NT, Do I Have A Case??? Vol. Unlawful Termination?

I think you formally quit the second you laid your hands on your boss

this isn't the World Wrestling Federation

I didn't lay hands on my boss, I stopped him from coming too close to me. And that isn't really even an issue. I don't see how that's so hard to understand.
There's a difference between quitting and getting fired ...

If you got fired/laid off/ reduction in hours, you can collect unemployment ..

If you quit you can't collect anything ...

Bring it up to the labor board and let them handle it ...
I didn't lay hands on my boss, I stopped him from coming too close to me. And that isn't really even an issue. I don't see how that's so hard to understand.
may not be an issue to you but on paper and in the words of your boss its gonna be the determining factor.... youre only seeing things from your perspective, to your boss and etc its gon appear as if you initiated physical contact and willfully quit by tossin all your ****...

listen to everyone else and keep it movin cause it aint gon be worth the trouble
as a temp, u get the short end of the stick. its basically your word verses the company and i believe the agency would tend to lean in the company's favor.

btw the company cant ask u to perform tasks that wasnt in your job description that you are under contract for, u could've reported that to the agency for what its worth
I got hired on to the company a month before this happened. I wasn't a temp anymore.

The whole thing with me touching my boss doesn't matter. They're saying I quit. If they tried to switch it up now, that's definitely a case.

Props to the dude who knows the difference between getting fired and quitting. This is gonna mess up my unemployment.
You got hired to do one job but you were given the duties of another and you agree to do so,you've already lost in my opinion.

I can't hire a plumber to do a cable mans job and if in all reality I could I then couldn't be mad at the results if things don't workout the way I wanted them to.

Suck it up and move on and never do that again.
You're a temp though...so you really don't have a job description set in stone. You have to roll with the punches. 
more often than not you're an at will employee...so no wrongful termination can happen and no extra compensation can occur once contract is over.
guess my question is do i have a case??? would it be worth my time???
For a temp position it wouldn't be worth your time. Only argument you could make for putting your hand in the way to block him was that you felt threatened. You said your boss was 5'8. I haven't a clue what your height is but this is a hard sell especially with a witness who will most likely agree with your former boss as a means of keeping his own job. The energy spent fighting for this would be better used calling up a new temp agency and getting placed somewhere else. 
There's a difference between quitting and getting fired ...

If you got fired/laid off/ reduction in hours, you can collect unemployment ..

If you quit you can't collect anything ...

Bring it up to the labor board and let them handle it ...
There's a difference between quitting and getting fired ...

If you got fired/laid off/ reduction in hours, you can collect unemployment ..

If you quit you can't collect anything ...

Bring it up to the labor board and let them handle it ...
plus you can't have your boss going around twisting the real story
I didn't lay hands on my boss, I stopped him from coming too close to me. And that isn't really even an issue. I don't see how that's so hard to understand.

*****, you talkin in semantics. 'stopping him from coming close to you' is the exact same thing as puttin on hands. should a never touched him my dude. When you a temp, take NOTHING for granted, not even your rights as a man. They can do you for spittin on the ground, much less layin hands. Take the L, learn from it and keep that **** movin.
They're are trying to have the "you quit" part on record so that you would not be able to receive unemployment. I'm pretty sure if you do apply for it, they would try to intervene and show that you quit since they have to pay a portion of it.
I don't understand why people keep saying he was a temp. He clearly states that he got put on in June meaning they brought him on FT. As far as your situation goes, you're looking to collect unemployment which is the only reason you're pursuing this. Unfortunately, when you took your backpack he perceived it as walking off of the job which means that you quit. What were you planning to do when you did that?
I didn't lay hands on my boss, I stopped him from coming too close to me. And that isn't really even an issue. I don't see how that's so hard to understand.

*****, you talkin in semantics. 'stopping him from coming close to you' is the exact same thing as puttin on hands. should a never touched him my dude. When you a temp, take NOTHING for granted, not even your rights as a man. They can do you for spittin on the ground, much less layin hands. Take the L, learn from it and keep that **** movin.
No its not stop it.
I don't understand why people keep saying he was a temp. He clearly states that he got put on in June meaning they brought him on FT. As far as your situation goes, you're looking to collect unemployment which is the only reason you're pursuing this. Unfortunately, when you took your backpack he perceived it as walking off of the job which means that you quit. What were you planning to do when you did that?
But he's still tied in with the agency.
I don't understand why people keep saying he was a temp. He clearly states that he got put on in June meaning they brought him on FT. As far as your situation goes, you're looking to collect unemployment which is the only reason you're pursuing this. Unfortunately, when you took your backpack he perceived it as walking off of the job which means that you quit. What were you planning to do when you did that?

Whether he took it as that or not, I never said I was quitting. I could've been going to my backpack to get my phone to call the big boss. He asked me for my badge, keys and phone. I gave it to him (tossed them) and left.
According to the Department of Labor, you were wrong for initiating unwelcomed contact that was physical. I know you are staying that's not the issue, but you don't put your hands on someone. Were you provoked? Im sure you were but that's where you step back and call the big boss right away and let him know whats going on. You were rebellious by laughing in a supervisors face and you were insubordinate when you refused to hand over your phone, keys, and badge. By tossing those items out in front of your supervisor, what message do you think that sent to them? You have a very weak case from the jump and it didn't help that you waited a few day to reveal your side of the story to the big boss because by that time the supervisor had already gotten into his ear. You only had the job for a month, chalk it up as an L and start the application process over again.  
I would tell you to collect that unemployment paper, get an off the books job and keep it moving. But then again, I think you need to have 6 months working in order to qualify
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