NT: Did your "favorite sport" change with age?

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

My favorite sport growing up was basketball, but now it's probably football.

That might have a lot to do with the Knicks sucking for almost 10 years.


my sports in order:
When I was younger, basketball was by far my favorite sport and basketball was a distant second. Now I would say I like basketball and baseball evenly.
Originally Posted by curt2121

no, formula 1 has been my favorite since i was a tiny tot.

We're talking about sports, not events/game/ whatever you want to call car racing
I've been playing basketball since I was 7...Played one year of football in high school... Basketball FTW..
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by JPZx

My favorite sports are basketball, football, and baseball.

If it's basketball season, then that's my favorite sports. If it's baseball season, that's my favorite sport..same with football. It just matters what season it is.
Basketball and football happen almost simultaneously... Say it's December when basketball and football are both going on... what's your favorite sport then?

Why choose? I'm with JPZ. My favorite changes with seasons. It isn't officially football season until the Twins are done, and it won't beofficially basketball until the Wolves are done. That's just the way I go about. Favorite? HA...I love sports.
Baseball was my sport until I was 15...loved it, our Summer Team went to the World Series in Omaha when I was 13 and 14. I loved baseball so much I onlybatted with wooden bats from Little League til I stopped playing.

I remember when I lost the love too, it was my Sophomore year Baseball and I was playing my 1st Varsity game and it was in March so it was still cold outsideand I slid into 2nd Base and got the biggest strawberry ever from sliding on what felt like concrete.

From that point on, Basketball was a year round sport for me and I even stopped watching MLB games on TV.

Now though I've been getting back to following the Cubs and the league as a whole.

But NBA reigns supreme with me
I LOVED basketball when i was younger, actually was sent to a couple a basketball camps cuz the local highschool coach told my moms i had the purest shot hehad ever seen out of a 10 year old. A little while later i was gonna play for my middleschool team but I had zero confidence in myself or abilities so I gaveup on basketball
. Then in highschool I discovered the track and field,its been the 100m, 200m and 400m dashes ever since
. I just recentlystarted picking up a basketball again and im 21. Every now and again I still get those flashes of my long lost shooting ability, giving up basketball was oneof the worst decisions I ever made.
I used to love to play/watch basketball before high school, but when I realized that I was too short to be good at it, I took up football and since then I haveloved playing and watching it.
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