NT, educate me on cameras. Ditching the old point and shoot

Dec 22, 2002
I'm looking to get a new camera to upgrade from the old digital camera I got YEARS ago.  What is a good camera to get for someone just starting out in photography?  I have no plans to try to become a professional or anything, but I want to get a camera that can take high quality photos.  So basically nothing overly expensive.

I want to be able to do photos like this at some point
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

You can do that with a digi cam + photoshop.

Thats not the only thing I want to do, just one of them.
I want to start taking better pictures and my old digital camera isn't able to do that as well as I'd like
If you want to get serious, pick up a last gen dSLR from canon or nikon, it'll be less expensive than jumping into it and going all out and buying a bunch of new high end gear. The good thing about Canon and Nikon is that you'll have about 40 years worth of lenses you can pick up as you go forward, some of them can be found for dirt cheap on ebay, but won't have as fancy optics and be able to get to a really low fstop as the newer stuff, but it worked for the older generations and it can still work today.
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