NT Corporate BROTHAS...Serious question regarding hair

Nope. Don't see how that matters. But I'm half white half asian.

Wait a minute.​
Bruh said he could rock an afro and he's half white/half asian?​
I'm out
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Again, to reiterate, it all depends on the culture of you office. Usually the short answer would be not acceptable but if you really want to introduce the the Halfmoon Caesar to the corporate world then you have to ask yourself a few questions:

How long have I been working at my company?

How secure am I in my position?

Am I well respected?

Would my superiors look at me differently If I did something out of norm?

Is my office prone to gossip?

Is there clear favoritism shown towards certain individuals and do other get overlooked?

Basically evaluate where you are in the corporate ladder and proceed accordingly.
If you've been there maybe 7-12 years or more, are in a secure position like a VP, Director, Officer, a Chief Executive, etc then go for it

if you're a relatively new hire or just getting comfortable working your way up, building relationships, looking to get promoted then that may not work in your favor.


If you want conduct an experiment: wear a loud and obnoxious belt buckle or shoes or a tie for a while. If you notice a negative change in behavior towards you, then you have your answer

If you want to stand out, make it first be for your work ethic and dependability, then when you reach the top do whatever you feel like
White dudes shouldn't be spiking their hair either my man. The hair should lay naturally. Gel is fine, but not spiking it. 
Sometimes I wish Barack was a little younger and more "urban" so we could really feel the benefit of having a black president.​
I shouldn't have to cut off my temp or not get a part or cut my waves to get/keep a job.​
Outside of dying their hair and getting a crazy haircut like a mohawk, white dudes can do anything they want with their hair with no consequences.​
But I'm unprofessional and tryna "mack on shawtys" for rocking a part or afro. 
Nope...you're definitely wrong. The modern part white guys do where they either shave the part line in, or shave a 3 or 4 all the way up to the part and then comb it over won't rock either. White dudes can't have long messy hair, they can't die it weird colors. We can't have any sort of eccentric hairstyle either. It's the same for everyone.
Lol post unproffessional white haircuts, outside of the obvious colored hair or crazy random shaved off sections/mohawks . . . 
Wait a minute.​
Bruh said he could rock an afro and he's half white/half asian?​
I'm out
You've never seen a white dude rock a fro my man? Really? I'm half italian I can do it no prob.
I'm out
Lol post unproffessional white haircuts, outside of the obvious colored hair or crazy random shaved off sections/mohawks . . . ​
I already did. Or did you only read the posts that feed into your need for me and the whole corporate world to be racist? LOL and that was only ONE hairstyle. If anything, I can post MORE hairstyles that are unprofessinal for white people than I can for black people, while staying within the parameters you mentioned. REally want me to?
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I for one won't let a white dude tell me how to wear my hair and never have, not even when I was in the Navy. They even got some yassa boss female to address me about my hair once and she said it's "peasy" I told her the regulations stated that an Afro could be worn as long as the sides were tapered. Didn't say a damn thing about how to comb it or that it all had to be an even length at the top.

Now that I think of it, they sent a black petty officer to talk to me about my beard too, even though I had a shave chit that allowed me to wear one. Talm bout I couldn't line it up.

I can't get with white folks telling me what to do with my hair on any level. This ain't the damn plantation. Worry about your own cot damn head and let me work.
Lol post unproffessional white haircuts, outside of the obvious colored hair or crazy random shaved off sections/mohawks . . . ​
I already did. Or did you only read the posts that feed into your need for me and the whole corporate world to be racist?
Nah I saw the ones where you posted the dudes with the fades and parts (which were dope btw, I'd rock that if I were white 
), but I'm just curious to know what else you think is unprofessional for a white dude.
Wanna elaborate?
you're hard core thinking is way worse than a ton of white folks.

Don't get me wrong. There are some people in the dominant community that share your wayward thinking...

But a lot of white folks really don't be tripping.

Its comical to see a guy that's half Asian completely ******** on another minority because they don't fit the "code"

But then... It makes sense... Through various media stimuli and social conditioning...

To denounce your culture and heritage to "fitin " into what they deem acceptable.

All in all... I laugh because you are trying too hard.

It ain't that serious bruh. You care more about hair cuts than most white people.

And they've said it before... If you think someone will pass because your haircut has a 1.5 inch part that us similar to a white guys part... Then they'll pass because you're a black dude.

We should all get the S-curl kits for the interviews/jobs from now on and have the ol Ric Flair slickback or look like one of the Five Heartbeats. Assimilate to the Anglo way of thinking.
As long as your hair doesn't stink and is clean I couldn't give a damn what hairstyle my co worker or car salesman has. It's 2014.
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you're hard core thinking is way worse than a ton of white folks.

Don't get me wrong. There are some people in the dominant community that share your wayward thinking...

But a lot of white folks really don't be tripping.

Its comical to see a guy that's half Asian completely ******** on another minority because they don't fit the "code"

But then... It makes sense... Through various media stimuli and social conditioning...

To denounce your culture and heritage to "fitin " into what they deem acceptable.

All in all... I laugh because you are trying too hard.

It ain't that serious bruh. You care more about hair cuts than most white people.

And they've said it before... If you think someone will pass because your haircut has a 1.5 inch part that us similar to a white guys part... Then they'll pass because you're a black dude.

Nah...you couldn't be more wrong. I'm not judging anyone for their haircut. I don't care how you wear it. I actually think the half moon caesar looks great. Most of you reach super hard when it comes to assuming someone is racist on any level. And I don't care about haircuts than most anyone. I get my hair cut at supercuts. Super fast asnd super cheap and super easy. Just finger length on top and a half clip on the sides blended in. Cuts take 15 minutes. Takes me literally less than 10 seconds to do my hair every day. I only get it cut every 2 months. I'm just having a convo about what looks professional and what doesn't. ANd as usual...Ive got all of NT jumping up and down claiming it has something to do with race. Notice there are a few black dudes in here that understand and share the same sentiment. Low cuts are fine, shaved lines are not. It's as simple as that.

And HOW THE HELL AM I ******** ON ANOTHER MINORITY. Typical NT reaching at it's finest. I've shown an equal amount of unprofessional haircuts from both whites and blacks, yet all you see is what I've said is unprofessional about some black cuts. I bet you ASSUMED that I didn't like the cuts or thought they looked bad. When in actuality, I like most every cut we've touched on in this thread. I just wouldn't recommend showing up to an interview for J.P. Morgan with them. When I criticized the cuts of dudes with fros, I thought they looked great, but could use some help if to be rocked in upper corporate settings.
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I have a faux hawk. Mine looks like a normal cut because I keep it low. Caucasians can't even tell the difference.
If anybody doesn't accept my dreads for the way they are, then **** them. What's deemed professional is subjective.
You dudes are really something else.
A dude makes a thread about corporate world haircuts for the brothas and when someone comes in and tries to say yes...there is a code, you all want to play the race card.
This **** is borderline entrapment.
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We can debate what's right and wrong but practically speaking, the way your present yourself (hair included) plays a huge role in business/corporate interactions. Really depends on your field and what you're doing as to what is "professional".
You dudes are really something else.
A dude makes a thread about corporate world haircuts for the brothas and when someone comes in and tries to say yes...there is a code, you all want to play the race card.
This **** is borderline entrapment.

You already been exposed, get the hell on. THERE IS NO UNIVERSAL CODE OF BEING PROFESSIONAL. The Code you guys are talking about is the image of how the Dominant society wants to see a black male. Every work place has code of conducts but there is no universal policy on how to look professional so how can you tell a black man (when your not black) how and what is acceptable to wear his hair? Why would I tell a Mexican what he can do with his hair if my hair is not like his and I do not know what he has to go through to maintain that look? Same goes with facial hair, the white man and black man has VERY different struggles when it comes to maintaining facial hair, so why would I take advice from a white man on what he deems he correct way for a black man to wear his beard? Get the hell outta here man.
Yall can argue with aksuited all you want, but in most office/business environments that's exactly how they feel and judge us.
You dudes are really something else.
A dude makes a thread about corporate world haircuts for the brothas and when someone comes in and tries to say yes...there is a code, you all want to play the race card.
This **** is borderline entrapment.

word lol OP do you....I work with an asian cat that wears has a borderline cassie haircut lol
"The man" won't even notice or know what a shaved part is. He'll probably think you got zeeked at the barbershop.
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You're entire line of thinking is wrong. Most jobs have specific codes of conduct on what is an is not acceptable in the workplace. Being in the hospitality industry for the last 3 or so years, their requirements are stricter than most, had to do no facial hair sometimes, but I've had my hair quite a few different styles, from the regular cut, half moon, and a regular part. Wasn't ever reprimanded by upper management, just an acknowledgment of the hair style change or wondering how said barber did what he did.

Currently rocking a 1
Please don't take this the wrong way, but what is your position and what kind of company is this? I think we are more referring to financial/marketing/investment type of business environment. Define "hospitality".
Someone can't have an opinion unless they hold a certain title at a certain company? :nerd:
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