NT Detectives Help me identify who this woman really is. Vol. Catfish part 2

Sep 21, 2012
I met this "Girl" on Myspace like 6 years go. We would G-chat with each other all day at work about life relationships and what so on. Very intelligent cool person to talk to. She supposedly lives in NY and Im from Boston and frequent NY often. The few times I was supposed to link up with her in NY she magically disappeared. I always knew she was suspect but never cared because she was cool and helped me kill time at work and always gave me great advice about life. But lately shes saying she cares about me now and wants a relationship with me. And thats where I draw the line. Its cool to front with your online persona but dont try to play with someones emotions. Ive told her before that shes not who she says she is in her pics and It's time I find out the real person so I can confront her.


instagram Louiebaby
So this girl you've never met and would magically disappear wants a relationship?

Sorry to break it to you but she's a fat ugly chick using her attractive friends pictures :smh:
this is what ops dreams have become
Dreams were never crushed. I've confronted her about being suspect before. I've realized that for the past 3 years.  Now I know she stole all those pics from a Chick from Sweden. Funny She claimed to be Chilean and has a thick South American accent.
Can you go and find her and get it on video? Catfish part 2. I hope it's less depressing than the first movie :frown:. It was actually sad.
Dreams were never crushed. I've confronted her about being suspect before. I've realized that for the past 3 years.  Now I know she stole all those pics from a Chick from Sweden. Funny She claimed to be Chilean and has a thick South American accent.
Damn, 6 years? 4,000+ tweets? She's real dedicated to her internet persona .. being that, that's not really her.
Damn, 6 years? 4,000+ tweets? She's real dedicated to her internet persona .. being that, that's not really her.

Right. Idk, the whole thing is really suspect, but the thing that gets me is that you've carried on this odd relationship for SIX YEARS. This woman(?) either has a serious mental illness, or she could be some Swedish fashionista that's trying to find someone stupid enough to marry her into US citizenship... let's hope it's the latter.
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Right. Idk, the whole thing is really suspect, but the thing that gets me is that you've carried on this odd relationship for SIX YEARS. This woman(?) either has a serious mental illness, or she could be some Swedish fashionista that's trying to find someone stupid enough to marry her into US citizenship... let's hope it's the latter.
Ive always known it was weird but lt was mostly GChat a text here and there. We only spoke on the phone no more than 10 times in that six year span, We flirted but never was I consumed or thought I wanted a relationship or obsessed over her. We were cool and as odd as it was it killed time at work. But once she broke up with the boyfriend she claimed she had sh said she thinks we should be in a relationship. Thats when I knew the game had to end.
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