel the benefit of having a black president.

I shouldn't have to cut off my temp or not get a part or cut my waves to get/keep a job.

Outside of dying their hair and getting a crazy haircut like a mohawk, white dudes can do anything they want with their hair with no consequences.

But I'm unprofessional and tryna "mack on shawtys" for rocking a part or afro. 
Ignorant post bro. The hell is a professional hair cut?
Def not ignorant. I guess to some of you it's rocket science. There is a reason that successful black businessmen understand what a professional looking haircut is and what isn't. If you want ignorance, look in the mirror, since you can't decipher on your own the differences.
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Sometimes I wish Barack was a little younger and more "urban" so we could really feel the benefit of having a black president.​
I shouldn't have to cut off my temp or not get a part or cut my waves to get/keep a job.​
Outside of dying their hair and getting a crazy haircut like a mohawk, white dudes can do anything they want with their hair with no consequences.​
But I'm unprofessional and tryna "mack on shawtys" for rocking a part or afro. 
Nope...you're definitely wrong. The modern part white guys do where they either shave the part line in, or shave a 3 or 4 all the way up to the part and then comb it over won't rock either. White dudes can't have long messy hair, they can't die it weird colors. We can't have any sort of eccentric hairstyle either. It's the same for everyone.
I for one won't let a white dude tell me how to wear my hair and never have, not even when I was in the Navy. They even got some yassa boss female to address me about my hair once and she said it's "peasy" I told her the regulations stated that an Afro could be worn as long as the sides were tapered. Didn't say a damn thing about how to comb it or that it all had to be an even length at the top. :smh:

Now that I think of it, they sent a black petty officer to talk to me about my beard too, even though I had a shave chit that allowed me to wear one. Talm bout I couldn't line it up. :rolleyes

I can't get with white folks telling me what to do with my hair on any level. This ain't the damn plantation. Worry about your own cot damn head and let me work.
Well the OP specifies as an "up there" position so I don't know if he's specifically talking about management or some type of office job, or just anywhere that includes a professional setting. I'm currently in the front office at my company.

I sure hope you aren't in any type of human resources position or have any influence over people getting or keeping their jobs because your claims are utterly ridiculous. As long as the hair isn't violating any code of conduct, rock what you want fellas. Every job is different, but I doubt they can terminate you for getting a part in your hair (as if a distinction of a comb part/cut in part) should be an issue in the first place.

Next time I go into work, I'm going to be like dude's comb over or spiked gel hair is distracting me and watch me get laughed out of the building. It is a double standard in some places, I've seen it myself, but it shouldn't be that way, especially if you've already been working for a while and decide to switch it up. Can't even imagine what the sisters are going through with the whole natural movement.
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