NT Do you remember your first crush?

Yupppp her name was Jennifer. Back in kindergarten-2nd grade. Skinny puny girl that I have no clue why I liked her.
Fourth grade. It was this black chick named Tiara.
 I transferred classes in the fall, because I hated how mean my former teacher was.

My new teacher would assign two students to do some tasks for her. These tasks weren't important at all; she would have students send messages back-and-forth to her friend who was a teacher, on post-it notes.

I was officially assigned to go with Tiara to carry out these tasks. I couldn't believe it. Like, of all the people to pair together, she chose me and Tiara.
This was clearly the beginning of our predestined fate in my eyes at the time.

We would joke around in the hallways and just waste time, before heading back. She once put her arm around mine, dragging me to do our job; words can't express how happy I was.

I found out she had a boyfriend around springtime.
My friend lives near her in the Bronx, and told me she has a child who is about 5-years-old now. 
Fourth grade. It was this black chick named Tiara.
 I transferred classes in the fall, because I hated how mean my former teacher was.

My new teacher would assign two students to do some tasks for her. These tasks weren't important at all; she would have students send messages back-and-forth to her friend who was a teacher, on post-it notes.

I was officially assigned to go with Tiara to carry out these tasks. I couldn't believe it. Like, of all the people to pair together, she chose me and Tiara.
This was clearly the beginning of our predestined fate in my eyes at the time.

We would joke around in the hallways and just waste time, before heading back. She once put her arm around mine, dragging me to do our job; words can't express how happy I was.

I found out she had a boyfriend around springtime.
My friend lives near her in the Bronx, and told me she has a child who is about 5-years-old now. 
2nd grade girl she was above average in 2nd grade i was lucky but she broke up with me. 10 years later i met her in college again shes becoming a model shes smoking hot!!! i would def smash i'll leave my girl for her any day, i would marry but shes has a bf and it looks serious.
2nd grade girl she was above average in 2nd grade i was lucky but she broke up with me. 10 years later i met her in college again shes becoming a model shes smoking hot!!! i would def smash i'll leave my girl for her any day, i would marry but shes has a bf and it looks serious.
yes 6th grade, she was an 8th grader.

rang her doorbell, dipped, and left roses in the front on valentines day. 

i was young at the time and wasnt ready, ended up smashing years later though.
yes 6th grade, she was an 8th grader.

rang her doorbell, dipped, and left roses in the front on valentines day. 

i was young at the time and wasnt ready, ended up smashing years later though.
--Yup. I bought her a Kudos bar in 7th grade during nutrition break and then smashed in the girls bathroom 5 mins later.
--Yup. I bought her a Kudos bar in 7th grade during nutrition break and then smashed in the girls bathroom 5 mins later.
Yup, 6th grade. 

Too bad she got seriously fat by the time we got to high school. Wasn't trying to get at that 
Yup, 6th grade. 

Too bad she got seriously fat by the time we got to high school. Wasn't trying to get at that 
2nd grade. I think I liked her because she liked me first. Reconnected in high school, but she has a man now.
2nd grade. I think I liked her because she liked me first. Reconnected in high school, but she has a man now.
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