
Mar 26, 2006
... have displaced anger syndrome?

I'm typing this right now with mom's all up in my ear after she got in to an argument with my brother and he shut the door so she couldn'tyap in his
I really don't appreciate this. Often it turns in to her bringing up irrelevant +*#@ involving me from real long ago. It'slike she has this "i'm mad already... I might as well make everyone else mad" additude and that's not even cool man... I'm just herechilling and you're messing up the mood

I just want to say "that's between you and him... keep me out of it" or "why are you doing this? you just want to hear youself speak",but that'll just add fuel to the fire.

Do any one else's parents do this? Or is it just mine

Another thing I wanted to bring up is society really needs to stop this "parents are always right" BS. Plenty of times during an argument i'djust walk away and throw the situation around over in my head and realise that i'm right... but that "parents must be right 100%" has gotten inher head and when I try to break it down logically it's like she plugs her fingers in her ears and recites "blah blah blah he can't be righti'm older than him".

I'm not saying that i'm always right but if you're wrong you're wrong... no matter what your relation is to me or how old you are. *PagingDirtylicious to insert politically correct response along the lines of "your parents ARE always right" *

Whatever... I got a little bit off track... just speaking my mind.

Chime in
Sounds like my dad some years ago...no matter what was going on if he was mad he was gonna DESTROY everyone's mood. Worse case scenario, he's pissy, myMa's pissy and someone actually messed up...I agree, def not appreciated. And I don't believe that parents are always right. That's not evenhumanly possible, don't buy that crap.
just want to say "that's between you and him... keep me out of it" or "why are you doing this? you just want to hear youself speak", but that'll just add fuel to the fire.
altho i agree with this....

YOu got to understand that no matter what (generally) ya moms is "right" meaning her house her rules. DEAL WITH IT!

edit: not always right, but if you point out that she is wrong, you're goonna increase the drama.
Sounds like my dad some years ago...no matter what was going on if he was mad he was gonna DESTROY everyone's mood. Worse case scenario, he's pissy, myMa's pissy and someone actually messed up...I agree, def not appreciated. And I don't believe that parents are always right. That's not evenhumanly possible, don't buy that crap.
yea, my friends dad is like that. Plus he is controlling too. My friend just got his internet, 360, wii, laptop, & cell phone back after 2 months of beingin trouble for not calling his dad to let him know where he was one day aferschool. It was his fault but that was OD

And my mom is ALWAYS right even when she is wrong...
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

My friend just got his internet, 360, wii, laptop, & cell phone back after 2 months of being in trouble for not calling his dad to let him know where he was one day aferschool. It was his fault but that was OD
Wow @ having all those things but being able to have it taken away. He better be overprotective with all that money he's dropping on the kid.
my pops dishes out whatever anger he ever haves on me, i've learned to take it, because my mom and sister can do no wrong in his eyes. the funny thingthough is my dad feels bad like 40mins later and always wants to apologize and i always wanna be like " its cool dad, i don't take you seriouslyanyway" but that would make him flip his lid again so i always just have to say its ok blah blah. i really hope when i have kids i can remember what ivegone thru and try to treat them as equals earlier in their life, in a sense of conversations and what not.
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

*Paging Dirtylicious to insert politically correct response along the lines of "your parents ARE always right" *

your parents aren't always right...but they have sacrificed and loved you over XX amount of years...a little slack on their own behavior neverhurts
Eh. It depends. My dad, I respected him 100% because he was the one working hard and being a good parent, even though he wasn't home that much. My mom?Jesus Christ, maybe she had good intentions but she made everyone around her miserable.
i dont think u can just say parents are guilty of this. people in general do it. you just notice that ur parents do it since u live with them.
Know exatly what you talking about. Seems like every weekday when my mom gets home from work shes heated, same my pops(well actually he like that all the timesmh). I can't even ask if she cooking dinner anymore, I'll just go out or into my room for like an hour till she cools down.
Originally Posted by newkidtadagame

Sounds like my dad some years ago...no matter what was going on if he was mad he was gonna DESTROY everyone's mood. Worse case scenario, he's pissy, my Ma's pissy and someone actually messed up...I agree, def not appreciated. And I don't believe that parents are always right. That's not even humanly possible, don't buy that crap.

Yeah, and I hate how easily influenced people, especially parents can be by that BS. It just breeds more ignorance.
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